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Sermons on stepping into the new:

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  • Stepping Up To A New Level Of Power! Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Oct 30, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    In Christ we have the very power of God at our disposal, how do we use that power? What do we do with it? Power is all around us and must be used responsibly and with great discipline

    Sermon Brief Date Written: October 28, 2009 Date Preached: November 1, 2009 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: Steppin’ UP to the Next Level Sermon Title: Steppin’ UP to a new level of Power… Sermon Text: Matt 20:20-28 [NKJV] Introduction: What is POWER? Is more

  • Step Up To A New Level Of Giving Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Oct 24, 2009

    Far too often we do NOT give as we should and we harm our witness and God’s work when we are disobedient!

    Sermon Brief Date Written: October 21, 2009 Date Preached: October 25, 2009 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: Steppin’ UP to the Next Level Sermon Title: Steppin’ UP to a new level of Giving… Sermon Text: 2 Cor 9:1-15 [NKJV] Introduction: I once heard of a more

  • Simple Steps For An Extraordinary New Year

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jan 6, 2023

    Psalm 22 begins as a lament - a desperate plea to God from someone who knows how much he needs God. The terms are clear - without God there is no hope. With God there is always hope, and David gives us a map here, finding hope when challenges are all around us

    _____________ To receive sermon notes in your email inbox, subscribe here: To receive emails from John Dobbs on topics of faith, books, photography, and miscellany: To watch videos of sermons from Forsythe Church of Christ: more

  • Stepping Into A New Season

    Contributed by Rick Adams on Jul 23, 2003
    based on 376 ratings

    We serve a God of seasons. This sermon addresses three main points that saints encounter when we step into a new season of God.

    Introduction This morning I want you to look around you. Look over this building, and the faces of those sitting around you. You see, this is a different place than you walked into this morning. And those of you who came into this place this morning are different, because you just stepped into more

  • Stepping Into A New Season

    Contributed by Rainer Reddy on Sep 4, 2015

    As the seasons change in the natural, so to does it in the spiritual. God wants to take us into a new, better, more abundant season.

    It’s a new season Text: Ecclesiastes 3: 1 – 8 “There’s a season for everything and a time for every matter under the heavens: a time for giving birth and a time for dying, a time for planting and a time for uprooting what was planted, a time for killing and a time for more

  • Step Into The New Season Series

    Contributed by Senior Pastor Ndayiragije-Misigaro Joel on Oct 24, 2023

    In the Bible, seasons hold significant symbolism and represent different spiritual phases. They reflect the cyclical nature of life and the divine order in which everything operates.

    STEP INTO THE NEW SEASON. Part 2 Written by Senior Pastor Ndayiragije Misigaro Joel. October 18, 2023 Step into the new season, a time of change and transformation. In the Bible, seasons hold significant symbolism and represent different spiritual phases. They reflect the cyclical nature of life more

  • Stepping Into A New Year PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the transformative power of God in helping us shed our old selves and embrace a new life of righteousness and holiness.

    Good morning, beloved family. It's a joy to gather together in the house of the Lord as we seek to draw closer to Him through His word. Today, we're going to be turning our hearts and minds to a passage in Ephesians that speaks to the very core of our Christian walk. As the great preacher Charles more

  • Guarded Steps Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Jan 1, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible gives us clear instructions on what our heart attitude should be as we walk into the house of worship for Jesus Christ.

    Guarded Steps Steps Toward Enjoying God’s Favor Listening The Word of God gives clear instructions of what heart attitude we should have as we enter into the Church of Jesus Christ for true worship. “Guard your steps when you go into the house of God. Go near to listen... Do not be quick with more

  • Twelve Steps To A New Life Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Aug 31, 2019

    The truth is that everyone needs hope because everyone struggles. Everyone is in recovery from the mistakes, troubles, problems, and mess-ups of their own lives. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

    TWELVE STEPS TO A NEW LIFE Introduction On July 1st of this year Los Angeles Angels player Tyler Skaggs was found dead in his hotel room. In his system were the opioids fentanyl and oxycodone along with alcohol. Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid similar to morphine but 50 to 100 times more more

  • Passing The Baton To The Next Leader

    Contributed by Michael Blakley on Sep 1, 2002
    based on 57 ratings

    6 steps Joshua took when was time for him to step aside for a new leader that are worth repeating today.

    LEADERS EQUIPPING WORKERS Joshua 23: 1-14 (Note to reader, I developed these ideas in great detail during the actual sermon. I am leaving them to you, but outline should serve nicely) Joshua gives Ministry Leader a model to follow when it’s time to prepare new leader to take over a work you’ve more

  • Passing The Baton To The Next Leader

    Contributed by Michael Blakley on Sep 1, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    6 steps Joshua took when was time for him to step aside for a new leader that are worth repeating today.

    LEADERS EQUIPPING WORKERS Joshua 23: 1-14 (Note to reader, I developed these ideas in great detail during the actual sermon. I am leaving them to you, but outline should serve nicely) Joshua gives Ministry Leader a model to follow when it’s time to prepare new leader to take over a work you’ve more

  • 11 Steps For 2011

    Contributed by Bruce Martin on Dec 25, 2010
    based on 24 ratings

    Eleven steps to successfully navigating the New Year.

    11 Steps for 2011 Joshua 3:1-6 • History o It is now time to leave the dessert for the promised land o Joshua was to take them over the Jordan River o No one over the age of 60 present except Joshua and Caleb o A whole new generation ready to apprehend the challenge 1. Step out fresh every more

  • A Step Too Far

    Contributed by Ian Mcalister on Aug 25, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Welcome to Mark’s version of the Easter story.

    Welcome to Mark’s version of the Easter story, a frustrating end to 16 chapters of immediatelys and straight-aways. The narrative stops as if someone ripped out the last page: “ … and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid …” . No full stop, semicolon or more

  • 7 Steps To Godly Relationships

    Contributed by Jose Gomez Sr. on Feb 21, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    The Bible is the guide to healthy Godly relationships. Everything else falls short.

    From the beginning God was into relationships We see in the beginning the relationship between the three persons of the Godhead God created the angels to have a relationship. He created Adam and Eve to have a relation ship with Him and also with each other. We see the relationship between more

  • Step By Step

    Contributed by Matt Zurowski on Apr 3, 2006
    based on 94 ratings

    A sermon preached to the staff of a Bible camp preparing for their summer ministry

    (Walk back and forth) We do it everyday… we do it while doing many other things like talking on our cell phone, reading a book, talking and laughing, looking at the stars, holding hands with someone, etc. I am doing it right now! What am I doing? (WALKING!) Webster defines walk as: to proceed more

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