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  • Let's Stay Connected

    Contributed by Harold Wanton on Apr 25, 2009
    based on 21 ratings

    We must remain connected to Jesus Christ in order to bear the fruit of righteousness

    LETS STAY CONNECTED! Jesus is in his last days, and he’s giving his disciples instructions on how they can stay connected with him, even after he’s absent from the flesh. He’s about to depart and take on his eternal glory, and return to be with his Father for a period of more

  • Stay Under The Knife

    Contributed by Kirk Devine on Nov 3, 2009
    based on 69 ratings

    This was an illustrated sermon. I was dressed as surgeon and had a table with a white sheet over it to represent an operating table. At the close I had members come up and leave their various issues and leave them on the operating table.

    STAY UNDER THE KNIFE HEBREWS 4:12-13 (The Message) God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God’s Word. We can’t get more

  • The Lord Stays With Us

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jun 17, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    I. EXORDIUM: Have you heard about the expression, "Stick with me and you'll go places!"? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Belivers III. OBJECTIVES: To encourage believers to stick with GOD, and seek always GOD. IV. TEXT: 2 Chronicles 15:2 (NL

    I. EXORDIUM: Have you heard about the expression, "Stick with me and you'll go places!"? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Belivers III. OBJECTIVES: To encourage believers to stick with GOD, and seek always GOD. IV. TEXT: 2 Chronicles 15:2 (NLT) 2 and he went out to meet King Asa as he was returning more

  • Easter Is Here To Stay! Series

    Contributed by Dr. Lewis W. Gregory on Mar 7, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The significance and permanency of Easter.

    Easter is Here to Stay! Dr. Lewis Gregory THE WORD IS: Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. John 11:25 THE POINT IS: Easter Sunday is a vivid reminder of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus more

  • Stay Awake And Be Ready Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    In Matthew 24, Jesus calls us to vigilance, reminding us that we don't know the day of His return.

    "Stay Awake and Be Ready" Introduction: Today, our hearts turn to the words of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:42-44 from the New Living Translation, where He admonishes us: "So you, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming." Point 1: The Call to more

  • The Danger Of Staying On The Outside Series

    Contributed by Spencer Miller on May 25, 2013

    The danger of staying on the outside is actually extremely dangerous because it really is staying outside of the will of God. And anytime you are outside the will of God you are in a very dangerous place and position.

    Introduction Chapter 15 is one of the most important chapters in the entire Bible; it includes several powerful parables, which deals with the lost—to include the parable of the Lost Sheep: which represents the lost sinner out in the world, the parable of the Lost Coin, which represents the more

  • Stay The Course Sermon V: Faithful To The End Not A Foregone Conclusion Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on May 27, 2020

    When we Christians find ourselves having to contend with enemies of the Lord, remaining faithful to our Lord in and through it all is not easy and we may falter at times, but God is merciful and honors consistent faithfulness.

    FAITHFUL TO THE FINISH NOT A FOREGONE CONCLUSION "It ain't over 'til it's over" - one of those old sayings in baseball to remind players that it's a nine-innings, twenty-seven outs game- like the other night when the more

  • Forward In Faith: Confident Faith Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jan 14, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Do you want to move Forward in Faith? Will you allow 2013 to be the year when you step out of your comfort zone - not just step out in faith but stay out of your comfort zone in faith? Do you have the confidence in God to move forward in your faith – to m

    Our theme for 2013 is Forward in Faith. Let me ask you right at the start: Do you want to move Forward in Faith? Will you allow 2013 to be the year when you step out of your comfort zone - not just step out in faith but stay out of your comfort zone in faith? Do you have the confidence in God to more

  • Faithfulness - Fruit Of The Spirit

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jan 4, 2001
    based on 805 ratings

    As we are filled with His Spirit, others will find in us a reliability, a trustworthiness, a staying power, a faithfulness that the world doesn’t understand.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER CENTRAL CHRISTIAN, BROWNSVILLE, TX A. In his letter to the Galatians, chapter 5, vs. 22, the Apostle Paul writes, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control." And this morning more

  • The Circle Of Faith

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on May 15, 2017

    The fundamentals of the battle are the same the world over. In Romans 5:1-5 we see the circle (process) of faith. This is a great discovery sermon to help people see where they are in the battle and give them courage to stay the course.

    The Circle of Faith Lakewood | Pastor Jonathan | May 14, 2017 Text: Romans 5:1-4 I. Hope - Blueprint of what you are believing God for… A. Romans 5:5 “…hope maketh not ashamed.” B. Hope - An opinion or belief not amounting to certainty, but grounded on substantial evidence. - Webster’s C. Joel more

  • A Steadfast Faith Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 7, 2021

    It is easy to start the race, but the finish is what really matters, and so it is in the Christian life. It is one thing to start on the way, and another thing to keep going all the way. What we really need is not starting power but staying power,

    To make no gain for one’s labor is a perfectly natural cause for disappointment. Jesus knew this feeling often as His disciples failed to grasp His teaching, and especially when Judas betrayed Him. Paul knew it well when he wrote with a saddened heart that Demas had forsaken him. Many have more

  • Hold On To The Promise PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 16, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the unwavering nature of God's promises, their power to provide hope in dark times, and our responsibility to honor and heed them.

    Good morning, beloved family in Christ. It is yet another beautiful day that the Lord has made and we are all here, gathered together in His name, to rejoice and be glad in it. As we sit here today, we are reminded of the incredible power of our God, a power that is manifested in His promises and more

  • Job!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Feb 24, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Job, the ‘greatest’ of all the people was brought to be the least, so that he can become the ‘Best’ for the Lord!

    Least becomes the Best! Job 1:3”……this man (Job) was the greatest of all the people of the east.” We are on 40 days of fasting starting from February 24 to April 4, join us even if it is midway! Job, the ‘greatest’ of all the people was brought to be the more

  • The Power Of A Faithful Life Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on May 5, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    God wants us to be faithful. He wants us to stay the course and run the race for His glory until He calls us home. Joseph teaches us how to be faithful in spite of what we may face in this life. I want to preach to you this morning on The Power of a Faith

    The Power of a Faithful Life Genesis 39:7-23 Introduction A young man applied for a job as a farmhand. When the farmer asked for his qualifications, he said, “I can sleep when the wind blows.” This puzzled the farmer. But he liked the young man, and hired him. A few days later, the more

  • Commitment To God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Apr 13, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    We commit because it reflects the character of our God, it helps us stay on the right track and it helps us stay focused on God.

    In the past 2 chapters we see a nation’s attempts at re-connecting with God. • It started with the reading of the Book of the Law (Torah, Pentateuch), the Word of God. • They were convicted by the Spirit of God and convinced of a need to change. Last week, we saw the gathering more

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