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  • Standing In Prayer Series

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Nov 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Prayer is the calling of every believer

    Standing in Prayer Ephesians 6:18-20 August 19, 2007 Morning Service Introduction John Hyde is one of the most well known missionaries to India. One of his chief characteristics was an amazing prayer life. Early in his ministry he had an itinerant schedule and traveled from village to village. more

  • Standing In The Need Of Prayer

    Contributed by Susan Babb, Osl on Mar 28, 2013

    We know how to make intercessions for others. But is it alright to pray for my needs as well.

    Standing in the Need of Prayer Matthew 7:1-7 I. Pastor – parrot A. all would say, “Let’s pray, let’s pray.” 1. Pastor tried to teach parrot to say other things but to no avail B. Pastor learned that a Deacon had a parrot 1. Deacon’s parrot would more

  • Standing In The Gap

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Mar 25, 2002
    based on 314 ratings

    What is Intercessory Prayer, and why is it necessary for our church, our community and our nation?

    This morning we want to prepare for the coming New Year with the most important topic a Christian church can entertain – the ministry of Intercessory Prayer. What I want to place before you this morning is based upon Scripture and has formed the most firm belief inside me that the most important more

  • Standing In The Gap Series

    Contributed by William Yates on Sep 21, 2001
    based on 104 ratings

    The events of September 11th highlight the need for revival in America. This message is calling the body of Christ to cry out for spiritual renewal for our nation!

    If my people, who are called on my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.—2 Chronicles 7:14 New International Version “I looked for a man among them who would build up more

  • Stand In The Gap

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Nov 5, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    We need to learn to stand in for others. Intercession, witnessing.

    Title: Standing in the Gap Theme: To show that God is looking for people to stand in the gap for His church and his people. Text: Ezekiel 22:23-31 What a powerful powerful verse of scripture. But also what a sad commentary of the condition of Israel. Chosen by God to be as nation that would more

  • Stand In The Gap Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 25, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Prayer Warriors, Pt. 4

    STAND IN THE GAP (DANIEL 9:1-19) Have you thought of praying for countries in crisis around the world? Increasingly, people are discovering that politics, money, food, medicine, and guns and bombs cannot solve the problems of the world. More than 3 million people have died of starvation in North more

  • Standing In The Gap

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on Jan 2, 2005
    based on 56 ratings

    How we should pray for others and stand in the gap as a intercessor for other people and our nation. 6 things that we should pray for others

    SBC Philippi 12/12/04 pm Rev. Jeff Simms Standing In the Gap Ezekiel 22:27-31 Primary Purpose: To speak to the church about the importance of intercession. Most of the great men of God in the Bible all had this one thing in common- they were great intercessors for their people. From Daniel’s more

  • Standing Kneeling Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Aug 27, 2007
    based on 44 ratings

    Intercessory prayer is the key to standing as the kind of church God wants us to be.

    1. The first key to standing by kneeling is to pray continually. (6:18) 2. The second key to standing by kneeling is to pray personally. (6:19-20) 3. The third key to standing by kneeling is to pray specifically. (6:21-22) 4. Conclusion (6:23-24) This morning we’re reaching a milestone. We’re more

  • Standing In The Gap

    Contributed by Danny Nance on Mar 21, 2008
    based on 26 ratings

    Facing the election of 2008, the morality crisis of leaders (secular and religious), the need for intercessors, as seen in this text, is great among us.

    Standing in the Gap Ezekiel 22:23-31 Ministry takes on many faces, my friends. It can be as deep as sitting in an ICU waiting room, holding the hand of someone whose loved one has just died. It can be as simple as offering a glass of cold water to someone who is thirsty, or a word of good cheer more

  • Standing In The Gap

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 19, 2022

    We are living in a period of extraordinary assaults by Satan. It is critical that we maintain prayers for our leaders, and it is fundamental for the leaders to take accountability to assist them with keeping their spiritual and moral integrity.

    In Chapter 22, we learn why judgment would come to Jerusalem (22:2-16), how it would be approached (22· 17-22), and who would be affected by it (22:23-31). Those actions and sins that occurred back then seem very similar to what is happening in society today (James 3:1). We are living in a more

  • Prayer Postures Series

    Contributed by Rev. Samuel Arimoro on Feb 19, 2025

    Prayer is an intimate conversation between the believer and God. It is not only about the words spoken but also the posture of our hearts and bodies. Throughout Scripture, different physical postures in prayer are shown, each reflecting an attitude of reverence, humility, and faith.

    PRAYER POSTURES By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: 1 Timothy 2:8 "I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing." Supporting Texts: Psalm 95:6, Matthew 26:39, 2 Chronicles 6:13, Mark 11:25 INTRODUCTION: Prayer is an intimate conversation between the more

  • Standing Together Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Sep 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    How do you overcome the loneliness of our existential human condition? In Christ there is no Lone Ranger-no Ranger at all. We are all connected, and work much better in teams

    11 Jesus, who is called Justus, also sends greetings. These are the only Jews among my co-workers for the kingdom of God, and they have proved a comfort to me. 12 Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand more

  • Stand Firm

    Contributed by Marvin Del Rios on Oct 20, 2015

    words of encouragement and prayer for the Thessalonians are still words of encouragement and comfort for us today.

    I. Introduction II. “Stand firm” 2nd Thessalonians 2:13-17 Paul’s words of encouragement and prayer for the Thessalonians are still words of encouragement and comfort for us today. III. First let us look at verses 13-14, there are some key words to look at and to observe more

  • Stand In Awe

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 10, 2014

    A sermon on Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 focused on worship (Outline and material adapted from Sidney Greidanus in his book, Preaching Christ from Ecclesiastes, chapter 7 Worshiping in God's House, pg. 122- 136)

    HoHum: Philip Graham Ryken tells about a film clip that he saw, don’t know where he saw it so try to describe it. It portrays a family of four getting ready for church on a Sunday morning. Even though the viewer cannot hear what the family members are saying, it is not hard to read their more

  • Standing In The Gap Series

    Contributed by Dr. Tom Badia on Feb 18, 2024

    In Isaiah 59:16, God looked, but couldn’t find any intercessors for the people. Nobody stood in the gap for them. He was ready to hear and answer prayers according to His Word (Jer. 33:3), but no prayers were being offered.

    Topic: Standing in the gap Objective: standing in the gap by getting in synq with our co-intercessors - the Risen and Living Christ and the Holy Spirit. In Isaiah 59:16, God looked, but couldn’t find any intercessors for the people. Nobody stood in the gap for them. He was ready to hear and more