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  • "Shout For Joy!!!"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 15, 2018

    A sermon for Thanksgiving.

    “Shout for Joy!!!” Psalm 100 A year ago, this past March, a couple of guys and I at East Ridge United Methodist Church, felt the call to start a Food Pantry. All we had to work with was $2,500. A year later, my buddy and I were walking through the Food Pantry. There were hundreds of people more

  • Shout For Joy Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jul 11, 2013
    based on 81 ratings

    How should we respond to our great God? 1- We shout for joy 2- We worship with gladness 3- We know (or recognize) He is God

    INTRO.- Shouting can be good but it also be bad. It depends on where you are shouting and to whom. ILL.- JACKIE KLEIN is a devoted mother of two little boys in the suburbs of Portland, Ore. She spends hours taking them to soccer and Cub Scouts. She reads child-development books. And she is more

  • The Mute Shout For Joy Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 30, 2012

    Support our music ministry

    September 9 2012 23rd Sunday in Course Verbum Domini The eyes of the blind are opened, and the ears of the deaf are unstopped, the lame walk and the mute shout for joy. The poor come to worship with the rich and all are treated alike. And Jesus is the center of it all. The one who came to more

  • Shout For Joy -- Thanksgiving 1 Of 4 Series

    Contributed by David Hodgin on Nov 4, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    As Christians, joy should is more than just a thought, it is a way of life

    Shout for Joy!! Psalm 100 Ps 100:1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Ps 100:2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Ps 100:3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Ps 100:4 Enter his more

  • "shout For Joy To The Lord"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 20, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon for the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

    “Shout for Joy to the Lord” Psalm 100 Theologians have often pointed out that we human beings tend to engage in acts of worship, whether we believe in God or not. We all have objects that we praise: a musical instrument, an actor or actress or even an awesome view. “It’s amazing or more

  • Shouts In The Bible

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Nov 3, 2003
    based on 85 ratings

    In this message we will examine some of the times mentioned in scripture where people shouted. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful.

    Shouts in the Bible Psalms 5:11 But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee. In this message we will examine some of the times mentioned in scripture where people shouted. The more

  • New Song Of Celebration Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 77 ratings


    BIG IDEA: BREAK OUT OF YOUR RUT AND SING A NEW SONG OF SHOUTS OF JOY Important theme throughout the Psalms: 33:3 "Sing to Him a new song" 40:3 "He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to out God" 96:1 "Sing to the Lord a new song" 98:1 "Sing to the Lord a new Song, For He has done more

  • Shout For Joy, Zion’s King Is Coming! Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Dec 12, 2023

    Luke 2:10 repeats the prophesy of Zechariah 9 which calls our attention to our great redeemer who brings salvation and unspeakable joy to all who receive Him. He comes with great humility, bringing great joy to all his saints.

    Sermon: Shout for Joy, Zion’s King is Coming! Scripture: Zechariah 9:9 -11 “Rejoice, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey, riding on a donkey’s colt. I will remove the battle more

  • The Meaning Of Christmas

    Contributed by Charles Cockroft on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 47 ratings

    We have some strange ideas about THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS. We hear Happy Holidays, Which could mean anything. Today I want to look at the Christmas story and see THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS.

    The Meaning of Christmas Lu 2:8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field,keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore more

  • Shout For Jot Before The Lord, The King

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Nov 16, 2013

    A short talk given at our early morning communion service encouraging the congregation to enter into the jubilant high praise of Psalm 98

    ‘Shout for joy before the Lord the King’ (98:6)! Have you ever been in a crowd of people where the cheers, the noise, the celebration has been overwhelming? If you close your eyes can you imagine that moment? For me it would be the old Wembley Stadium when my beloved Gillingham more

  • Sorrow Is Passing But Joy Is Permanent Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 10, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible is very honest about suffering in this world. It declares over and over that pain, sorrow and weeping will be a part of life. However, the good news is that it is passing and not permanent. The negatives pass away, but the positives will come to stay.

    The Bible is very honest about suffering in this world. It declares over and over that pain, sorrow and weeping will be a part of life. However, the good news is that it is passing and not permanent. The negatives pass away, but the positives will come to stay. The ultimate goal of God for His more

  • The Three Shouts We Must Do To Have The Victory

    Contributed by Absalon De La Cruz on May 9, 2011
    based on 22 ratings

    God does not want us to always be in defeat,to wake up each day wining about our troubles. In this lesson you will see the three clues to have victory in your life that God wants you to know.

    (II Chronicles 13:12-19)(NCV) 1. SHOUT OF WAR Here we see how powerful it is to rely on God in times of trouble, and in all times. We see how Abijah and Judah look around them to only see that they were completely surrounded by there enemy, talk about being in trouble. You see a lot more

  • The Power Of The Shout

    Contributed by Brian Barrett on Apr 24, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    This message looks at a few benefits of the shout. It is a message that will stir your heart as well as the heart of your congregation as you share THE POWER OF THE SHOUT.

    The Power of The Shout Oh, Clap your hands all ye people, Shout unto God with the voice of triumph! God is gone up with a shout, The LORD with the sound of a trumpet. Psalm 47:1,5 1. We can shout for our salvation. Ps 20:5 5 We will rejoice in thy salvation, … a. we will rejoice, “to more

  • I Can't Help It Series

    Contributed by Charles Jones on Apr 11, 2013
    based on 9 ratings

    When David succeeded in the getting the Ark of the Covenant returned to Israel, he was so excited and happy that he stripped his clothes to his loin cloth and danced naked in the streets, leaping and jumping and shouting with joy. That''s the way we f

    I Can't Help It By Charles C Jones Psalm 126:3 The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad Psalm 126:3 Some People Ask Why Are You So Full Of Joy? Why Are We So Joyful? That''s a mystery to those outside of our faith. Whether we enjoy the best of health or whether we are more

  • Choosing Your Lamb - Peer Pressure

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Apr 29, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Peer pressure - the Psalm Sunday entry - shouts of joy - cries for Crusifiction - Made bigger by peer pressure.

    Choosing your lamb - Peer pressure Mark 11:1-11 A little boy was sick on Palm Sunday and stayed home from church with his mother. His father returned from church holding a palm branch. The little boy was curious and asked, "Why do you have that palm branch, dad?" "You see, when Jesus came into more

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