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  • Just Suppose

    Contributed by Johnny Knight on Jan 27, 2010
    based on 1 rating


    JUST SUPPOSE Text: Matthew 18:11 Suppose that Christ had not been born That far away Judean morn! Suppose that God, Whose mighty hand,Created worlds, had never planned a way for men to be redeemed! Suppose that wise men only dreamed that guiding star whose light still glows down through the more

  • "you're Supposed To Pay But You Don't Have To"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Sep 14, 2019

    Paul tells us that grace is available to all you are suppose to pay but you don't have to.

    1 Timothy 1:12-17. “You’re supposed to pay but you don’t have to” 1. Paul begins by saying “12 I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord,” Why is Paul grateful? • He admitted to Timothy that he was “a blasphemer, a persecutor and a man of violence” • Paul was a blasphemer — He was against Christ. In more

  • Christians Are Supposed To Be Different!

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jul 17, 2011
    based on 124 ratings

    If we don't handle bitterness & hostility differently than the way the world handles them, then we have not learned what it means to be a Christian.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK A. I'm preaching this morning on the subject of "forgiveness," & this seems to be one of the most difficult subjects for many people to deal with. You see, I'm more

  • Easter Is Suppose To Hurt

    Contributed by Amiri Hooker on Mar 29, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This is a Easter sermon dealing with the pain of Good Friday its connection with the pain of Easter and the Joy of the Resurrected Christ.

    Easter moves us from Friday to Sunday, from death to new life. Friday, in Christian reckoning, is a null-point wherein the power of God is defeated by the empire of force. But the church has found in that Friday shut-down the transformative work of God. It is a Friday truth that suffering love more

  • Sing Like You Are Supposed To

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Apr 30, 2002
    based on 57 ratings

    We sing to the Lord!

    SING LIKE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO Ephesians 5:19 S: Music Th: Prayer: A Passion for His Presence Pr: WE SING TO THE LORD! ?: How? KW: Expressions TS: We will find in our study of Scripture, and specifically Ephesians 5:19, three expressions of how we sing to the Lord. The ____ expression of how we more

  • What Are We Supposed To Remember?

    Contributed by Jim Kane on May 29, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    We are to remember courage, responsibility, committment and sacrifice.

    (Overhead 1) Introduction - "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote this poem in 1861 and according to the website at James Madison University where it was posted, Longfellow wrote it to arouse patriotism as the Civil War began. If this is more

  • "We Are Not Suppose To Fit In"

    Contributed by Martin & Elder Nedra Wilson on Nov 13, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    We live in a world where for the most part everybody feels the pressure to fit in. This starts at a very early age. We even have 4 & 5 year olds trying to get their parents to buy the in styles.

    "We are not Suppose to fit in" Matt. 5:1-2 2 Cor. 6:17-18 We live in a world where for the most part everybody feels the pressure to fit in. This starts at a very early age. We even have 4 & 5 year olds trying to get their parents to buy the in styles. On our jobs we feel the need to find more

  • This Wasn't Suppose To Happen Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Nov 18, 2014

    If the story of Ruth was adapted for the silver screen it would contain all the parts necessary for a blockbuster. Sudden trouble, tragedy, death, rags-to-riches.

    Unlocking Your Life’s Destiny Series Seven Sermons from the Book of Ruth (Inspired from Perry Stone’s Book, Lay It On Me) June 29, 2014 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A This summer there have been some huge movies that have made some major bank; more

  • Church. The Way Its Supposed To Be Series

    Contributed by Donald Minshew on Jul 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Discusses the biblical admonitions related to the Lord’s church

    Church. The Way it’s supposed to be. Colossians 2:4-7 Five characteristics of a church that pleases God. It is: 1. Perceptive enough to withstand sweet talk § We will never deny that worldly wisdom is arguable. Robertson -The art of persuasion is the height of oratory, but it easily degenerates more

  • How Is A Prisoner Supposed To Act?

    Contributed by James May on Nov 30, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    As a prisoner of Christ we are to walk worthy of the call of God upon our lives. How can we do so? If we learn this lesson we will learn the true meaning of life itself.

    How is a Prisoner Supposed to Act? By Pastor Jim May Ephesians 4:1-7, "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavoring to keep the more

  • What Are We Supposed To Remember? Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on May 1, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    Four things to remember as we participate in communion. These four things can make a meaningful difference in how to receive His help in our times of need.

    May, 2007 Communion Sermon What Are We Supposed to Remember? Luke 22:1-20 Focus: “…this do in remembrance of me.” Luke 22:19 INTRODUCTION: We had a speaker at our school who lived in Duncan Falls when he was in third grade. I didn’t recognize his name, and I was looking forward to meeting more

  • Suppose You Were The Devil

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 22, 2022

    On some of the talk shows, like “Hannity and Colmes” on the Fox News Channel, we hear folks debating things and now and then they come to a topic that they both agree on.

    To make the debate more exciting, one of them will say, "Let me play the devil’s advocate and ask you this question.” Then they will state the opposing view, to add some life to the debate. As believers, we all agree on many things when it comes to God, the Bible, and the church. Let me more

  • Suppose You Were The Devil

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 30, 2022

    One of the alarming things that is taking place today in America is the amount of businesses that are closing down daily.

    Some are closing: (1) Due to Covid 19 (2) Some due to the shipping of jobs to other countries (3) Some due to inflation (4) Some due to supply If this trend continues some fear there will not be enough businesses for the citizens of this country to find a place of employment to feed their more

  • Awol --- Absent Without Leave, Suppose

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Feb 4, 2022

    David ask: HOW ARE THE MIGHTY FALLEN! Awol means absent without leave. How soon can we leave the battle and not be where God has called us.

    ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE… AWOL… SUPPOSE BY Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Two part HAVE WE EVER HEARD: A LINE DRAWN IN THE SAND? ARE YOU FOR US OR AGAINST US? Matthew 12:30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. 2 Timothy 2:4 more

  • Hell - Just Suppose It's Real

    Contributed by Danny Anderson on Oct 27, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    35% of Baptists; 54% of Presbyterians, 58% of Methodists, and 60% of Episcopalians do not believe there is a literal place called hell! Worse yet is the fact that 71% of the students studying to be ministers

    HELL: Just Suppose It is Real TEXT: Mark 9:43-48 INTRODUCTION: Recent surveys conducted among church-going folks concluded that only a small minority actually believe in a literal hell. The survey concluded that 35% of Baptists; 54% of Presbyterians, 58% of Methodists, and 60% of Episcopalians more