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  • "Let God Heal Your Painful Past" Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Mar 18, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    We become changed people when Christ touches our life and we have a new identity

    Iliff and Saltillo UM Churches January 12, 2003 Let God Heal Your Painful Past How to: Take on a New Identity Judges6:11-24 INTRODUCTION: Today’s scripture talks about the most unlikely person in the world to be a leader and deliverer of Israel. Gideon at this point had a painful past that more

  • "Taking On A New Identity In Christ"

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Aug 10, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    Too many times we allow old labels to stick tightly even after we have come to Christ. How can we get old negative labels off so that we can become what Christ intended for us to be?

    Iliff and Saltillo UM Churches Dr. Marilyn S. Murphree August 14, 2005 Taking on a New Identity in Christ Judges6:11-24 INTRODUCTION: Today’s scripture talks about the most unlikely person in the world to be a leader and deliverer of Israel. Gideon at this point had a painful past that he was more

  • Trusting God Who Can Give You Peace Series

    Contributed by Clinton Smith on Jul 14, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Peace is God holding you together while everything else around you is falling apart.

    Jehovah Shalom – The Lord Who Is Peace Judges 6:22-24 Martin R De Haan II in his booklet: “Surviving the Storms of Stress”, tells a story of a woman named Nancy. Nancy’s glass of stress is full and overflowing. Wedged between the demands of single-parenting, a rebellious son, and managing an more

  • Hiding In Or Or You Helping"

    Contributed by Kevin Keeling on Mar 20, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    Judges 6:1-24

    Hiding in or or you helping" Judges 6:1-24 I. Call of Gideon (vv.1-13) A. The circumstances B. Gideon’s doubts II. Commission of Gideon (vv. 14,15) A. "Go in this thy strength" B. God’s presence makes us mighty. C. Weakness not an excuse, but rather qualification. III. Companionship for Gideon more

  • Growing While You Are Groaning

    Contributed by Dwayne Williams on Sep 8, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    this sermon is to encourage the people of God that no matter what you are going thru you still can grow in the midst of the pain

    Growing while you are groaning Judges 6:11 -23 Pretext come from Judges 6:1-6 I want to define two words before I move on with today’s topic real quickly. 1. Groaning is a word define by the English dictionary as making an inarticulate noise or an unusual sound which is cause by Pain or more

  • Show Me A Sign!

    Contributed by Kevin Cummins on Jan 9, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    It talks about three reasons why asking God for a sign is not pleasing to Him.

    Whenever I am driving to a place that I’m not familiar with I am a person who needs signs. I can follow good directions with anyone. But even with directions in hand I get uncomfortable if I don’t see a sign for where I’m going. My wife can always tell when I’m a little concerned or nervous more

  • The God Of Peace: Jehovah Shalom Series

    Contributed by Tony Klinedinst on Mar 21, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    This is part 5 of a series examining the OT names of God.

    Who is God? A God of Peace: The Calling of Gideon (Jehovah Shalom) Judges 6-7 I. If you don’t have the peace of God, you don’t have real peace. (6:1-10) A. The Problems of Israel. 1. The Midianites. Who were they? a. Compare them to The Magnificent Seven: - Mexican more

  • Waiting For God's Salvation Series

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Nov 14, 2003
    based on 5 ratings

    A spectacular mystery is the apparent truth that God uses the least likely and yet the most available person to actively become a part of His work of salvation and deliverance

    Great mysteries abound when it comes to the things of God. A spectacular mystery is the apparent truth that God uses the least likely and yet the most available person to actively become a part of His work of salvation and deliverance. We see this over and over in scripture. The least becomes more

  • The Shining Light In A Plain Jar

    Contributed by David Hicks on Nov 16, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    What does it mean to carry about in our broken vessels the Light of the world?

    THE SHINING LIGHT IN A PLAIN JAR 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 Hidden away on a high shelf in my closet I keep a small box. This box is worn down and broken from 50 years of use. But it is the most priceless thing I own. If I were to lose this box, I would literally tear my home apart to find it. If it more

  • Feed Your Faith

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Oct 9, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Feed your faith on: 1. God’s unwavering attention (vs. 8-12). 2. Our unseen allies (vs. 13-18). 3. Our undeserved assistance (vs. 19-23).

    Feed Your Faith 2 Kings 6:8-23 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - October 7, 2012 *Christian, have you ever felt like you had too much faith? -- No, of course not. And I think you never will. Even if you have been a Christian for 50 years, most people would say: “I need more more

  • God, Grasshoppers, And A Barley Cake Series

    Contributed by Richard Bell on Dec 1, 2000
    based on 101 ratings

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed and helpless to do anything about it?

    GOD, GRASSHOPPERS AND A BARLEY CAKE Judges 7:8-14 INTRODUCTION: Many times circumstances seem overwhelming like grasshoppers, while at the same time we feel as helpless as a muffin (barley cake). It is reassuring to know that man’s strength and man’s host mean nothing to God. God is your refuge more

  • "Never Take A Knife To A Gun Fight!”

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 6, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    This is about spiritual warfare, about the dangers of being unprepared for spiritual battles. What makes the difference between defeat & victory? Here's five differences between spiritual champions and spiritual weaklings.

    “NEVER TAKE A KNIFE TO A GUN FIGHT!” 1 Sam. 17 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Pharaoh fought an expensive war and his country was bankrupt. He had a very valuable diamond so he decided to pawn it to float his country for about a year. 2. So he took the Star diamond down to the largest pawn shop in more

  • Nine Principles For Powerful Prayer

    Contributed by David Hysong on Sep 27, 2016
    based on 9 ratings

    Biblical principles to take a person's prayer life to the next level

    Nine Principles for Powerful Praying Preface- Prayer is a mystery- Almighty God does NOT need our help but He gives us the joy of partnering with Him! (Father/Son mowing grass or Mother/Daughter baking a cake) Prayer is the foundation for all life changing more

  • Follwers Are Not Neutral Series

    Contributed by Grady Henley on Nov 4, 2011

    Follwers are not Neutral

    Followers Are Not Neutral Grady Henley Lesson 04 of the Follow Me Series Key Verses: 1 Tim 3:14 These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly: 1 Tim 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of more

  • A Living Faith (Hebrews 11)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on May 27, 2024

    Did the patriarchs and matriarchs of old leave us an example of a living faith or empty belief? Let's discuss this in Hebrews 11.

    Is faith the assurance of things hoped for, the proof of things not yet seen? Did the patriarchs and matriarchs have a faith that pleased God? Do we believe that God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him? Let’s discuss this in Hebrews 11. What is faith? Did faith make the ancient more

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