  • Susan Babb, Osl

    Contributing sermons since Oct 9, 2008
Susan's church

First United Methodist Church
Jackson, Michigan 49201

About Susan
  • Education: Graduated with a B.A. from Slippery Rock University Graduated with a M.Div. from United Theological Seminiary 5 units C.P.E. from Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne, IN
  • Experience: I have served five United Methodist congregations in the West Ohio Annual Conference. I have served as an interim pastor at two congregation in the West Michigan Annual Conference. I currently serve as the Minister of Parish/Associate Pastor at First UMC in Jackson, MI.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I hope these sermons are helpful to you. Please feel free to use pieces or parts of these sermons to help a person or a congregation grow in their faith.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Sermon about Philemon and Onesium and how we are to be helpful to God and to others.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Story told by a father about a young man named Shay who was developmentally disabled and was allowed to play baseball with a group of other boys. The boys helped him and encouraged him as he scored the winning run in baseball game.
  • Family: I am married to the Rev. Mark Babb, OSL who is serving as the Director of Music at St. Paul United Church of Christ in Waterloo, IL. My mother lives with us.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My mom like my sermons because she can understand them.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: I bounce ideas off by husband and sometimes he is able to give me ideas or illustrations that help me as I write my sermon.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Always use illustrations in your sermon, something by which a person can connect to their experience. It’s ok to use humor appropriately.
  • Books that have had an impact: Leading Beyond the Walls by Adam Hamilton (actually any book by this author) The Contemplative Pastor by Eugene Peterson Reaching For Rainbows by Ann Weems Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations by Robert Schnase
  • Hobbies: I enjoy fishing. I also create beaded necklaces, bracelets and earrings.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself just as Jesus did and does.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: I used an illustration about ducks and how they differ. Instead of calling a particular duck a red-headed duck, I refered to it as a red-neck duck. The whole congregation had an uneasy silence that I recognized and when I asked what I had said, the whole place erupted in laughter.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Loved God and Loved God’s People
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Newest Sermons

  • I Am The Gate

    Contributed on May 27, 2014

    Jesus is the Shepherd who is the gate for the sheep to find life abundantly.

    I am the Gate John 10:1-10 I. Intro. A. story of a spy captured and sentenced to death by a general in the Persian army. 1. general had the strange custom of giving condemned criminals a choice a. the firing squad and ’the big, black door." b. spy more

  • Lord, Speak To Me

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    It is so easy to talk to God, but do we ever listen to God. How do we listen?

    Lord, Speak to Me I Samuel 3:1-10 Psalm 139:1-5,12-17 I. Placards (hold up and give everyone a chance to read) II. Intro A. Prayer – monologue 1. we talk, God listens B. Wrong! C. Prayer – conversation 1. You know conversation a. we talk, other more

  • Standing In The Need Of Prayer

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2013

    We know how to make intercessions for others. But is it alright to pray for my needs as well.

    Standing in the Need of Prayer Matthew 7:1-7 I. Pastor – parrot A. all would say, “Let’s pray, let’s pray.” 1. Pastor tried to teach parrot to say other things but to no avail B. Pastor learned that a Deacon had a parrot 1. Deacon’s parrot more

  • What's Love Got To Do With It?

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A good friday sermon about love.

    What’s Love Got To Do With It? John 18 & 19 Good Friday I. Here we are again for “Good Friday” service A. as a youngster and even now – odd name for this day 1. What we remember this day was not good tragic, brutal, a day filled with injustice 2. How more

  • A Cup Of Cold Water

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Sharing the love of God in a simple, practical way.

    A Cup of Cold Water Matthew 10: 40-42 I. Intro Story A. Jared and Dad playing catch when Jared asked, “Dad, is there a God?” B. Joe (Dad) – same hopeless feeling he experienced before 1. on high school baseball team, lost sight of fly ball in blazing sun 2. didn’t more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • 9 / ...

    Contributed on Oct 9, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    9 / 11 A. Let me tell you about a whole town that epitomized this scripture B.. Gander, Canada 1. population 9,600 2. smack dab in the middle of Newfoundland 3. Canada’s eastern most province along the Atlantic 4. it had a community center, an aviation museum, more

  • Hospitality To Strangers

    Contributed on Oct 9, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    A. Friend – some years ago B. Sunday worship service, church like ours C. Service begun – member of congregation began worship, no pastor yet D. Man dressed shabbily in a heavy overcoat and wild hair and who could of used a bath came into service 1. Trouble finding a seat, more