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  • The Mind Of Christ

    Contributed by John White on Jul 13, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    There can be no doubt about the sort of mind the Christian should have. Christ-like motives, attitudes, thoughts, purpose and priorities can only prevail in a Christ-like mind.

    The Mind Of Christ Philippians 2:5-13 "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus; Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And more

  • Why Does A Loving God Allow Suffering? Series

    Contributed by Brad Stone on Jun 21, 2024

    We all have ask the question of how a God who loves and is omnipotent could allow certain events that result in suffering to occur. In this message, I try to answer that question and bring hope to people who may be suffering.

    Biblical Answers to Life’s Tough Questions: Why Does a Loving God Allow Suffering? Romans 8:22 1 Peter 5:10 How many of you have ask this very question before? I know that I have. I have questioned why an omnipotent God doesn’t stop certain events from happening. We realize and have faith that more

  • The Via Dolorosa – The Universality Of Suffering (5/12) Series

    Contributed by Eduardo (Eddie) Fernandes on Jun 17, 2020

    Suffering is universal. Everyone experiences it. None escape it. It is part and parcel of the human condition. Many Evangelicals love to focus on “health/wealth/blessings” forgetting to teach the other “side of the coin”. As such people are ill-equipped to deal with life’s many harsh blows.

    Message by Pr. Eddie Fernandes Introduction Hold On Video (lights off…video begins…video ends…lights on…Eddie & Marta on stage) Hold on! How many of you need to take hold of God’s hand this morning because you are struggling? Life hasn’t been easy. Perhaps you’ve lost your job. Maybe the more

  • Putting On Christ Series

    Contributed by Rickey Bennett on Aug 19, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Put on Christ is so that people can see Christ in us and give glory to him and his saving work on the cross.

    INTRODUCTION Please turn in your Bibles to Colossians 3:1-11. Last week we examined verses 1-11 of this chapter which have to do with putting away or putting to death sin in our lives. This is something that we’ll want to do and that we’re called to do if we’ve really been raised to life with more

  • Walk With Christ

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 4, 2011

    In the calling of Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow Jesus we see a lesson for all who would follow Him that 1) A Disciple shows Diligence (Matthew 4:18–20) and 2) A Disciple shows Determination (Matthew 4:21–22)

    This week, in an apparent delusional rant, Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi warned western nations not to get involved in what he said was an internal Libyan affair. He said that western interference would result in another Vietnam, of extended loss of life. The world community is considering more

  • Alive With Christ

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Oct 14, 2016
    based on 37 ratings

    To establish one must die before they can be made alive with Christ. In this lesson we will affirm that new life and salvation by grace, is acquired through the faith of Jesus Christ.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. Died with Christ 2. Alive with Christ 3. Loved by Christ Remarks. 1. In our lesson today we will be discussing the theme: “Alive with Christ.” In this phrase the Apostle Paul describes his life in Christ. Notice: “I am crucified with Christ: more

  • The Church Of Christ

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Jan 22, 2016

    The love of Christ Jesus prevailed evn in the pervasive darkness of man's denial of God's love for the world and God's promise failing to accept the time of change because of their blindness to the faith of Christ Jesus.

    THE CHURCH OF CHRIST by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (January 22, 2016) “Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go” (Isaiah 48:17, King James more

  • Pictures Of Christ Series

    Contributed by James Lyons on Aug 3, 2022

    Part II in a series on the book of Jonah

    As we begin looking toward our mission conference in a couple of months, I want to share some thoughts with you from the book of Jonah – a prophet who ran from God to avoid carrying a divine warning to the people of Nineveh. Jonah undoubtedly feared the bloodthirsty Ninevites, but in more

  • Keeping Christ In Christ (Part 2)

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Dec 14, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Even as the wise men kept Christ at the center of their lives, we can keep Christ at the center of Christmas, and our lives.

    Last week we began a series entitled “Keeping Christ In Christmas.” This series is based on the controversy swirling around our society concerning the word Christmas. There are some who would just as soon remove the word Christ from Christmas. They prefer to say merry Xmas. There are others who get more

  • How To Be Ready For Christ’s Return

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on May 21, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Harold Camping has many people wondering if Jesus will come back today. Only the Father knows the time of Christ’s return. We can however, live in a constant stauts of preparation, and in this area, the Bible DOES say so!

    Sermon Notes May 21, 2011 FBCam How To Be Ready for Christ’s Return 2 Peter 3:14-18 Today, we learned something that we knew as soon as Harold Camping’s prediction was made. Jesus was not returning on May 21, 2011. You don’t have to be a great Bible scholar to understand the words of Matthew more

  • From Christmas To Christ-Must Series

    Contributed by Ritchie Guerrero on Dec 11, 2020

    Christmas – is a religious Holiday once a year, Dec 25, whereas ChristMust – is a daily surrendering of life to Jesus Christ.

    From ChristMAS to ChristMUST Christmas – is a religious Holiday once a year, Dec 25, whereas ChristMust – is a daily surrendering of life to Jesus Christ. We Christian believers need to celebrate Christ, not the Holiday, not Dec 25, not the blessings, not even the family but our Lord Jesus Christ more

  • Enhancing The Unity Of Christ’s Body Series

    Contributed by Niran Seriki on Dec 15, 2020

    God wants us to be united as Christ's Followers, the same way there is Unity in the GodHead. God loves unity and of course, in Unity, lies strength, Progress and Renewal.

    1. UNITY – THE INGREDIENT FOR SUCCESSFUL ACHIEVEMENT Unity is a very important ingredient required for progress, movement, accomplishment and making great strides in all areas of life. No team can succeed without unity. No progress can be made without unity. For instance, all parts of your car work more

  • Christ’s Spirit Or Fleshly Desires

    Contributed by Lee Houston on Nov 13, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?

    Christ’s Spirit or Fleshly Desires We have less than half the number of churches in America that we had a hundred years ago and yet the population in those hundred years is three times what it was then. There are 250,000 Protestant churches in America and 80% are showing a decline or no growth in more

  • Christ’s Victory Over Death

    Contributed by Ivy Drafor Amenyah on Apr 16, 2022

    The death and resurrection of Jesus brought complete victory over sin, sickness and satan.

    Introduction Imagine that Jesus died but did not rise from the dead? If He died but there is no resurrection, then there will be no ascension. If there is no ascension, there is no Pentecost. If there is no Pentecost, there is no power. Christianity will be a religion without power. Christianity more

  • Christ’s Return To The Mount Of Olives Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Oct 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The capture of Jerusalem by Antichrist forces at the Battle of Armageddon will precede the momentous event of Christ's Second Coming. The Mount of Olives will split when he arrives there and a way of escape is made for the Jews remaining in Jerusalem.

    Intro We are in the last chapter of Zechariah. Our text today will be Zechariah 14:1-5. This chapter provides details concerning the end-times that we have not yet seen. We have been given pieces of the end-time puzzle throughout this book. But Zechariah 14 brings us to the climatic return of more

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