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  • Cistern Or Spring?

    Contributed by Trey Harris on Feb 27, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Our soul thirst is satisfied only through Christ.

    “CISTERN OR SPRING?” JOHN 4:1-30 TREY HARRIS I think we are born thirsty. That must be why they start babies out on a liquid diet. We come into a dry world after being surrounded by water for nine months and I think we must spend the rest of our lives trying to once again experience the safety of more

  • "Spring Fever"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Feb 14, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Can you imagine the "spring fever" that Noah and his family must have had? They had been penned down in the dark dampness of the ark for over a year...

    Title: “Spring Fever” Introduction: We may think that we have it bad here in Muskegon, Michigan. We have to wait almost five months for the return of warmer weather to our State. People in the North know how to celebrate the first day of Spring! We take knowledge of the new spring buds on the more

  • The Springs Of Life

    Contributed by Larry Jacobs on Jun 29, 2006
    based on 49 ratings

    I scratch my head at times and wonder what happened to the Nineties? We all must face the fact that time keeps marching on. Where you and I are concerned LIFE is measured by time.

    "The Springs Of Life" Prov 4:23 Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life. There are different type of messages that are preached. Some can be placed under the heading of Expository, Analogy, Textual, Topical, Question Method, etc. There are more

  • Spring Forward

    Contributed by Charles Whitmire on Mar 13, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    This message looks at how God invites us into relationship and calls us to enjoy the "newness" of spring again after winter...

    Last night, hopefully, you reset your clocks. This time of your we spring forward - we move the clock ahead, and we lose an hour. We, of course, also gain some daylight at the end of the day... Which is something I am looking forward to! - This week I started thinking about Spring - about springing more

  • Spring Cleaning Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 5, 2006
    based on 114 ratings

    The Passover was the first and most important feast day of the Jewish people... but it was only the first feast day of "The Feast of Unleavened Bread". There was a reason for that. Do you know what it was?

    THE SCENE: Israel had been in slavery in Egypt for years. In answer to the prayers of the Israelite people, God sent Moses to Pharaoh with this command: “Let my people go!” But of course Pharaoh wouldn’t listen and so God brought 10 terrible plagues upon Egypt and Pharaoh to convince them that it more

  • The Life Spring

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Aug 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Through Christ, and Him alone there is hope, and when a believer adds works to Jesus' finished work anything can and will happen.

    The Life Spring Text: Numbers 21:16-18 From there the Israelites traveled to Beer, which is the well where the Lord said to Moses, “Assemble the people, and I will give them water.” 17 There the Israelites sang this song: “Spring up, O well! Yes, sing its praises! 18 more

  • Spring Cleaning

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Aug 19, 2012

    No wonder Jesus was upset, the Jews were not only to worship God but bring others to worship God. They had a place were the Gentiles could come to worship, but they had made it nearly impossible for the Gentiles to worship.

    John 2:13-22-Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business. When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and more

  • Spring Into Action

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Mar 29, 2009
    based on 110 ratings

    Our text tells us that we must "spring" into action for our faith to be meaningful. 1- Be quick to listen 2- Be slow to speak 3- Be slow to anger 4- Be quick to rid 5- Be quick to act

    INTRO.- ILL.- On July 2, 1982, Larry Walters, a 33-year-old man who decided he wanted to see his neighborhood from a new perspective. He went down to the local army surplus store one morning and bought forty-five used weather balloons. That afternoon he strapped himself into a lawn chair, to more

  • Spring Cleaning Series

    Contributed by Jeremy James on Nov 21, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    Jesus clears out the money changers.

    Mark 11:15-18 Jesus had just made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem and he went straight to the Temple. For most of us when we think about the Temple we think of a single building much like our church here. But, the Temple mount in the time of Jesus was much more than a building. It was a more

  • Spring Forward

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jul 31, 2023

    There’s a surprising freedom that comes from following God unto the unknown. Enjoy it.

    If you look back on the last 10 to 50 years the amount of change we have experienced in this country is pretty staggering, isn’t it. From propeller planes to space shuttles, from Ozzie and Harriet to Ozzie Osborne, from the Cold War to the War on Terror. But at least we’ve had the same government, more

  • Trust God In Every Season Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 5, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The natural seasons are winter, spring, summer and autumn; there are also spiritual seasons in our lives.

    Trust God in every season “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time more

  • The Seasons Of Spiritual Life Series

    Contributed by John Tung on Apr 20, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    A Christian’s spiritual life goes through a process that is often similar to the seasons of the year.

    THE SEASONS OF SPIRITUAL LIFE Luke 8:11-15 John Tung, 11-16-03 I. Introduction November is an interesting month. You have rain, sometimes, even snow, in November. It gets warm and it gets cold. It is windy; it is mild. And of course the leaves turn beautiful colors. It has a little bit of more

  • Seasoning The Season Series

    Contributed by Richard Pfeil on May 11, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    The opeing message that kicks off a six part series on making Christ more central in our Christmas celebrations.

    Seasoning the Season TEXT: Luke 2: 9-14; Hebrews 9: 1-10 Sunday, November 24,2002 I’m always confused about this service because there are two things that need to be accomplished at the same time. Advent begins next Sunday and if we are to get the most out of our Advent season, it is important more

  • Living In A Season Of Joy Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jul 24, 2017
    based on 6 ratings

    Each of us experience the natural seasons of winter, spring, summer and autumn; and we also experience spiritual seasons in our lives. I want us to consider together how we can Live in a Season of Joy.

    We continue in our series on discovering our destiny and for the last few weeks across our group of churches we have been thinking about knowing what season we are in. Each of us experience the natural seasons of winter, spring, summer and autumn; and we also experience spiritual seasons in our more

  • Spring: God Is On The Move Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Nov 5, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Spring is the perfect time to rejoice that winter, the dark night of the soul, has ended and new opportunities to serve the Lord are born. In spring one plows, plants and cleans the inside of the cup for His honor and glory!

    Spiritual Rhythm Spring: A Fresh Encounter with God Isaiah 35 Online Sermon: Praise be to God; winter does not last forever! In the depths of sorrow and pain that threatens to crush any remembrance of pleasurable times, one finds that the Man of all more