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Sermons on speaking truth in love:

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  • Speaking Truth With Love Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Aug 5, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    Main Idea: To grow in maturity and build up the body of Christ, we must learn to speak the truth in love to one another.

    Alright, guys, let's dive into Ephesians 4:1-16. It's all about living a life that's all about love. And not just any love, but God's love. One way we can do this is by keeping it real with each other, but doing it with love. Speaking honestly, but with kindness, helps us experience God's love. It more

  • Love Speaks The Truth Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 15, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the last sermon in the series and focuses on learning to speak the truth in love.

    A. There’s a story told of a four-year-old boy who came out of the bathroom screaming to his mother for help. 1. Startled, his mother ran to him asking, “What’s wrong?” 2. The little boy answered, “I dropped my toothbrush into the toilet.” 3. She calmed him more

  • Be A Peacemaker Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jun 20, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Seek to be a peacemaker, and speak to build others up.

    All of us REACT when we are angry; we don’t RESPOND with wisdom and sense. When we are in a rage, we do crazy things. • We’re going to see one rare moment in David’s life when he was driven by anger, in 1 Sam 25. • It can happen to any one of us, me included. I more

  • Do No Harm Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Aug 16, 2013

    When we have opportunities to help resolve conflict, we need to make sure we are careful what we say lest we become a gas can instead of a blessing.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • In a world torn by conflict, we need folks who are willing to be Peacemakers. • Christians are called to be those peacemakers. • Conflict is a part of the world we now live in, but God needs us to stay above the fray. • Last week we looked at more

  • Speaking The Truth In Love

    Contributed by Mark Baker on Jan 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    If you have a hunger for more, and want to be all that God has called you to be, then lets look to the Word of God to see some of the necessary steps that God has ordained for all of us to take in order to fulfilling that calling.

    Ephesians 4:15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head Christ God wants us to grow up in all things concerning Him, and there is a way that He has ordained for this to take place. If we look at this section of Scripture, we see that Paul is talking more

  • Speaking The Truth In Love Series

    Contributed by Dustin Boden on Mar 8, 2025

    🗣️💬 Our words have more power than we realize! In this series, we’ll discover that our words matter, that there are consequences for what we say, and explore how we can use our words for God's glory.

    "Speaking the Truth in Love" Introduction: Today we are continuing our series “Truth or Trash: What’s Coming Out of Your Mouth?” Your words can shape destinies—or they can destroy them. We talk about Jesus being Lord, but here’s the question: Is He Lord over your whole life, or just the more

  • Truth Series

    Contributed by Joe Tilton on Dec 12, 2013

    Who am I to tackle the meaning of Truth? To me, this is my most important contribution. If you use it, please let me know.

    Christmas Message December 22, 2013 Truth A Russian couple was walking down the street in St. Petersburg recently, when the man felt a drop hit his nose. “I think it’s raining,” he said to his wife. “No, that felt more like snow to me,” she replied. more

  • Communicating Truth In A Hostile Environment

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on May 5, 2011

    Let's look at how Jesus takes a hot potato topic, and manages to teach truth without being unneccessarily divisive.

    Passage: Matthew 22:15-22 Intro: What an incredible privilege it was for the disciples to walk with Jesus for 3 years. 1. listening, watching, talking together with him, was a life changing experience. 2. of course, thru the words of Scripture, we can have the same experience. 3. and today, more

  • Speaking The Truth In Love Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on May 5, 2002
    based on 268 ratings

    Paul’s conflict with Peter serves as a model for dealing with controversy. A look at both the source and soloution to conflict.

    Introduction: Two men who lived in a small village got into a terrible dispute that they could not resolve. So they decided to talk to the town sage. The first man went to the sage’s home and told his version of what happened. When he finished, the sage said, "You’re absolutely right." The next more

  • Speaking The Truth In Love

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 21, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon on Ephesians 4:15 (Some material adapted from from Richard Strauss)

    Sermon for 9/20/2009 Ephesians 4:15- Speaking the Truth in Love Introduction: Jacqueline Bay- My son Zachary, 4, came screaming out of the bathroom to tell me he’d dropped his toothbrush in the toilet. So I fished it out and threw it in the garbage. Zachary stood there thinking for a moment, then more

  • Speaking The Truth In Love

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jul 19, 2021

    Speaking the truth in love with one another is the habit Christians do. It is Jesus Christ in us. It is the Holy Spirit in us.

    Volkswagen is a popular brand of cars here in the United States and all over the world. About five years ago, Volkswagen was caught in a massive cheating scandal. Essentially they installed a “defeat device” – or software – in their cars with diesel engines that could detect when they were being more

  • Speaking The Truth Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Dec 6, 2012

    Jesus engaged in people's real life questions, issues and challenges. As followers of Jesus we are challenged to engage in caring conversations with others in order to share God's love and grace.

    John 4:37-30, 39-42 “Speaking the Truth INTRODUCTION One of the gifs of the technological revolution is that of communication. We are now able to communicate over greater distances, with more people, in a shorter time, than has ever been possible. • No more five day mail more

  • Speaking The Truth In Love - Loving The Unbeliever Series

    Contributed by Daren Mitchell on Jul 17, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The best witnesses for Jesus to an unbelieving world are followers who hold on to what they believe in every circumstance

    You know the game where one person stands in front of a group of people and says, “Simon says raise your hand,” and everybody raises their hands. “Simon says raise your other hand,” and everybody raises their other hand. Well the world is like Simon and many are doing more

  • Speaking The Truth In Love - Loving The Immoral Series

    Contributed by Daren Mitchell on Jul 17, 2013

    We love immoral people by holding on to what we believe and sympathizing with the weaknesses of others because we know what our weaknesses are.

    Jesus says the most important command of God for us to obey is this, “To love God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind and to love others.” So for the last few weeks we’ve taken some time to define what this kind of love is. We can summarize our last few lessons this way, more

  • Speaking And Receiving The Truth In Love.

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on May 14, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Paul appeals to his dear children,in love. This sermon asks (amongst other things) about how we give and receive rebuke.

    Thinking back about 20 years I had a friend who was a slave to alcohol. It controlled his life. After a heavy night of drinking he would wake up the next day and need a drink. However, after he made a profession of faith in Jesus his life began to change before my eyes. He never stopped alcohol more

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