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  • Stewards Of The Good News Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jan 10, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    The second in a series on the book of 1st Thessalonians. This sermon discusses how we as Christians are stewards of the Gospel. We are to share it, no matter the cost.

    Stewards of the Good News Text: 1st Thess. 2:1-12 By: Ken McKinley (Read Text) If you remember this letter was written to the Thessalonians around 50 AD. That means that Paul, Silas and Timothy had probably been in Thessalonica around 15 to 20 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus. more

  • Loving God & Loving Each Other Series

    Contributed by Vernon L Caruthers on Feb 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This is sermon # 7 from 1st JOHN. It deals with how GOD LOVED US & how we are to apply that same LOVE to one another.

    Sermons from 1 John: 02-21-2010 Sermon #07: Loving God & Loving Each Other Scripture Ref: 1 John 4:7-11 Introduction: Several years ago BILL GAITHER wrote a song entitled, Loving God & Loving Each Other. That song title is what I would like to use for the subject of this morning’s more

  • Your Elevator Talk

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 29, 2014

    We need to take St. Peter Chrysologus as a model for our witnessing, and be able to tell our witness to Christ and the Church in less than a minute.

    July 30 2014 St Peter Chrysologus Today’s Gospel must be specially important to the Church, because we heard it on Sunday, and Monday, and again today. Because it is so brief, we might be tempted to think otherwise, that it is forgettable. But we forget it at our peril, at the peril of our more

  • Heart Speaks To Heart

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 2, 2018

    St. Luke records that when Jesus began his ministry, he proclaimed that He was sent “to heal the brokenhearted, and proclaim deliverance to captives.”

    Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost 2018 Healing of the Heart When I was growing up in the fifties and early sixties, this Extraordinary Form Mass was everywhere the norm. So we heard this wonderful Gospel every year. But what is “dropsy”? Now we have the Internet and we can learn easily that dropsy more

  • Only When Connected To Our Lord Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 4, 2018

    In a real sense, St. Paul was the sheep that was lost, and Jesus left the heavens to seek him out and find him and turn him toward the truth.

    Thursday of 31st Week in Course At some point in the life of every Catholic theologian, like Saint Paul there comes a time of high clarity. St. Paul’s moment was a time when he realized that all his elevated Jewish theology was just a waste of time. In fact, in the light of Christ’s suffering and more

  • No Fooling

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Apr 2, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    This was my Easter Sermon on April 1st. It looks at the how not believing in Jesus Christ and in His resurrection is foolish, and what foolishness really entails.

    Easter Sermon “No Fooling” Having Easter on April 1st, that is, April fools day, is kind of a dream come true. I’m actually living every pastor’s dream, and that is to be able to use the word, “fool,” in a sermon, and not get in trouble for it. Why is it such a big deal? It’s because of what more

  • Love And Being Christ's Bride

    Contributed by Richard Futrell on Oct 7, 2010

    The love described in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 helps heal and restore unity to a divided and bickering congregation to live out the unity of the faith.

    Intro If there’s ever been a part of the Bible that we’ve used--and abused!--it’s 1st Corinthians chapter 13. We’ve understood that chapter in so many different ways that we’re not even sure what point Paul is making, except that it’s something about love. To more

  • God’s Kind Of Church Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Nov 14, 2010

    what kind of church would God design? How does it match up with the 21st Century, Americanized church? Give it some thought.

    God’s Kind of Church 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 * If you have ever built a house for your family, then you know a little about decisions, frustrations, and more. In the process, you may well discover that ‘what you want is beyond your ability to provide. We lived in Yazoo City, Mississippi, for a more

  • What Is A Deacon Series

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Feb 22, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    There are many misconceptions about the ministry of a deacon. This is a brief outline summarizing the role of deacons in the early Church. These should be guidelines for the 21st century deacons.

    In the original language, the word, Deacon, means Servant The title itself, is as descriptive as any job description could be. In the Bible, words have meanings and the word "deacon" means servant. Here is how the word has been defined in its various forms: "Diakoneo and its derivatives, as their more

  • Kingdom And Chaos

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Jan 10, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    1st Samuel opens with contrasting narratives - the corrupt religious leaders who are taking advantage of people and a faithful family who is serving God.

    Kingdom and Chaos 1st Samuel 1 – Hannah and Samuel January 13, 2019 1st Samuel opens with contrasting narratives – the corrupt religious leaders who are taking advantage of people and a faithful family who is serving God. Elkanah is faithful. Eli and his sons are corrupt. The Kingdom is in more

  • I Am Thankful For ... The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Nov 11, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 2nd in a series of sermon - I am Thankful for (grace being the 1st) This sermon deals with the beauty and majesty of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

    Scripture: Mark 1:1-11; John 7:37-39 Theme: Baptism of the Holy Spirit Title: I am Thankful for … the Baptism of the Holy Spirit INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! This month we are looking at things for which we are thankful. Last week we look at the subject more

  • Sodom And Gomorrah Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Jun 6, 2022

    Here in lies the danger of dancing with the devil - 1st you abhor sin.... than you accept sin.... than you embrace sin.

    June 04, 2022 Continuing our series, Bible Stories, we come to the story of SODOM and GOMORRAH. Early on in the story of Abraham and his family, we come the moment Lot chose to connect himself to Sodom and Gomorrah. The flocks and herds had become so large that Abraham and Lot’s employees were more

  • Stop Doubting And Believe

    Contributed by Joe Farnella on Apr 6, 2016

    This is a sermon on Thomas. A play on the word Didymus Means twin. And using the Illustration from Austin Powers Mini me (The unbelieving side of us) I am sure this is not original as many have preach on this message at some time or the other.

    Stop Doubting and Believe John 20:24-29 - Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in honest-to-goodness, old-fashioned acts of God? - Of all Gods Miracles this is the BEST. - People have asked me have I seen Miracles before. My answer is YES! -Besides seeing His physical power I see Life and more

  • Lordship Of Christ

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Oct 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Thomas uttered one of the most profound statement of faith when he saw the resurrected Lord. To acknowledge His Lordship, we need to let go of our agenda, choose to have faith and see Jesus as He truly is.

    RECAP last week sermon – Joshua 14:6-15 A look at Caleb, who followed the Lord wholeheartedly - what stands out for such a man? (1) TRUST IN THE UNSEEN GOD - He Does Not Believe Everything He Sees (2) CLING TO THE PROMISE - He Does Not Despair Over Misfortunes (3) CRAVE FOR THE BLESSING more

  • En Cuyo Informe Creerás: La Resurrección

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Apr 9, 2021

    Tenemos la opción de qué informe creeremos acerca de la resurrección. Algunas veces, como Thomas, preferimos nuestra lógica al testimonio de otros.

    En cuyo informe creerás: la resurrección 9/4/2021 Jeremías 38: 14-23 Juan 20:19:31 Cuando recibe alguna noticia, ¿qué determina si está dispuesto a creerla o no? ¿Cuántos de nosotros hemos dudado porque la noticia parecía demasiado buena para ser more

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