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  • The Purpose Of Bible Study Series

    Contributed by Vince Miller on Sep 3, 2018

    In this lesson, we discover the ultimate purpose we read the Bible and the four things the Bible helps us to do along the way.

    Gentlemen, welcome to Resolute. Resolute exists to disciple and develop men to lead. And it is our goal to put great tools and content in your hands to help you and the men that gather with you to have solid discussions with other men around great biblical topics. While we have a number of more

  • Practicing The Study Of The Bible Series

    Contributed by Vince Miller on Sep 3, 2018

    In this lesson, we discover the timeless tool of Inductive Bible Study and practice it together on a section of scripture that will lead you to read and apply the Bible more accurately.

    Gentlemen, it is great to have you back. Our Mission to disciple and develop men to lead. And I hope these last two lessons have empowered you with an understanding that will help you spiritually lead. So far, we have navigated through two topics that I believe are critical to Bible Study. In our more

  • Studying For Divine Approval

    Contributed by James Awosina on Jul 5, 2019

    The apostolic charge to every preacher and teacher of the word is "study". Our ministry will lack the substance of divine approval and saving, sanctifying power without the diligent study of the Word of God on daily basis.

    STUDYING FOR DIVINE APPROVAL 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” Paul was Timothy’s mentor, pastor and leader. He understood perfectly Timothy’s shortcomings as a young pastor under his tutelage. To more

  • Why Study Philosophy?

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Dec 30, 2015

    Why Study Philosophy?

    Because of its reputation as an esoteric field thanks to areas within the broader discipline concerned with matters barely connected with everyday life, many ask, “Why study philosophy?” when confronted with the subject. Related to this are concerns and reservations raised by many more

  • Word Study: Team

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 14, 2016

    To show that GOD, the LORD JESUS CHRIST is inviting us to be part of His Team: Team JESUS. His team will offer wholesome teamwork and His burdern is light and easy to bear.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you a team? Yes, JESUS and I are a team. JESUS is my Team Leader. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD, the LORD JESUS CHRIST is inviting us to be part of His Team: Team JESUS. His team will offer wholesome teamwork and His burdern is more

  • An Occult Case Study Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on May 8, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    To better understand the right perspective toward occultism, we can look at the most detailed instance of it in God’s Word.

    An Occult Case Study (I Samuel 28) 1. What do you call a psychic midget who has escaped from prison? A small medium at large! 2. Why do people consult fortunetellers and spiritists? Occult’s lure: about me and my family (brain/emotion). 3. Dale Carnegie: sweetest words a person’s own name. When more

  • A Study Of Psalm 36 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 17, 2018

    When we can start admitting who we are our focus begins to change from ourselves, to God. And so, even in the face of all that we are … we still can find refuge in God!

    A Study of Psalm 36 Psalm 36 Introduction - Wed night format; opportunity to study together from our homes -- Ms. Lilly earlier: It's an "in your jammies, pet friendly, interactive bible study" - Ask questions if you’d like in the comments (during this time or later) -- Re: Invite someone more

  • A Study Of Psalm 38 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 20, 2018

    David understood calling out to God - because he knew who He was. In the same manner, we need to understand who we are and why we need to cry out to God for everything we need.

    A Study of Psalm 38 Psalm 38 Introduction - Wed night format; opportunity to study together from our homes -- Ask questions if you'd like in the comments (during this time or later) -- Re: Invite someone else to join in - not an exclusive study for "just LFC" - Psalms are songs of praise and more

  • A Study Of Psalm 39 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 22, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    David understood what it took to live fully for God. Even under Godly discipline he knew God's ways were better than his. What would our lives look like if we adopted the same thinking?

    A Study of Psalm 39 Psalm 39 Introduction - Wed night format; opportunity to study together from our homes -- Re: Invite someone else to join in - not an exclusive study for "just LFC" - Psalms are songs of praise and words of encouragement/warning - We are studying book 1, Psalm 1-41 … more

  • A Study Of Psalm 40 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 26, 2018

    If we are testifying of God's greatness to others, why not continue to go to him? Why would we not want to experience more of what God offers? God has no limit … David encourages us to CALL to Him daily!

    A Study of Psalm 40 Psalm 40 Introduction - Wed night format; opportunity to study together from our homes -- Re: Invite someone else to join in - not an exclusive study for "just LFC" - Psalms are songs of praise and words of encouragement/warning - We are studying book 1, Psalm 1-41 … more

  • A Study Of Psalm 43 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Feb 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    To combat depression, it is David's desire to meet with God for worship. It is where he finds peace, it is where he loves to be (especially in God's house). We can learn something about this today!

    A Study of Psalm 43 Psalm 43 Introduction - Wed night format; opportunity to study together from our homes -- Re: Invite someone else to join in - not an exclusive study for "just LFC" - Psalms are songs of praise and words of encouragement/warning -- They are also written to give us more

  • A Study Of Psalm 45 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Feb 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In the end days, Jesus will celebrate the marriage of His bride (the church) to Himself. This Psalm gives a peak of what that might look like, and demonstrates the honor that is due to the Groom!

    A Study of Psalm 45 Psalm 45 Introduction - Wed night format; opportunity to study together from our homes -- Re: Invite someone else to join in - not an exclusive study for "just LFC" - Psalms are songs of praise and words of encouragement/warning -- They are also written to give us guidance more

  • Introduction To The Study Of Colossians

    Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on Feb 28, 2018

    We are encouraged to live the Christian life with the view of Christ as the Supreme God over all.

    INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF COLOSSIANS TEXT: COLOSSIANS 1:1-8 The book of Colossians is one book that every Christian must study and hold on to it for a victorious life in Christ. It is perhaps the most Christ-centered book in the Bible. The writer spoke more on the preeminence of the person of more

  • A Study Of Psalm 46 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 2, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    If we'd realize and confess that God is refuge, our protector, and our fortress ... what more could any of us want or need?

    A Study of Psalm 46 Psalm 46 Introduction - Wed night format; opportunity to study together from our homes -- Re: Invite someone else to join in - not an exclusive study for "just LFC" - Psalms are songs of praise and words of encouragement/warning -- They are also written to give us guidance more

  • A Study Of Psalm 18 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 2, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    If David can cry out to the Lord and know he’d be rescued, why can’t we? To be honest, sometimes, all we really need to do is humble ourselves, pray … and worship.

    A Study of Psalm 18 Psalm 18 Introduction - Psalms broken into 5 books, covered an extensive time period - Gathered together as songs of praise & words of encouragement/warning - We are studying book 1, Psalm 1-41 … Info: we’ll take break for Advent - If we apply ourselves, this could be a more

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