
Summary: To combat depression, it is David's desire to meet with God for worship. It is where he finds peace, it is where he loves to be (especially in God's house). We can learn something about this today!

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A Study of Psalm 43

Psalm 43


- Wed night format; opportunity to study together from our homes

-- Re: Invite someone else to join in - not an exclusive study for "just LFC"

- Psalms are songs of praise and words of encouragement/warning

-- They are also written to give us guidance and encouragement to live for God

- Last week we asked, "Have you ever suffered from depression?

- This week we ask, "Are you currently suffering from depression?"

-- Reason we ask is that the bible actually tells us how to combat this

- Depression is a disease that affects many … and in many forms

-- I've suffered from it, and I understand it's debilitating effect on life

-- Especially, being able to live life joyfully -- or live life to the fullest as bible says

-- Prayerfully, we will see how this is possible, even though it seems impossible

- Psalm 42 and 43 were written together - originally intended to be one Psalm

-- Tonight, we examine Psalm 43 and conclude David's thoughts on this

- Read Psalm 43:1-5/ Pray

- Quick recap of David's reasons for depression (ref: Psalm 42)

" Missed public worship; missed being part of church community

" Suffered verbal ridicule; enemies continue to rail against him

" He remembers past memories; remember when life was "good"

" Depressed due to physical separation; longs for homeland

" Depressed to overwhelming trials; literally drowning in problems

" Depressed due to sleepless nights; confesses God is with him day/night

" Depressed due to unanswered prayer; God has not relieved him

" Depressed due to difficult people; the people keep on coming…

- Question: Have we ever felt this way? Encourage that God knows …

- This feeling leads David to cry out with four specific prayers …

Point 1 - Prayer for vindication

" Plead my cause (v1a)

- David's desire is that God would be his judge; and his defender

-- He is under attack (by an ungodly nation), and he wants God's protection

-- His prayer: protect me and show me to be innocent (vindicate me)

" Preserve my life (v1b)

- Specific: "Rescue me"; from those who seek to do me harm

-- APP: When we are depressed, we can cry out to God for rescue from attacks

-- Whether physical or emotional - God is available to vindicate us

Point 2 - Prayer for mourning

" Why have you rejected me? (v2a)

- First, he professes that God is his fortress (stronghold); defender

-- This confession puts him under God's authority - submits to Him

-- However, he feels rejected (alone, without hope, languishing)

-- And in this, he asks about the future: "Why must I go about mourning"

" Or, why must I be repressed? (v2b)

- His emotional state is clear: You are my God … but I feel rejected by you

-- APP: It is in this place that I believe God works best

-- When we stop trying to be in control, and devote ourselves to Him

- When we submit to Him, place ourselves under His authority & cry out

-- Psalm 143:1, "LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy"

- Jesus prayed the same: Luke 22:42, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."

- APP: This is why Jesus is great comforter - He knows what you're dealing with

Point 3 - Prayer for restoration

- Guide me to your temple (v3-4)

-- David specifically asks for a way to get closer to God

-- Re: He misses when he was able to worship, to spend time with God

- His desire is to get back to that place - so he asks for:

" God's light (for direction)

" God's care (for protection)

- With these, he will be able to accomplish his heart's desire:

" I will go to the altar

" I will praise you


- Being led to where he can meet with God …

- … He will find rest, fellowship, and delight in God's presence

- He will worship in song, and God will be his joy (IMP: God alone is joy)

- Love this: David's desire, is to meet with God, for worship

-- It is where he finds peace; where he loves to be (in God's house) - Do you?

- APP: Church is not about us … it is not there for us to consume

-- Whether you go to church or not - know God wants to meet with you too

-- We know that there is great fellowship to be had in worship together

- Heb. 10:24-25 tells us to not give up on meeting together …

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