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  • Take It To The Limit - Time Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Feb 11, 2008

    Spreading yourself to thin.

    Take It To The Limit - Time Exodus 18:1-27 January 27, 2008 Last week we begin a series of talks that I’m calling - "Take it to the Limit." The idea behind these 3 talks is that each of us has limits. You and I have boundaries. Fences Borders Lines of demarcation When it comes to having more

  • Speed Limits And Stop Signs

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Mar 7, 2021

    We must stand firm in God’s righteousness, especially in the political environment of "offense."

    Speed Limits and Stop Signs March 7, 2021 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must stand firm in God’s righteousness. Focus Passage: Romans 1:18-32 Especially v 32 Supplemental Passage: God created man in His own image, in the image of God He more

  • Lord, I Know That What Your Word Says ... But

    Contributed by Kelvin Parks on Aug 15, 2004
    based on 50 ratings

    You see ... when we know right from wrong and we still choose to do wrong, then I believe that we suffer from one of two problems.

    Preached at Living Stone Community Church Standish, Maine on 15 August 2004 6:00 pm service Please stand for the reading of God’s word. [v.7] For so it was, that the children of Israel had sinned against the Lord their God, which had brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand more

  • The Limits Of Forgiveness

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jun 24, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    So, what are the limits for forgiveness? Jesus tells a parable to answer that very question.

    THE LIMITS OF FORGIVENESS MATTHEW 18:21-35 INTRODUCTION… iGoogle Widget: ‘Things to Ponder’ Have you ever asked a dumb question? I have to admit that I have. On my last trip out of town, I had to make a bank deposit in Virginia. For some reason, out of my mouth came, “Can I deposit here in more

  • Living At God’s Speed Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jul 26, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We are to live lives based on God’s perfect time by walking daily with Jesus at His pace not our own!

    Last week we noted, If you want to experience this glorious God, find out what He is doing then join Him! In our passage today, we will also note that because God’s plan is perfect, God’s plan will always happen at the right time! A question: How fast is life moving today? If there was no speed more

  • Obedient Citizens

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jun 21, 2023

    Leaders of nations that oppress Christians are only hurting themselves by persecuting their best citizens. Let's look at why in Romans 13.

    Leaders of nations and communities that oppress Christians don’t realize that they are harassing some of their most loyal citizens. A Christian value is to be obedient citizens? We obey civil laws because God wants us to. Every person should place themselves under the authority of the government. more

  • Submission: The Government Series

    Contributed by John Bright on Feb 13, 2025

    Working through 1 Peter using consecutive expository preaching. Teaching sheet included at end of text.

    "Submission: The Government" 1 Peter 2:13-17 Pastor John Bright 1 Peter 2 “13 Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, 14 or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise more

  • Divine Speed

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Jan 22, 2025

    Divine speed refers to the supernatural ability granted by God to accomplish tasks or reach goals faster than human effort can achieve.

    Title: DIVINE SPEED By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: 1 Kings 18:46 Supporting Texts: Isaiah 40:31, Habakkuk 2:3 INTRODUCTION: Divine speed refers to the supernatural ability granted by God to accomplish tasks or reach goals faster than human effort can achieve. When God’s hand is upon a more

  • Jesus Is Lord Because Of How He Rules Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 22, 2003
    based on 207 ratings

    Colossians tells us that rules and regulations have no power to make us moral... but does that make sense? Yes, and the reason may amaze you.

    OPEN: He brushed his teeth twice a day and the doctor examined him twice a year. He wore galoshes when it rained, slept with the windows open, stuck to a diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and got at least 8 hours of sleep every night. He never smoked, drank, or lost his temper. more

  • Spirituality And Speed Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 22, 2021

    God said, "Quick, leave Jerusalem immediately." God is usually not in a hurry, but in His dealings with Paul in this chapter, the name of the game is speed.

    Jamie Buckingham has written 20 of the best Christian book of the past decade. And in one of them called The Last Word he tells of how, even for a Christian sometimes, everything can go rapidly wrong. He lived in a quiet country home, but it was one with an unusual water system. He had a cut off more

  • Need For Speed Series

    Contributed by Charles Wallis on Jan 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We can experience God by learning to be silent.

    Need for Speed January 28, 2009 What is the most thrlling, exciting thing you have ever experienced? How did it feel? How long did that feeling last? Why do we need speed? Roller Coasters: We wait an hour for a 30 sec thrill. We all have a need for excitement, thrills, but that need can more

  • Beyond All Limits

    Contributed by Larry Elder on Aug 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    All of us have limits and boundaries that make us uncomfortable if we go beyond them.

    Beyond All Limits Deut 30:11 Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. NIV LWE ODC SEPT 04 All of us have limits and boundaries that make us uncomfortable if we go beyond them. • Personality types, • money limits, • knowledge, • wisdom more

  • Limitations

    Contributed by Mickey Bell on Apr 27, 2006
    based on 29 ratings

    Many of us can not get to the place where God wants us to be due to the "Limitations" that we have placed on God.

    Limitations! Zechariah 2:1-5 · Ask a man in a wheelchair to climb three flights of stairs and he will say, “I can’t do that” · Ask a lady without eye sight to walk alone through your house and she will say, “I can’t do that” · Ask a teenage boy without legs to go and play football and he will say, more

  • Are There Limits?

    Contributed by Michael Hopkins on Oct 8, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The scripture reading show that God has no limits in the way that humans perceive them, and challenges listeners to consider their own limits.

    2 Kings 5.1-15 2 Timothy 2.8-15 Luke 17.11-19 I wonder if you’ve ever watched I’m a celebrity…get me out of here? Selected celebrities are expected to face things most of us would rather avoid, like putting one’s arm into a tank full of writhing snakes, or handling a more

  • Divine Speed Bumps

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Oct 16, 2001
    based on 35 ratings

    A sermon to explain how God attempts to slow us down when He wants to get our attention.

    Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:1 – 11 Title: “Divine Speed-Bumps” Introduction: David and his men were trying to handle the Holy Presence and glory of God with “Human Hands.”  God will only let you do things your way just so far.  It appears that David’s caravan “hit a bump” in the road at more

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