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  • The Ten Words PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 4, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon aims to explore the depth of God's character—His Sovereignty, Holiness, and Love—through the study of Exodus 20:1-20, emphasizing that understanding God is a lifelong journey of discovery.

    Good morning, church family! I'm delighted to see you all here, eager and ready to dive into God's Word. Today, we're going to explore an important passage in Exodus that will speak to us about God's Sovereignty, His Holiness, and His incredible Love for all of us. Before we move forward, let's more

  • Ten Words That Changed The World

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Mar 30, 2018

    A great message for Resurrection Day!

    Luke 23:34 I. FATHER - HE IDENTIFIED WHO HE WAS TALKING TO A. He cried out to the only one that could help Him through. 1. The Lord will be the help of His people. Isaiah 41:13 ESV - For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps more

  • The Ten Words (Exodus 20)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Aug 27, 2024

    Did Jesus reinforce the Ten Commandments in the letter or in the Spirit? Let's look at Exodus 20.

    The Ten Commandments or Ten Words have been a standard of conduct down through history. How did Jesus apply them, in the letter or the Spirit? Let’s look at Exodus 20. Then God spoke all these words: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt— from the house of slavery. You more

  • The Ten Words (Deuteronomy 5)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 24, 2024

    How do we apply the Ten Commandments as Christians? Let's look at Deuteronomy 5.

    Whether we number the Ten Words or Ten Commandments as do Jews, Catholics, Protestants or others, do we know them? Do they outline Deuteronomy and all 613 commandments of the law? Let’s look at Deuteronomy 5. How did Moses reintroduce the words of the covenant, what we also call the Ten more

  • The Ten Commandments: Ten Words The World Needs To Hear Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Apr 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Ten Words. The Ten most powerful words ever spoken. Ten simple but profund words that give divine direction for our relationship to God and man. Right response to God and man is the way to a whole and well life.

    Intro: A gray haired lady, long a member of her community and Church, shook hands with the minister after the service one morning. “That was a wonderful sermon, she told him, just wonderful. Everything you said applied to someone I know.” What is often missed is that God’s word applies to more

  • Obedience (Deuteronomy 4)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 22, 2024

    Are we obedient under the new covenant or disobedient as was ancient Israel under the old? Let's review Deuteronomy 4.

    What are biblical descriptions of divisions of the law? Were the Ten Commandments a covenant? Were they to personally teach their children and grandchildren or just send them to children’s church? Let’s look at Deuteronomy 4. Did the law (torah) contain commandments, statutes and judgments? Was more

  • The Ten Commandments (1 And 2) Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 5, 2021

    Let’s take a look at the Ten Words or Ten Commandments as they are also called. They are introduced by the words, “I am the Lord your God.” Let’s look at that in more depth.

    Let’s take a look at the Ten Words or Ten Commandments as they are also called. They are introduced by the words, “I am the Lord your God.” Let’s look at that in more depth. Exodus 20:2 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. The Exodus more

  • Word 9: Truth Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Aug 7, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Fish fables, politicians, it seems acceptable and expecte for people to lie today. God clealy calls us to truth and Jesus echos it with be people of honesty and integrity. IF we are God’s people we should be known as people of truth!

    The Ten Commandments: Ten Words The World needs to hear Word Nine: Truth Intro: Long before the great fish fables, long before politician became a synonym for liar, liar, God gave this ninth word. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” The original context of this more

  • Ten Bridesmaids

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 12, 2012

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit with the Word? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show the importance of the Holy Spirit with the Word in a believer's life. IV. TEXT: Matthew 25:2 (New Living Translati

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit with the Word? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show the importance of the Holy Spirit with the Word in a believer's life. IV. TEXT: Matthew 25:2 (New Living Translation, Second Edition) Five of them were foolish, and five more

  • The Ten Commandments Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 18, 2021

    When you appear before a holy God, you would no more approach Him than you would walk into shark-infested waters. When God appears in front of you and you tremble in awestruck fear, it is a wise thing to call for a mediator to stand between you and He.

    Today we begin a new series entitled simply, The Ten Commandments. Today’s Scripture And God spoke all these words, saying, 2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 3 “You shall have no other gods before me. 4 “You shall not make for more

  • Word One: Just Jehovah Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Apr 22, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The first word of the ten words out of the mouth of God from the finger of God calls for a decision on our part. It is not popular, politically correct but it is pure truth. I am the Lord your God have no other God’s before me. It is Just Jehovah. He

    Intro: One cartoon depicts Moses standing on top of God’s Mountain, holding the two tablets of the Ten Commandments. The prophet is beaming. “Hey these are great.” He says enthusiastically, “From now on nobody will have trouble distinguishing right from wrong.” We know that is not true today! more

  • Base Ten Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Dec 2, 2000
    based on 93 ratings

    Introduction to Sermon Series on the 10 Commandments: Why God gave them, what they say about God, what they say about people.

    How many of you like murder mysteries? It’s one of the most popular genres around. I myself have been a major fan of murder mysteries for years. I excuse the habit because Dorothy Sayers approved of them (She not only wrote the Lord Peter Wimsey mystery stores but was also a rather brilliant more

  • Word 8: Stewardship Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Aug 7, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    God Clearly says hands off other peoples stuff. Is it merely taking things that God says not to? It is so much more. God’s word clearly shows us that stealing is rejecting God!

    Intro: This is another no brainer. Don’t take things that do not belong to you. You would think that all people would respect other’s belongings. How can we in a society that believes that we evolved from some fish like thing that crawled out of the primordial ooze? How can we in a society that more

  • The Purposes Of The Ten Commandments Series

    Contributed by Manny Salva Cruz on Jun 7, 2015

    In our present society when many people often ignore the basic foundations of God's Word, it is good to revisit the giving of the Law to Moses and understand the main reasons why God put great emphasis in it.

    THE PURPOSES OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS SCRIPTURE READING: Exodus 20:18-21 (NIV) "18 When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance 19 and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will more

  • God's Top Ten Series

    Contributed by Roger Thomas on Feb 16, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    I want to call each of you to commit yourself to helping strengthen the foundations that make our families strong and secure. I know of no better way to do this than to return to the very beginning. Let’s review the Ten Commandments. I know I am preach

    Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO Family Classics Series 2006 God’s Top Ten: Strengthening the Foundation Exodus 20:1-17 It happens unexpectedly. The process actually takes place slowly over weeks, and months, even years. On the surface, everything more

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