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  • Nobody Expects The Spanish Inquisition Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on May 14, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    a sermon for ascension day

    “Lord is this the time when you will restore the Kingdom to Israel?” It is 40 days after the most amazing surprise - Jesus came back from the dead. And now it is obvious what is going to happen next: Jesus is going to lead a massive army, possibly including angels and defeat the more

  • Las Zarzas Del Avivamiento Series

    Contributed by Genovevo Izaguirre on Apr 7, 2001
    based on 88 ratings

    Is a Revival Sermon in Spanish,. which we need alot for the spanish comunity

    " LAS ZARZAS DEL AVIVAMIENTO " ( ÉXODO 3:1-5) "Apacentando Moisés las ovejas de Jetro su suegro, sacerdote de Madian,Llevo las ovejas a través de desierto, Y llego hasta Horeb monte de Dios.. Y se le apareció el ángel de Jehová en una llama de fuego en medio de una zarza,Y el miro y vio que la more

  • Feet On The Earth - Head In The Sky Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 30, 2003
    based on 195 ratings

    Paul tells the Colossians they need to keep their eyes on things above and kill off the things of this earth in their lives. How does that work?

    OPEN: April 17, 1964 something unique and noteworthy took place in America… That event was the introduction of the Ford Mustang. On that day the following events took place: 1. A Mustang had been chosen as the pace car for a stock car race in Huntsville, Alabama. When it drove onto the track, more

  • Encountering God Experience In Both English And Spanish

    Contributed by Ronald Crandall on Mar 25, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Coming to a position and place in life where we are confronted by God at a special time and season and Change is on the way. Like right then!

    My mind is not filled with thoughts of presents or things that might have been received or eaten. Mi mente no está llena de pensamientos de regalos o cosas que podrían haber sido recibidas o comidas. There is a hunger in me for a greater " Encountering God Experience," that changes my life, more

  • Como Controlar La Lengua

    Contributed by Buddy Holt on Dec 17, 2000
    based on 69 ratings

    How To Control The Tongue - In Spanish

    Como Controlar La Lengua 2 Tesalonicenses 2:16-17 Introducción Un dia una mujer despues de sentir convicción del Espiritu Santo despues de haber chismiado de su pastor, se fue a el para pedir perdon. Despues la perdonó pero aun asi sentía la culpa porque los chismes eran tremendos y lo habia more

  • Como Controlar El Temparmento

    Contributed by Buddy Holt on Dec 17, 2000
    based on 74 ratings

    How To Control The Temper - In Spanish

    Como Controlar El Temparmento Efesios 4:31-32 Introducción En mi oficina tengo un dibujo sobre mi escritorio de Piolín que esta orando. La oración dice, “Señor hoy, no he estado enojado con nadie, no he levantado mi vozno he discutido con ninguna persona, pensado mal de alguien, o perdido more

  • Searching For The Risen Lord

    Contributed by Lance Hostetter on Apr 2, 2013


    Título: En Busca de Jesucristo Texto: Juan 20:1-18 Propósito: Animar la evangelización Introducción: Soy un Cristiano de segunda generación. No sólo crecí en un hogar donde ambos padres eran cristianos, sino que mi padre estaba involucrado de tiempo completo en el ministerio (fui in HM hijo de more

  • pequeñas Cosas Que Ilustran El Poder De La Lengua! Series

    Contributed by John Wright on Feb 1, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    James teaches the importance of controling the tongue and this sermon is in Spanish, but this whole series can be converted to Spanish by going to James #0.

    INTRODUCCIÓN 1. Abre tu Biblia James 3:2-6. 2. El título de la lección: "Las cosas pequeñas que ilustran el poder de la lengua"! 3. Santiago 3:2-6 está lleno de imágenes visuales. 4. Las tres imágenes que ilustran los usos James punto que, desde que son pequeños y, sin embargo, controlar more

  • The Way Of Salvation

    Contributed by Howard Parnell on Oct 3, 2002
    based on 226 ratings

    The plan of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ can never be preached too often. This is another glorious passage on the grace of God.

    THE WAY OF SALVATION I Jn. 1:9 INTRO. (illus.) -- Dad driving the family to a speaking engagement one night and got lost. Mom kept saying, "Stop and ask somebody where the church is." But He was sure it was just around the next corner or the next or the next. So he just kept driving and time more

  • Safety In The Secret Place

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Jul 8, 2006
    based on 38 ratings

    Finding that place of refuge in the storms of life.

    Safety In The Secret Place If there’s one thing that David knew well, it was the art of finding a good hiding place. He was the youngest of Jesse’s boys and no doubt got picked on as the “baby of the family”. As a young shepherded boy David would know the best places to keep a safe watch over more

  • A Good Pastor

    Contributed by Tim Parsons on May 29, 2006
    based on 38 ratings

    This sermon deals with how to appreciation your pastor.

    Pastor Appreciation is a time of closeness,celebration,and coming together in unity and purpose for the entire church. It help’s to establish priorities by realizing the plan of God for the pastor and the congregation coming together as Partners in minisity with the Pastor Leading the way. more

  • The Last Laugh

    Contributed by James May on Jun 27, 2007
    based on 64 ratings

    Satan may be laughing when we fall, but we will get the last laugh on him. In the end, we win.

    The Last Laugh By Pastor Jim May Tonight I want to begin this message by pointing you to a familiar story in the Book of Joshua. This is a story of one of Israel’s defeats at the hand of their enemy. It wasn’t long after Israel crossed the River Jordan before they ran into their first major more

  • El Fuego De Dios Sobre Tu Vida

    Contributed by Victor Tirado on Jan 26, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    El altar representa a través de toda la Biblia el lugar de la manifestación de Dios Y siempre podemos ver algunos elementos que no faltan en el altar, el fuego y la victima, o la ofrenda requerida por Dios del sacrificio (1 Reyes 18:33)

    Tema: El fuego de Dios sobre tu vida Texto: 1 Reyes 18:30 “…Entonces dijo Elías a todo el pueblo: Acercaos a mí. Y todo el pueblo se le acercó; y él arregló el altar de Jehová que estaba arruinado…” Introducción: El altar representa a través de toda la more

  • ¿estÁs Enfermo?

    Contributed by Carlos Kleber Maia on Apr 13, 2019

    Quiero que los oyentes acepten la cura que Jesús ofrece y que los creyentes se empeñen en llevar a la gente a Jesús.

    Propósito: Quiero que los oyentes acepten la cura que Jesús ofrece y que los creyentes se empeñen en llevar a la gente a Jesús. introducción El hombre siempre se preocupó por su salud y buscó medios para evitar o combatir las enfermedades. El siglo XXI ha more

  • Creo En El Dios De Milagros

    Contributed by Carlos Kleber Maia on Apr 21, 2019

    Purpose: I want listeners to believe that God operates miracles, ruling time and space.

    CREO EN EL DIOS DE MILAGROS Texto: Jo 2.1-11 Propósito: Quiero que los oyentes crean que Dios opera milagros, gobernando el tiempo y el espacio. Introducción Vivimos en un universo formado por espacio, tiempo y materia, que es gobernado por leyes físicas constantes. Cuando una o more