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  • Except

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Mar 21, 2019

    Several Scriptures that contain the word "except" are pulled out and examined.

    EXCEPT I. DEFINING EXCEPT A. Webster's Concise Dictionary Except --- 1. To leave or take out; exclude; omit. 2. To object; take exception; with to. With the exception of; save; but. 1. Informal But for the fact that; only 2. Archaic Unless B. Old Testament ---Hebrew 1. more

  • Stop Raging Series

    Contributed by Bobby Oliver on May 14, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    The rage of the wicked has them deceived, their rage is against God Almighty, and their rage is the wrong response.

    Stop Raging Psalm 2:1-12 - We’re continuing our study through the book of Psalms. - This week, we’re going to look at the rage of unbelievers against God. - I’m reminded of an incident that happened back when I was in Middle School. - In gym class, we were playing flag football. - It was supposed more

  • God's Greatest Dream

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Jun 19, 2018

    A focus on creation

    God’s Greatest Dream Today is the first Sunday of a new year, 2005 - and it is only the second day of the year. We have a new, fresh year ahead of us, and what we make of it will determine the character and qualities we possess at the end of the year. Many people fill their days at the turn of more

  • Our Month Of Divine Favour

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Mar 25, 2020

    welcome you with great delight in the name of the Lord Jesus to our month of Divine Favour. I pray that your years of toiling and disfavour will evaporate like vapour this month in Jesus name. (Psalm 30:5.)

    welcome you with great delight in the name of the Lord Jesus to our month of Divine Favour. I pray that your years of toiling and disfavour will evaporate like vapour this month in Jesus name. (Psalm 30:5.) I pray that favour will give you divine acceleration, that instead of crawling to achieve more

  • How To Get Ready For Our Hard Goodbyes (Part 3) Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 9, 2018

    God's Word has the power! 1. To give us Christian growth (vs. 32). 2. To inspire Christian giving (v. 33-35). 3. To soothe Christian grief (vs. 36-38).

    How to Get Ready for Our Hard Goodbyes (Part 3) The Book of Acts - Part 74 Acts 20:32-38 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Feb. 15, 2015 BACKGROUND: *Remember that Acts 20 was a pivotal time in the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul. In these verses Paul reflected on the past. more

  • #3 - Why Is This King On A Cross? Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on May 27, 2016

    What is the significance of the cross? Why the cross? Why did Jesus die?

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS SERMON AVAILABLE WITH POWERPOINT IN RESOURCE DOWNLOAD! This sermon (and several hundred others) are available for download. > Microsoft Word > Most with handouts More info: or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What is the more

  • Hot Buttons Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jan 22, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Say certain things and you will hit people's "hot button" causing them to quickly react emotionally! Preachers in the Bible had a habit of hitting people's hot buttons. When they did, they were presented with a choice between God's way or man's way.

    Hot Buttons Series: Acts Chuck Sligh January 21, 2018 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at TEXT: Acts 22:17-24 - "And it came to pass, that, when I was come again to Jerusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance; 18 more

  • Real Peole , Real Problems A Study Of 1 Samuel Part 4b, Knowing God Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Jul 3, 2017

    Part 4b of our real people real problem series from 1st Samuel

    Real People – Real Problems A study of 1 Samuel Part 4b “Knowing God” “The Philistine view” Last week we began a series within a series in our Real People- Real Problems series Called Knowing God I would venture to say a more accurate description to the problem being addressed is “Not more

  • American Idols Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jun 1, 2017

    Teaching on Idolatry in Modern America

    American Idols 10 Commandment Series CCCAG May 28th, 2017 Scripture-Exodus 20:4-6 The Miracle on 54th Street As you know Tammie and I came from Kenosha Wisconsin, and lived through an interesting time in our city in 1991. There was a revival group that had started among the local Catholic’s that more

  • The Best Barn Of All

    Contributed by Lisa Skogsrud on Aug 20, 2019

    We can avoid the problems in The Parable of the Rich Fool by building a "discipleship granary" to store the riches of God's grace that are ours in Jesus Christ.

    Sermon Luke 12:13-21 for Pentecost +8C, August 4, 2019 I don't know where the time has gone, but here we are in August, and the summer is more than half over! The days are still hot enough, but you've noticed the nights getting longer already, haven't you? The short growing season we more

  • Shame In Shechem Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Feb 24, 2021

    Don’t compromise in your commitment to the Lord nor with the godless culture that surrounds you, lest you be consumed by it.

    There is an old Russian parable about a hunter who came to a clearing and encountered a bear. The hunter raised his rifle to shoot when the bear said, “Wait, what do you want?” The hunter replied, “A fur coat.” “That’s reasonable,” answered the bear. “I want a full stomach. Let’s sit down and more

  • Revelation (Part 8) Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Feb 28, 2024

    In Revelation 13, we uncover the Imagery of the Beast, the Intent of the Beast, and the Identity of the Beast.

    (Part 8) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 11/19/2017 If you’re just joining us, we are eight weeks into the curious and often confusing book of Revelation. As enigmatic as Revelation may be, I hope you’ve found this series both enlightening as encouraging. And I hope you’ll more

  • Generational Curses

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Mar 1, 2005
    based on 74 ratings

    Due to misinterpretations of God’s Word people have developed the concept of Generational Curses in order to try to blame God for their wrong doing. This lesson explains how Generational curses are not Biblical at all.

    “Generational Curses” by Elder Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. One of the most misinterpreted scriptures of the Bible has caused much confusion for many years. It has been the catalyst for many false teachings that are taught in some churches today. It has caused people that are filled with the precious more

  • January 6, 2021: The Attack Upon Democracy's Citadel

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Jan 13, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    How do we explain unrest in America? The answer was given years ago on May 30, 1804, by Samuel Kendall, a preacher addressing the Massachusetts Legislature. Herein is reprinted that important sermon, largely in its entirety.

    On January 6, 2021, the world witnessed the shameful spectacle of thousands of Americans storming their capitol building in an attempt to disrupt the proceedings of Congress. Many of these persons carried American flags and some displayed Christian testimonies, all convinced, apparently, of the more

  • Christ's Perspective On Fear Series

    Contributed by Miles Anderson on Apr 6, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    What should we think of fear? Lets look to Jesus for the answer.

    #MATTHEW 10 SERIES #3/ CHRIST’S PERSPECTIVE ON FEAR Introduction: Last week we spoke on the mixed messages that can bombard us, and I believe every one else can be receiving mixed messages. Mixed messages are a problem and in the life of the disciple it can be a scary world as Satan sends us mixed more

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