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Sermons on statement of faith:

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  • Faith’s Reality

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Apr 10, 2013

    Understand what brings about faith’s reality. 1. Christ Died for our sin 2. He was buried 3. He rose again the 3rd day 4. Jesus Death & Resurrection is according to Scripture 5. Witnesses testify to the resurrection

    Charing Cross is the geographical center of London, England. “All distances in the United Kingdom from London are measured from Charing Cross. This spot is referred to simply as ‘the cross.’ A lost child was one day picked up by a London policeman. The child was unable to tell where he lived. more

  • Be Faithful As He Is Faithful

    Contributed by Patrick Oelund on Dec 29, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    We have been entrusted the mysteries of God. God has called us, and those who have been given a trust must prove themselves faithful

    Be faithful as He is faithful Patrick Oelund 1Cor 4:1-2 We have been entrusted (stewards) the mysteries of God A gift, ministry, our calling etc. Those who have been given a trust (become stewards) must prove themselves faithful Faithfulness is one of the main characters of God (1Cor 1:9). The OT more

  • God's Faithfulness To The Faithful

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on May 28, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    I. EXORDIUM: Have you been faithful? How can you show yourself to be faithful? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that faithfulness has it's rewards IV. TEXT: 2 Samuel 22:26 (NLT) 26 “To the faithful you show

    I. EXORDIUM: Have you been faithful? How can you show yourself to be faithful? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that faithfulness has it's rewards IV. TEXT: 2 Samuel 22:26 (NLT) 26 “To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show more

  • Faith’s Persective Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 3, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    People of faith place their hope for the future in the promises of God. The things hoped for, though not yet seen, control the life of a person of faith.

    HEBREWS 11: 13-16 FAITH’S PERSECTIVE / SEEKING A BETTER HOMELAND [Revelations 21: 1-7] There is a story about an extremely RICH MAN who was determined to take it all with him when he died. He prayed and prayed until finally the Lord gave in to his prayer request. The only condition was that more

  • Faith/Growing Faith Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Feb 24, 2020

    Good godly results in life will only happen with true faith in God which leads to a growing faith in God!

    Please open your Bibles to Judges 13….. I’ve asked Daniel Pryor to read for us this morning… As we read along with Daniel, let us think about what God wants to teach us this morning….. As we read in v1…. And again, because is faithful in His promises, we will read in the next chapters of Judges, more

  • Great Is Your Faith!

    Contributed by Christopher Martin on Aug 17, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    14th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 15 Series A. Preached at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Audubon, IA on 8/17/2008

    “Great is your faith!” How would you feel if I as your Pastor were to tell someone that about you? I’m guessing that you’d think you must be doing something right. And to be honest, I’ve been around you folks long enough now to be able to say that about quite a few of you. Our congregation is more

  • Faith 101 Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 30, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    When someone directs us to do something, before we take the first step, most of us want to know all the details. Abraham didn’t ask; he just kept on moving by faith until he came to this land that was going to one day be Israel.

    INTRODUCTION In college, usually the most basic freshman courses are labeled “101.” It may be Algebra 101, History 101, Calculus 101 or something like that. Today I want to teach from Romans 4, some of the basics about faith. My favorite uncle was Uncle Charles, my mother’s more

  • How To Get To God

    Contributed by H.b. Charles Jr. on Jul 2, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    "How to Get to God" is a message on the sixth "I Am" statement of Jesus recorded in John 14:5-6. Jesus claims to be the only way to God. It is an exclusive, credible, logical, and generous claim.

    HOW TO GET TO GOD John 14:5-6 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:5-6 The Gospel of John more

  • The "If" Of Fire Proof Faith Series

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Sep 12, 2006
    based on 19 ratings

    A sermon on the three Hebrew children of Daniel; their faith, their courage, and their victory.

    The “If” of Fireproof Faith. Dan. 3:16-18 Intro.: Tell story: The test 1-12 1. The statue: 1-7 2. The refusal to worship 3. The accusation: 8-12 The confrontation: 13-23 1. The King’s ultimatum: 13-15 2. The statement of faith: 17 3. The total commitment: 18 4. The price of commitment: 19-23 The more

  • Developing A Dynamic Faith Series

    Contributed by Tim Bond on Aug 19, 2002
    based on 329 ratings

    James warns us that faith that does nothing at all is not real faith. Faith can be either dead, demonic, but God is looking for dynamic faith from His followers.

    Read Text: James 2:14-26 Over the centuries, the human race has passed along alot of wisdom from generation to generation. “Wise old sayings” are a part of every day life, and we use them without thinking. “A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush.” Lots of great insight into life is passed more

  • It's All About Faith Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Powell on May 15, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon three in a series of seven sermons based on Living the Christian Life - out of James

    Living the Christian Life It’s all About Faith James 2:1-26 It’s a term that we hear all of the time, “You’ve gotta have faith.” Really church, what is faith? We’ve all heard the Hebrews 11:1 definition, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”. How do we more

  • Seeing People Through The Eyes Of Christ Series

    Contributed by James Webster on Feb 25, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon is the second in a series on loving people into the kingdom, "Don't Just Go To Church Be the Church."

    MESSAGE AM SERMON SERIES: “LOVING PEOPLE INTO THE KINGDOM” “DON’T JUST GO TO CHURCH BE THE CHURCH” OPENING STATEMENTS During the month of February we are preaching a series of sermons on “Loving People into the Kingdom.” Don’t just go to church more

  • The True Vine Series

    Contributed by Kory Labbe on Jun 19, 2020

    This week we continue our series into Discovery who Jesus says He is through the I Am statements in the book of John. This week looks at

    Welcome to the last week of our I am: Discovering who Jesus says he is. Over the last 8 weeks we have explored the differing I am statements made by Jesus in the book of John. Let me start this morning with a little review. The First week we looked at Jesus as the Great I am, while each of more

  • I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life (John 14:1-6) Series

    Contributed by James Jackson on Mar 17, 2024

    #7 in What's In a Name? The I Am Statements of Jesus

    Good morning! Please open your Bibles to John 14. We are seven weeks into our series on Jesus’ I AM statements in the gospel of John. Week one we talked about how God revealed Himself to Moses at the Burning Bush as “I AM.” That’s God’s personal name.. Jehovah, or Yahweh as it’s often translated. more

  • God-Pleasing Faith Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Apr 4, 2005
    based on 497 ratings

    Hebrews 11 tells What Faith IS and what Faith DOES. Biblical faith will Worship (Abel), Walk (Enoch), Work (Noah), and Wait (Abraham)

    God-Pleasing Faith Hebrews 11 SCRIPTURE READING: Hebrews 11:1-6 INTRODUCTION: Everyone has faith. A Houston Pastor named John Bisagno put it this way: "Faith is the heart of life. You go to a doctor whose name you can’t pronounce. He gives you a prescription you cannot read. You take it to more

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