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  • The Sovereign God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Apr 23, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    God is in control. He keeps His promises. He is on our side. Will you trust Him?

    We’ve finally come to the fourth and the last message of Haggai. • This last message was delivered on the same day as the third. God spoke twice on this day. • God speaks to address a need He sees. This time He came with a message specifically for the leader. From the content of the message, we more

  • Sovereign God

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Oct 11, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Our great God is sovereign, and He exercises His sovereignty for His glory and our good

    Sovereign God For Our Good and His Glory TCF Sermon October 9, 2005 Do any of you watch a program on TV where the episodes are continuing? You know, each week is a cliffhanger of sorts, trying to get you to come back to watch next week. Most of those kinds of shows have a brief recap that starts more

  • Our Sovereign God

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 9, 2015


    Daniel 4:19 -37 OUR SOVEREIGN GOD Defined: his absolute right to do all things (or anything) according to his own good pleasure more

  • "The Sovereign God" Series

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Aug 14, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    God is Sovereign in Calling, in Choosing, in Preserving.

    “For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things that are strong, and the base things more

  • Our Sovereign God Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 13, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    The word “sovereign” is both a noun and verb. As a verb it means, “to rule,” and as a noun it means “king” or “absolute ruler.” To say that God is sovereign is to say that God is in charge of the entire universe all the time.

    Our Sovereign God I came across a couple of children’s prayers this week. Johnny had been misbehaving and was sent to his room. He emerged a couple minutes later and informed his mother that he had thought things over and had even said a little prayer. The mother was very happy and said, “If more

  • Praying To A Sovereign God Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Mar 3, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    God’s sovereignty is an incentive to prayer because it assures us that when we pray for things that accord with his will, he’ll gladly do them.

    Let me ask you something. Did you notice who’s at the centre of Paul’s thinking as he begins this letter to the Ephesians? Who is it who takes centre stage in the life of the Church? Who is it that the church is entirely dependant on for their very existence? There’s the answer in the first more

  • Our Sovereign God Series

    Contributed by Rule Digal on Jan 6, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    Many of us are perplexed of the evils around us. Doesn’t God care anymore? Take heart! God has the sovereign control of every event. Every incident is always in line to what He has in mind.

    Theme: OUR SOVEREIGN GOD Daniel 1:1-7 Intro. A. Looking at the evils happening around us, we would be tempted to think that the Devil and his evil forces had won the world over God. The evils and the ills we have seen seem to be beyond remedy, and God seems to have no concern any longer. It seems more

  • Surrendering To Sovereign God

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 15, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    It is easier to surrender to a God that you know and understand.

    Surrendering to a sovereign God Genesis chapter 2:1-9 Introduction Genesis chapter 2:1-9 I hope that the title of the message this morning caught your attention. Surrendering to a sovereign God. The two words that I hoped jumped out is surrender and sovereign. more

  • The Everlasting Sovereign God Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Feb 25, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Exposition of Daniel 1:1-2 about the sovereignty of God’s dealing with the nation of Israel in bringing them into Babylon

    Text: Daniel 1:1-2, Title: The Everlasting Sovereign God, Date/Place: NRBC, 2/22/09, PM A. Opening illustration: lyrics from the Matt Papa song No One Else, B. Background to passage: we begin tonight a series through the book of Daniel. Tonight we will take up the first two verses, and really get more

  • Sovereign God Calls

    Contributed by Efren V. Narido on Apr 12, 2024

    What could the Omnipotent God, who is in control of all things, do in our time? In what way(s) He manifests His Sovereign power in our life right now? What happens when He calls?

    "Now the LORD said to Abram, 'Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and more

  • Sovereign God Or Earthly King?

    Contributed by Frank Gallagher on Dec 8, 2000
    based on 160 ratings

    Israel rejects God, wants an earthly king like other nations.

    SOVEREIGN GOD OR EARTHLY KING? (1 Samuel 8:1-22) [HTTP formatted version of this sermon is located at]      In today’s Bible lesson, we’re going to look at events in the book of 1 Samuel. Samuel was the last Judge of Israel. As a Judge, it was more

  • How The Sovereign God Conveys Grace

    Contributed by Efren V. Narido on Jan 20, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    I could really jump with joy and fall in love again with God to know the fascinating aspect of His grace. Never I thought that as I become more acquainted with it, I could even jump higher with GREATER joy!

    If we really know how the Sovereign God exercises grace, we will truly be amazed! After our denomination changed many of its teachings and began to recommend other Christian books, the first one I read was Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges. Grace is defined in that book as “God’s free and more

  • Recognizing The Sovereign

    Contributed by Kyle Blanton on Mar 26, 2008

    Not so much a description of "whosoever" or "elect" as it is a recognition of the sovereignty of God and His right to do what He chooses.

    Recognizing the Sovereign Romans 9:14-33 3-30-08 a.m. (PDBC) This passage of scripture has presented the church with much difficulty. Here we have the clashing of philosophies regarding “Whosoever” and the “Elect”. I admit that I wasn’t looking forward to dealing with it this week. I know that more

  • God Is Sovereign Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 9, 2019

    As Paul begins to deal with the questions of God's original election of the Jews and the later inclusion of the Gentiles, Paul drives home the point that God is sovereign.

    A. It has been said: “There are two sure things in life: 1. There is a God; 2. You are not Him!” 1. I would like to add a third sure thing: “And this God, whom you are not, is sovereign and can do whatever He decides to do.” 2. Steven Curtis Chapman wrote a song called “God is God” and the chorus more

  • If God Is Sovereign...

    Contributed by Marc Phillips on Jan 26, 2021

    Hope in the current world situation.

    The Sovereignty of God We hear about the sovereignty of God frequently don’t we? To be sovereign means to have ultimate or absolute power. We know through scripture that God is omnipresent, Psalm 139:7-12 says Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend to more