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Sermons on stand up and walk:

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  • Get On Your Feet Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jul 1, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    We will never get to heaven on our own. Never, never, never. We'll never be that good, we'll never do enough good, and we’ll never, ever, ever deserve heaven on our own.

    Saturday, May 20, 2006 Get On Your Feet Acts 3:1-3:11 (NRSV) It was a day, just a day like any other day. His brothers had gotten him out of bed and gotten him dressed. And on their way to work they carried him to more

  • Get Up And Go

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Apr 28, 2023

    What do you want healed? If you stand up and walk, Jesus will guide you into the healing that is already planned and waiting for you.

    People have been looking for quick fixes for what ails them since the beginning of time. Every time someone announces a new discovery, hundreds and thousands of people go chasing after the magic potion, the pot of gold, the secret formula that will make all their dreams come true. When Columbus more

  • Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus!

    Contributed by Tex Cox on Jan 30, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    This morning, as we continue into our New Year, I’d like to take a look at a verse that I think we ought to read every day of the year. As a reminder of just WHO our God is:

    I found an old file entitled: “Kids on Love & Marriage” Concerning the Proper Age to Get Married "Once I’m done with kindergarten, I’m going to find me a wife." -Bert, Age 5 "Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then." -Camille, age 10 "No age is good to get more

  • Stand Up

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Aug 19, 2009

    Trials are a common part of the Christian life, but not one that we should allow to rule us. This portion of Thessalonians gives us insight into how we can stand up against the trials that come our way.

    Stand Up 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 Intro Before a child can walk, he must learn to stand. Usually the father and mother teach the child to stand and then to walk. Paul was the “spiritual parent” to these believers, but he had been forced to leave Thessalonica. How, then, could he help these young more

  • Stand Up

    Contributed by Wendell Blackburn on Jan 26, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Hang on to what you have in Jesus

    Stand Up, Get Ready and Hold On 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2:17 The book of 2 Thessalonians is one of my favorite books of the Bible. I love to read Paul’s exhortations and encouragement to the Church because it reminds me that we won’t be here much longer, but we are headed for a better place. I more

  • Stand Up

    Contributed by Jerry Mckee on Feb 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This series is based on the book, "Do Hard Things" by Brett and Alex Harris. It is a 7 week series that challenges teenagers to step up from the low expectations that our culture has placed on them.

    34 And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the more

  • Stand Down, Or Stand Up!

    Contributed by Norman Lawrence on Jan 14, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    I believe today that America and the Church in America is at a Crossroad, and it is up to each and every one of us here to decide whether it’s time to “stand down” or “stand up”! I believe it’s time to stand up!

    The past couple weeks, I have heard a term more and more that to be quite honest with you, as a person who has not served a day in the military, hadn’t heard the term, and even when I did, I was a bit unsure what it meant. Here is the meaning of the term STAND DOWN: A relaxation from a state more

  • Stand Up - Speak Up

    Contributed by Larry Grant on May 22, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    With Holy Ghost Power COMES Holy Ghost Problems! When you are at your highest in ministry it is often when the sect of Sadducees (the elite) are filled with indignation! But God calls us to Stand Up & Speak Up!

    Scripture: Acts 5:14-25 Standing Up and Speaking Up Let me set the scene. The apostles were meeting regularly at the Temple in Jerusalem in Solomon’s Porch, an area just beyond the Gate called Beautiful by the Eastern Wall. Acts teaches us increasingly people believed and were added more

  • Walking, Sitting, Standing

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Mar 29, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    Funeral service for Marcia Jean Tucker, single mother and immigration officer.

    Our third-grade teacher was very concerned about our posture. Day after day she would command her students to watch their posture. “Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor; don’t slump in your seat.” “Stand erect, with your weight equally distributed on both feet; more

  • Sit, Stand, Walk

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Dec 30, 2000
    based on 115 ratings

    The Psalmist gives both a promise and a warning as he describes the way of the righteous and the way of the sinner.

    Having grandchildren has been a tremendous blessing, and one of the things having little ones around has done is remind me of the growth process. Right now our two youngest granddaughters are at the stage where they recently were able to sit up. When it first happened, we all stood around in awe more

  • Sit, Walk, Stand Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jul 30, 2020

    Pastor Nee saw three key words in these verses: Our position in Christ - SIT Our life in the World - WALK Our attitude toward the Enemy - STAND

    Sit Walk Stand Ephesians Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 01-05-20 A Visit with Jim Right at the beginning of my time at Chenoa Baptist Church, I paid a visit to my friend Jim Probst. Jim is the executive pastor at Eastview Christian Church in Bloomington and a wise friend. more

  • Sit, Walk, Stand

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Aug 18, 2023

    Paul is leading us to his main message - and that is we have the power to live the life to which God calls us!

    SIT, WALK, STAND Ephesians Introduction Watchman Nee was a leader in the indigenous church movement in China, establishing local churches in the 1930s. He was arrested in 1952 and found guilty of a large number of false charges. Nee was imprisoned until his death in 1972. He wrote hundreds of more

  • Sit, Walk, Stand

    Contributed by Greg Carr on Oct 24, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    A friend spoke this word at a ministers conference and I did not take notes. Should we sit, walk or stand? We should do all three.

    I want to tell you about a man by the name of Watchman Nee. In 1920, after a considerable spiritual struggle the seventeen-year-old, high school student, was dynamically saved. At the moment of his salvation, all his planning for his future changed. He testified, "From the evening I was saved, I more

  • Sit, Walk, Stand

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Mar 24, 2019

    If the life of a Christian is to be pleasing to God it must be properly adjusted to him in all things. Based on the book by Watch Nee over the book of Ephesians.

    SIT, WALK, STAND by Watchman Nee INTRODUCTION: If the life of a Christian is to be pleasing to God it must be properly adjusted to him in all things. Too often we place the emphasis in our own lives upon the application of this principle to some single detail of our behavior or of our work for more

  • Sit, Walk And Stand

    Contributed by Angel Caballero on Jun 5, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    A Christian must start his journey with Christ by sitting--resting alongside the Savior who has done all the work.

    I don’t know if you are familiar with watchman nee’s book, “Sit,walk,and stand.” In this book, he notes how a Christian must start his journey with Christ by sitting--resting alongside the Savior who has done all the work. And because Christ has done all the work, the Christian is given the peace more