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  • Jesus' Authority Is Questioned Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Sep 14, 2014

    When we commit ourselves to God, we remove all hindrances. This is what the Pharisees couldn't do because they were only committed to themselves. If we do not want to be modern day Pharisees, we've got to be willing to devote ourselves to Jesus!

    Jesus’ Authority is Questioned Mark 11:18-33 - Jesus is demonstrated in this book as a “servant” - Jesus’ teachings, while difficult for some to deal with, are always timely -- God always allows us to hear from Him at just the right time - Before we begin more

  • Identity In Christ Alone Series

    Contributed by Kyle Gray on Oct 13, 2014

    What makes up your identity? Sanctification is a process that God wants to use to refine you. You'll find your identity there.

    In general, selfies tell a false story about us. They’re just a moment captured, not the whole picture. They’re misleading. Who we see in the mirror isn’t what others see. They’re as good as we want them to be. We can re-take them until we get it perfect. (not that I would more

  • The Root Of Evil, The Key To Life

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Sep 25, 2013

    The difference between "life" and "death" is the focus of our love. Do we love the things of this world that are fleeting, or do we love the eternal God? It makes all the difference.

    Mary Ellen is on a little kick right now. At least, I hope it’s a “little” kick and doesn’t go on for too much longer. She has decided she wants a horse. She’s been talking about wanting a horse for quite a while, but what had been just moderate interest reached more

  • In The Beginning

    Contributed by Hiram Withers on Dec 8, 2018

    As we celebrate Christmas, it is important to be reminded who we are celebrating.

    “In the beginning.” The bible being made up of 66 books, when we hear these three words our minds often go to the book of Genesis yet, there is another book in the Bible the starts exactly the same way. There are only two books in the Bible the start this way one describes the creation of the more

  • The Overseer’s Fitness-4

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Sep 26, 2012

    4 of 6. Paul related the moral qualifications for an overseer of the Church. Character traits for overseers of the church are definitive. ?How is his fitness determined? An overseer’s fitness is decided by his...

    The OVERSEER’s FITNESS-IV—1Timothy 3:1-7 Attention: My CDL. I went to truck driving school, went thru the appropriate training, passed the appropriate tests, made the appropriate contacts. I was trained for a few months on the road/I learned much from my trainers. I eventually was cut loose on my more

  • Life After Death

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Sep 18, 2017

    Even when radical life altering change occurs we can still have victory.

    “Life After Death” Deuteronomy 34:1-12, Joshua 1:1-5 Deuteronomy 34:1 And Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho. And the LORD shewed him all the land of Gilead, unto Dan, 2 And all Naphtali, and the land of more

  • The Basis Of Our Love Life With The Lord

    Contributed by James Snyder on Mar 14, 2016

    Our appetite really defines us, drives us and is the explanation for the quality of our life right now.

    Song of Solomon 1:1-17 Introduction… Appetite is what really defines and drives a person. It is quite difficult for a person to overcome their appetite. This may be a good thing and then again, it may be a bad thing. If you can find a person’s appetite, you can control that person to more

  • Money Is The Root Of All Evil Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Apr 21, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Like so many things in life, money is not inherently bad, but our perspective on money can cause lots of problems.

    We’re now right in the middle of this series, “Bible or Not,” where we are exploring these phrases that are often used, and are also often considered to be Biblical, but which are not actually found in the Bible. These “Christianese” phrases we are exploring in this more

  • The Art Of War - Pt. 3 - Warfare Wardrobe 1 Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Jul 2, 2017

    Security systems. Car alarms. But are you still vulnerable? Defenseless? Feel like you are under attack? Are you dressed for battle? Let's learn the "Art of War!"

    The Art of War Pt. 3 - Warfare Wardrobe 1 I. Introduction On May 9, 1864, at the site of the Spotsylvania Courthouse, General Sedgwick was personally overseeing the placement of a battery directly to the rear of his entrenched 14th New Jersey while enjoying a conversation with his young more

  • Genesis 17 Series

    Contributed by Tom Owen on Apr 23, 2008

    Genesis verse-by-verse

    Genesis 17 Last week we saw how as the Lord made the flood waters subside on the earth He was giving humanity a second chance – a second chance to live! Because of God and by God man had a new lease on life and a second chance to exist and live like they were created to live. But what if more

  • Success In Singleness Series

    Contributed by Todd Leupold on Apr 28, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Success and Singleness are not two words most people easily put together. For most, the state of singleness is only ever supposed to be a temporary, necessary stage of life. Some might even go as far as to see as a 'necessary evil.' Too frequently to b

    “SUCCESS IN SINGLENESS” 4th in Series: Searching For Success Rev. Todd G. Leupold, Perth Bible Church, January 31, 2010 AM INTRODUCTION: Success and Singleness are not two words most people easily put together. For most, the state of singleness is only ever supposed to be a more

  • Downsizing Part 3: The Halliburton

    Contributed by Travis Voeltz on Sep 27, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Today is part 3 in our series. It was originally going to be 4 parts, but I downsized…

    Open Today is part 3 in our series. It was originally going to be 4 parts, but I downsized… In part 1 we talked about having faith in worldly possessions is like using a wet paper sack…the bottom is going to fall out. In part 2 we talked about having confidence in ourselves, or in the flesh, and more

  • Faithful To Intercede Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Apr 28, 2021

    Prayer is the most powerful tool believers possess, but it is often little used. We have access to the throne of grace, enjoying the ability and privilege to make our requests known unto Christ our King. We must take advantage of this blessed privilege.

    Faithful to Intercede Esther 5: 1-8 These were certainly troubling times for Mordecai, Esther, and the entire Jewish population within the Persian Empire. Haman had influenced Ahasuerus to sign a decree, calling for the complete destruction of the Jews within the kingdom. Although they were shaken more

  • Courage To Serve Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Aug 11, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus had spent time with the disciples, preparing them for the work of ministry. He had instructed them on where to go, what to do, and how to conduct themselves among men. Then He shared the difficulty they would face as they served Him, being rejected by most.

    Courage to Serve Matthew 10: 16-22 Jesus had commissioned the twelve for ministry, providing detailed instruction regarding the work they were expected to perform. Jesus had told them where to go, what to take, and how to conduct themselves as they ministered among men. Now Jesus offered insight more

  • Initiating The Turn-5(2023)

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Oct 24, 2023

    5 of 12. Luke informed his audience of the initial steps that God took to turn His people toward Himself. God began the process of turning of His people toward Himself. But what principles does God use to begin turning people toward Himself? In Initiating the Turn, God uses...

    ‘INITIATING The TURN’-V—Luke 1:13a(:5-25) Attention: Our youngest son, has always been sport’s minded. In high school he played football, threw shot-put, dabbled in wrestling, & played rugby in college. ‘Game day’ is very different for ‘throwing shot-put’ than it is for ‘football.’ In more

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