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  • Encouragement In The Face Of Problems

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Oct 29, 2016

    Have you ever wished that someone had given you encouragement when you really needed it? A few words of encouragement can really make our day brighter. We see an example of this in the reading from 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4,11-12.

    Have you ever wished that someone had given you encouragement when you really needed it? A few words of encouragement can really make our day brighter. We see an example of this in the reading from 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4,11-12. Knowing that his words would fill the Thessalonian believers with the more

  • Obscuring God

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jul 19, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    We need to see the Lord clearly. We need to see the Lord always before our faces. The only problem is that many of us are spiritually ADD and we allow the things of this world to obscure the face of the Lord. May the Lord help us to clear those away!

    Acts 2:22-25 (Let people find this while you say the following) In these verses Peter is in the middle of the recorded part of his sermon to those who were attracted to the sound of the might, rushing wind and to those proclaiming the wonders of God in foreign languages even though they were all more

  • Romans 7:14-25

    Contributed by Rev. Randy Barker on Oct 29, 2014


    Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. my sermon ideas and illustrations are often taken from many sources including those at, there could be instances where other more

  • God’s Power Through God’s People #2: Judas Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Dec 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A series of character sketches through the book of Acts - Judas.

    Acts 1:15-20 – God’s Power through God’s People #2: Judas Today we are continuing our series on the Book of Acts, stories of God moving through His people in order to make the world a better place. Now, when I introduced this last week, I mentioned that along the way we would encounter a scoundrel more

  • God’s Power Through God’s People #3: Peter Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Dec 5, 2011

    A series of character sketches through Acts - Peter.

    Acts 2:14-41 - God’s Power through God’s People #3: Peter Today we are continuing our series through the book of Acts. The whole book is about people who were used by God to take His message of forgiveness and grace to the world, to make a difference in people’s lives. Two weeks more

  • The Epistle To The Colossians Series

    Contributed by Denis O'callaghan Ph.d. ,th.d., D.d., D. Phil. on Jan 9, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Basics in the prison Epistles

    PAUL'S EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS QUOTATION: "And then the theme: Paul’s letter to the Colossians. In which he touches the very high-water mark of divinely revealed Truth, the Person and Glory of Jesus Christ" (Rev. James M. Gray. D.D.). ANALYZATION: I. THE AUTHOR OF THE EPISTLE: The Apostle more

  • Results Not Typical

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Nov 3, 2014
    based on 9 ratings

    People are fed up with empty claims and so we as the church, we have to present a different kind of life; an effective different kind of life

    TITLE: RESULTS NOT TYPICAL SCRIPTURE: ACTS 9:20-31 We live in a media saturated culture. Not only saturated with media, but saturated with advertising. Everywhere we look people are trying to sell us something. Seems like more and more websites that are free, now have some kind of advertisement more

  • A Risky Business

    Contributed by Martin Ellgar on Nov 16, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A perspective on Luke 5: 1-11. How does one give their life to Jesus? There is only one step. Listen to the Word of God. The rest is up to Jesus.

    Luke 5: 1-11 A Risky Business We have heard in our text a fishing story, the failures and success of catching fish. When we look at our picture with Jesus in the fishing boat it appears as if his hands have just cast out the net. But his net is one to catch the shoal of people that have gathered more

  • Bi-Polar Peter Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Sep 2, 2014

    In order to be a true Christian, one must embrace both the Person of Jesus and the Work of Jesus on the cross and in his resurrection.

    Bi-Polar Peter (Mark 8:27-33) 1. The term “Bi-Polar” often brings to mind a condition many suffer with, previously known as being “manic-depressive.” 2. But the term Bi-Polar often refers to a set of two extremes. Two sets of bi-polar tastes make up the foundation of more

  • Three Strikes But Not Out!

    Contributed by John Bartol on Jan 26, 2013

    Insights into the fall of Simon Peter through his threefold denial of Christ. How God used the crowing of a rooster, the look of Christ and the prayer of Christ to bring Peter back with tears of heartfelt repentance.

    Three Strikes But Not Out. In our Scripture readings we have seen this truth illustrated in the life of Peter, one of Jesus disciples. At the Last Supper, Jesus said to his disciples. “This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written: I will strike the more

  • Come And See

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jan 14, 2012

    What made Andrew and Philip special?

    A recent archaeological dig in Israel unearthed this rather interesting papyrus: A recent archaeological dig in Israel unearthed this rather interesting papyrus: To: Jesus bar Joseph, The Carpenter’s Arms, Nazareth village Galilee; From: The Ebenezer Management Consultants, more

  • The Unveiling Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by David Kosobucki on Oct 18, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This book, more than any other, led me to the Lord almost 40 years ago, so it has a gigantic place in my heart and my story of faith. Here is a look at the first chapter, which begins a series that will take us through the entire Apocalypse.

    The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Revelation 1 I began reading the book of Revelation almost 40 years ago, before I had even put my faith in Jesus Christ. We had a large, old, fancy Bible in the house and I began reading it, prompted by some music I was listening to that had a few biblical references. more

  • Unsung Heroes: Ananias Series

    Contributed by Sam Draper on Jul 9, 2012

    Because of his courage and obedience, Ananias is a model unsung hero.

    Unsung Heroes: Ananias Acts 9.10-19a Have you ever heard of Jeremy Lin? Some of you have, but many of you probably have not. Jeremy Lin is a basketball player in the NBA. He plays for the Knicks, but up until this past February, very few people had ever heard of him. No one thought he could more

  • In The Name Of! Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Aug 30, 2012

    A study of the Gospel of Mark 9: 38 – 41

    Mark 9: 38 – 41 In The Name Of! 38 Now John answered Him, saying, “Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us.” 39 But Jesus said, “Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My more

  • Celebration Of Freedom Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 13, 2012

    Today we will discover that the non-Christian world was deeply disturbed and determined to do everything possible to halt the spread of the gospel. When things are going well in the Church-look out! Satan will find a way to create problems.

    Celebration of Freedom Acts 12:1-16 Introduction Our study of Acts has been very exciting for me, and I hope that’s been true more

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