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Sermons on Shofetim 6:1:

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  • Gideon - The Mighty Man Of Valor - Part 1 Of A Series Series

    Contributed by Larry Semore on Jul 31, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A seven part series on Gideon starting with the condition and crisis of Israel in it's backslidden state, the selection of Gideon, the process of his development and finally his overcoming victory and destruction of the enemy.

    Gideon - The Mighty Man of Valor Part 1 of a Series Intro: I love to preach Series. You know, where you teach on a thought or topic for several weeks in a row. One of my favorite Old Testament guys is Gideon. With that being said, today we will begin a series of sermons about the life and times more

  • Detours - Pt. 2 - Detour Details Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Dec 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A wandering from a direct route. A different path. Unexpected turns and obstacles. What do you do when your life takes you down a path for which you didn't plan?

    Pt. 2 – Detour Details Interruption. A cancelation. A meeting moved. A delay. A different route. Sickness. Lack. Brokenness. All of these things have one thing in common . . . they are detours. They knock us off our intended and preferred route. They force us to adjust and go a different more

  • Avoiding Loss Or Becoming A Champion? Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 2, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    God wants to transform us from loss-avoiders to champions.

    Avoiding Loss or Becoming a Champion? (Judges 6:1-32) 1. Loss aversion means instead of playing to win, we play not to lose. We get much more misery from losing $100 than we get joy from being given $100. One authority writes; 2. “For example, ever wonder why retail clothing stores have more

  • God Looks To The Faithful

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Jan 16, 2013

    When society contains people of opposing beliefs and lifestyles, it’s easy to get confused and start thinking that tolerance is the same as approval.

    Pastor Allan Kircher Shell Point Baptist Church 6 January 2012 Judges 2:11,4:1, 6:1, 8:33, 13:1; 1 Cor. 1:27-29 God looks to the faithful Read the headlines: Family feud leaves 69 brothers dead! Powerful Government leader caught in “love Nest.” Gang rape leads to victim’s more

  • Journey Through The O.t. #4: Weak And Discouraged Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jul 3, 2012
    based on 7 ratings

    In the Book of Judges, God called and chose Gideon - a small and insignificant man - to be one of his champions. With God on our side, we can overcome weaknesses and discouragement.

    JOURNEY THROUGH THE OLD TESTAMENT #4: WEAK AND DISCOURAGED INTRO TO TOPIC: Have you ever questioned or wondered: “IF the Lord is (good and He is) with us, WHY then has all this (bad stuff) happened to us? And WHERE are all His miracles which our fathers told us about? BUT now the Lord has forsaken more

  • The Ripple Effect Of A Committed Life Series

    Contributed by Manny Salva Cruz on Mar 6, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Everything that we do on this earth has a corresponding consequences whether for good or evil that we do to ourselves or to the people close to us. This is the ripple effect of our lives on the people that we come in contact with.

    Every action we do on this earth has a corresponding reaction whether for good or for evil. Many people don't really understand it or they are not aware of it, but that is the truth of life. Every thing we do on this earth has a corresponding consequences whether for good or evil that we do to more

  • Crossing The Line

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Mar 1, 2016
    based on 15 ratings

    We are in a new era: There is no room for lukewarmness, or indecision, The Holy Spirit is calling the church to a place of established truth and power (how long halt ye between two opinions) the gray area is now gone, you have to choose a side.

    I have Been hearing something in my Spirit this week (I Keep hearing the Holy Spirit say: It's time to Cross the Line. You've crossed the Line: I'm sure you've heard that phrase used, I know I have, It usually means that you have crossed a boundary, it may be a boundary of acceptable behavior, or more

  • Sermon # 24 - Redeemed Not Forsaken Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Jun 27, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Are you feeling lonely, forsaken and wondering when God will intervene to bring deliverance from your hard situations? Here’s the good news! We have a redeemer, and He will never leave us nor forsake us.

    We read in Judges 5:31, “And there was peace in the land for forty years.”(GNB) The people of Israel enjoyed peace in the land for forty years, and this was possible because the Lord rendered the enemies of the Israelites powerless and established peace in the land. It is indeed true that the Lord more

  • Living Without Self Confidence

    Contributed by Walter Troup on Apr 6, 2019

    Self-confidence is a good thing, but what balance should we have in our abilities and the things God has called us to do. This is a closer look at the lives of two heroes of the faith.

    Living Without Self Confidence. Having self-confidence is a good thing. No one likes to be around someone who is not confident. In fact, people will say you must believe in yourself, if you don’t you will never achieve anything. But I believe that there is a fine line between having more

  • Gideon: God Pushed Him To Victory Lesson 4 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jul 18, 2023

    An imperfect person plus God makes a confident warrior. An organized and obedient few can defeat a multitude.

    A. WHEN GOD USES THE IMPERFECT: JUDGES 6:1-6 1. Desert raiders. The Midianites came – stole – and returned to the desert. (Judges 6:2-3). 2. Israel hid in the mountains. “Gideon threshed wheat in the winepress, in order to hide it from the Midianites” (Judges 6:11). 3. Imperfect Gideon felt he more

  • Coward Gideon Experienced God For Courage Lesson 3 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Nov 13, 2023

    When God uses a coward.

    A. WHEN GOD USES A COWARD: JUDGES 6:1-6 1. Desert raiders. The Midianties came – stole – and returned to the desert (Judges 6:2-3). 2. Gideon a coward. “Gideon threshed wheat in the winepress, in order to hide it from the Midianites” (Judges 6:11). 3. Gideon felt he was too weak to fight. “My more

  • Gideon Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Sep 4, 2024

    God called Gideon a “Mighty Warrior” even when he did not look like he was one. But we must remember that God sees what we do not see and we in turn must trust him and answer the call.

    2024 Theme: Never seen before in 2024! To see something we have never seen before requires us to hear the voice of God when it comes to our lives – we need to hear and see God’s intended destiny for our lives. If we listen and open up our hearts to the HS, we will see things never seen before by more

  • Part 6: Great Things Happen When God's People Pray! Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Oct 26, 2024

    1. We invite the Lord’s involvement (Jdg 6:11-12). 2. We profit from His patience (Jdg 6:12-16, 1, 25, 36-40). 3. We succeed through His strength (Jdg 6:14-16; Jdg 7:2-7; Jdg 7:12-22; Jdg 8:10).

    Great Prayers of the Old Testament Part 6: Great Things Happen when God's People Pray! Judges 6:1-40; Judges 7:2-7; Judges 7:12-22; Judges 8:10 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared October 26, 2024) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to Judges 6. Here the Bible begins to tell us the story of more

  • Kingdom Keys - Judges Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Mar 7, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    If the book was written to show us of how Israel fell into a terrible cycle of disobedience, repentance, oppression so decadent that it would need a deliver, we must be willing to admit our need for the same.

    So maybe you’ve heard it said, ‘read your bible’ so you tried and failed. Our hope as leaders is that all of us will pick up God’s word and come to understand the true nature of God. After all, the bible is God’s Word curated over centuries detailing His nature, His will, the meaning of life and more

  • Sermon # 18 - Faithful With Our Finances Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on May 15, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    God expects us to be faithful in everything that He has entrusted to us, especially with our finances. Let’s learn how to give cheerfully, and in a way that is pleasing to God.

    In Judges 6:12-13, we read, the Lord’s angel appeared to him there and said, “The LORD is with you, brave and mighty man!" Gideon said to him, "If I may ask, sir, why has all this happened to us if the LORD is with us? What happened to all the wonderful things that our fathers told us the more

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