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  • Jesus Teaches Disciples To Pray

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Aug 15, 2006
    based on 35 ratings

    Pentecost 10(C) - Jesus teaches disciples to pray when he encourages the believer to Ask, Seek, Knock.

    JESUS TEACHES DISCIPLES TO PRAY August 13, 2006 - PENTECOST 10 - Luke 11:1-13 * * * * * * * * * Fellow-Redeemed, Saints in the Lord: Today the Lord wants to teach us. Last week Jesus invited us to come and sit at his feet. This week, he invites us to more

  • What Will You Teach Them?

    Contributed by Scott Delashaw on Dec 30, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A Tremdous Need To Teach Children About Everything Through The Filter Of The Scripture.

    * God spoke tese thoughts to me one Sunday morning as we drove the 12 miles to church. I saw parents playing ball with their children. I saw one man teaching his son how to mow with the riding mower. We are teaching our children if only by example or simply by default. As Gods people, what will we more

  • Does The Bible Teach On The Rapture?

    Contributed by Pastor Michael Salman on Jul 26, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    There is so many teachings on the Rapture. So many people believe it and so many teachers and preachers preach it but what does the bible say about a rapture?

    Does the bible teach that there is a Rapture? There are churches and so many that teach on this doctrine called the Rapture. The purpose of the doctrrie of the Rapture is based on the premise that God will not allow His beleivers to enter a time of tribulation and judgement on the earth. That more

  • Extra Ordinary Jesus - Teachings Series

    Contributed by Nicky Evans on Aug 7, 2011

    Part 7 of our study looking at the Extra Ordinary man Jesus.

    So far in our study of Jesus we have seen that, even though He was just as much a man as we are here He was truly extra ordinary! From His origins which can be traced back through Scripture to the very beginning of time and before, to His birth and purpose and how He lived His life! Today I want us more

  • Lord, Teach Us To Pray Series

    Contributed by Rev. Moses Assniyi on Apr 16, 2011

    in the acknowledgement of the prayer life of Jesus, the disciples desired to know how to pray and asked Jesus to teached them how to pray effectively.

    TEXT: MATHEW 6:5-8; Luke 11:1 Title: lord, teach us to pray Introduction: Prayer is one of the greatest acts of the Christian. It is an act of fellowship with God. The concern of Jesus here is not whether we do pray or not but the motive behind the prayer. The disciples have taken notice of more

  • Lord, Teach Us To Pray!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 12, 2014

    Power and anointing on Jesus was the result of Jesus being shut with His Father all through the night, after He walks out of His prayer closet, He makes some crucial decisions of selecting 12 disciples for His ministry.

    Lord, teach us…. Luke 11:1 “Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples." The anointing of prayer, rubbed off on His disciples too, as they pleadingly more

  • Fruit Of The Spirit Teaching Series Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on May 12, 2014

    This is an in depth study of the characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit of JOY.

    Fruit of the Spirit—JOY (3 lessons) Series: Fruit of the Spirit Teaching Series Chuck Sligh February 2, 9, 16; March 16, 23; April 6, 13, 2014 (Note to readers: This study borrows from sources I no longer have or remember who they were. If you know to whom I can attribute some of the ideas more

  • Lord, Teach Me To Pray

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on May 23, 2014

    Prayer the centerfold on every table of faith leads us to a far greater understanding than commonly known of our faith and convictions. We abide in the power, love and sound mind of Christ Jesus who revolutionized God's love in a radical movement of faith

    LORD, Teach Me To Pray by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (May 23, 2014) “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7, King James Version, KJV [A charge to Timothy]) “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: more

  • Lord, Teach Us To Pray

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Mar 11, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Prayer is the most powerful weapon for combat against our corrupt, secular world. We can't survive without prayer. The best way to honour God is to pay attention and be careful how we live our lives.

    A priest, a minister and a guru were discussing the best positions for prayer while a telephone repairman worked nearby. "Kneeling is definitely the best way to pray," the priest said. "No," the minister said, "I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven." "You're both more

  • Lord Teach Us To Pray

    Contributed by Charles R. Peck on Mar 21, 2014

    Prayer is the very life's breath for the true Christian.

    Lord teach us to Pray Luke 11:1/4 In verse nine Jesus said, “And I say unto you, ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Prayer is talking with God and taking the time to listen, He may speak in an audible voice, or through His more

  • The Bible Teaches By Word-Plays Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 7, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    There are many forms of the Word of God, by which God teaches us of His intention to bring us into eternal union with Jesus, the Bridegroom.

    Monday of 14th Week in Course Verbum Domini The Word of God is changeless. First, the content of the Word of God is always the same–Love poured out for human beings, for us all. Second, the person of the Word of God is always the same, Jesus Christ, the enfleshment of the Father’s more

  • Teaching Your Children To Pray

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Aug 17, 2012

    Mother's Day 2012 - Teaching your children to pray. - Drawn from the Lord's Prayer

    MOTHERS DAY 2012 This past Tuesday was teacher appreciation day. In recognition of that, we would like to say a hearty “Thank You” to Mike. Right now I believe you are the only public school teacher we have attending here. We appreciate what you do, and the Christian witness you more

  • Preach And Teach Gods Kingdom

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Mar 3, 2013

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you preach GOD's Kingdom? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that as believers we need to preach and focus CHRIST JESUS as our message IV. TEXT: Acts 28:31 (New Living Translation, Second Edition

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you preach GOD's Kingdom? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that as believers we need to preach and focus CHRIST JESUS as our message IV. TEXT: Acts 28:31 (New Living Translation, Second Edition) boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching more

  • Teach Me Your Stautes

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 9, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    How to keep our ways pure.

    TEACH ME YOUR STATUTES. Psalm 119:9-16. The question is posed: “How shall a young man keep His way pure?” (Psalm 119:9a). Before we look at the answer, we might consider who this young man is? The Psalmist seems to be putting himself, and us, in the position of the son (i.e. student) in Proverbs more

  • Be Devoted To The Teaching Of God's Word Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jul 22, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 2nd sermon in the "Changing Your Spiritual Appetite" series.

    Series: Changing Your Spiritual Appetite [#2] BE DEVOTED TO THE TEACHING OF GOD’S WORD Acts 4:1-2 Introduction: Last week we began this series, “Changing Your Spiritual Appetite”. I pray that this series begins a transformation not just in Bel Aire; but more importantly in each of our more

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