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  • On Higher Level Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Dec 20, 2023

    How grateful are we to God for this year. God has been good to us. He protected us, he provided for us. He gave us food, clothing, shelter, heath, finances, joy, peace. Let’s give thanks to God.

    INTRODUCTION New Year theme: On higher level. We have come to the final minutes of 2011. How grateful are we to God for this year. God has been good to us. He protected us, he provided for us. He gave us food, clothing, shelter, heath, finances, joy, peace. Let’s give thanks to God for 2011. I more

  • Refreshing My Rough Times Series

    Contributed by James Botts on Sep 10, 2002
    based on 118 ratings

    “Refreshing My Rough Times.” Sometimes life can be real rough and it seems as though the whole world is out of control. We’ll study Psalm 91:1-16 in order to learn how to find shelter, peace and refuge in the presence of the Lord.

    The Crossing Community Church Times Of Refreshing “Refreshing My Rough Times” Pastor Jim Botts September 8th, 2002 Introduction **FLASH PLAYER CLIP: 9-11** John Blanchard recounts the events of 9-11: The beautiful morning of September 11th, 2001, seemed a day like any other day. But coordinated more

  • Thunder In The Mountains, Silence In The Soul

    Contributed by Carl Greene on Jun 21, 2010

    Elijah the great prophet shows us his humanity when he panics after a triumphant encounter with Baal worshipers. But God never gives up on him, God feeds him, shelters him, and speaks to him, not in the thunder, but in a still quiet voice.

    Ever been caught in a disaster? Chances are that all of us will be at some point, whether it’s a personal crisis or something more widespread such as a tornado or an earthquake. Doesn’t it seem we’re used to hearing about disasters every day? Some, like the oil spill, or the sudden flood in the more

  • Stable, Secure And Supportive – That Is God Our Rock, Forever Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Oct 22, 2022

    We have a great treasure. Christ is our ROCK in every storm of life. We look at some scriptures about God being our Rock, and our Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ is our shelter, stability, security, shade, support, and solace. Rock of Ages, cleft for me.

    STABLE, SECURE AND SUPPORTIVE – THAT IS GOD OUR ROCK, FOREVER DID YOU HAVE A ROCK? Years ago there used to be this fad – pet rocks. How many remember this craze? A quote from “Nostalgia Central” might jog your memories (if you are of my generation!) [[“The Pet Rock was probably the biggest more

  • Let's Be Spiritually Fit !

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Jan 20, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    A short homily for some elderly Christians living in sheltered accomodation. I don’t think I took on board the right amount of spiritual food over the Christmas and New Year period. God is challenging me (and perhaps you!) to be spiritually fit.

    A lot can happen in a year! A lot can and will happen during this next year. As I look back over the last year I realise that so much has happened and so much has changed: †My two boys have started new schools. †My daughter has begun pre-school. †My sister got married. †My Granddad died. †My more

  • Discouraged Covid-19 Disciples

    Contributed by Richard Stevens on Apr 28, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    During this difficult "shelter-in-place" time, we have had hopes, dreams, plans, anticipations but mostly disappoints. During this global pandemic, the most common thing we have in common is DISAPPOINTMENTS. But disappointments do not have to lead to DISCOURAGEMENT.

    During this difficult “shelter-in-place” time, perhaps we had hopes, dreams, plans anticipations but surely disappointments. We had hoped to have a Sunrise Service at the cemetery. We had hoped to have a special Easter service at the church. We had hoped to have our family more

  • A Bloody Difference Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Apr 2, 2023

    One aspect of sermon writing I enjoy is researching topics I normally wouldn’t research—like learning how much bunker and bomb shelters cost. An 8x12 “mini” bunker costs $45,000—not including delivery or installation charges...

    One aspect of sermon writing I enjoy is researching topics I normally wouldn’t research—like learning how much bunker and bomb shelters cost. An 8x12 “mini” bunker costs $45,000—not including delivery or installation charges. Nor does that include a bullet resistant door. For that you’ll have to more

  • Hoe Your Spiritual Garden

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jun 19, 2018

    Saints we must stretch out in these days to grow tall above the shadows of the weeds around us. We must demonstrate that the love of God is greater than the hate of His enemy. We must grow together sheltering one another from the encroaching weeds.

    Hoe your Spiritual Garden Matthew 13:24-30 13:36-43 Message: I trust you have been enjoying this spring weather and I hope you have gotten your hands dirty in the garden. Today we listen to Jesus give us a wonderful Parable about the Weeds in the Garden. Last Sunday our girls and boys of the more

  • Covid-19 A Message To The People Of God. The Place, The Promise, The Victory

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Mar 22, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Currently we are facing unprecedented times. The entire planet is facing a Pandemic called “COVID-19” or aka the Coronavirus. Fear, uncertainty, panic and desperation is spreading faster than the virus itself. States have been put on lock down and people are being told to shelter in place.

    COVID-19 “A MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD” The Place, The Promise, The Victory. OPENING:- Currently we are facing unprecedented times. The entire planet is facing a Pandemic called “COVID-19” or aka the Coronavirus. Fear, uncertainty, panic and desperation is spreading faster than the virus more

  • The Need For Walls

    Contributed by Scott Sutton on Jul 8, 2022

    I wanted to speak to you today about "The Need for Walls" If you think about everywhere, you go whether it be home, work, church, to a store, or even the vehicle you came here in this morning they are all enclosed by some form of walls for shelter and protection.

    In ancient times walls were built almost exclusively for defense. As in the case of the Great Wall of China. Which is known as one of the seven wonders of the world. The Great Wall was built over a period of 2,300 years! It is the longest man-made structure in the history of the world and has a more

  • The Assurance Of The Secret Place

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Nov 9, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Trouble comes into each life, even the life of the Christian. When trouble comes, the child or God will seek a refuge. The Psalmist points to the Lord God as the refuge for all who are redeemed.

    “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? “When evildoers assail me to eat up my flesh, my adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble and fall. “Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; more

  • The Compassion Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Warren Lamb on Jul 29, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Do we believe that we are the hands-feet-arms-mouth-body-wallet-ride-smile-kind word-gentle touch-shelter provider-etc.-etc of Jesus Christ now that He is in heaven? Then how should we respond when we see a need? Mull this over as we continue.

    Peter Ustinov said, “Charity is more common than compassion. Charity is tax-deductible. Compassion is time consuming.” What we are going to talk about today is compassion – godly, Christ-like compassion. Compassion in the midst of our own wants, our own needs, our own limitations. Compassion more

  • The Man Who Understood A Woman

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 5, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Why do women you know go back home after the visit to the ER or the domestic violence shelter? Why does she call the police, and then refuse to press charges? Why does she go from one alcoholic to another? You have met her. Maybe someone here is her!

    16 November 2005 “The Man Who Understood A Woman ” John 4:7-4:26 The title of the lesson this morning is “The Man Who Understood A Woman.” I knew that I more

  • Dwelling In God’s Secret Place Series

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Feb 4, 2025

    Dwelling in God’s secret place is an invitation to experience the fullness of His presence, protection, and peace. It is a place of intimate communion with God where we are strengthened and guided by His Spirit.

    DWELLING IN GOD’S SECRET PLACE By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Psalm 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Supporting Texts: Psalm 27:5 Isaiah 26:3 Matthew 6:6 Exodus 33:14 Colossians 3:3 John 15:4 INTRODUCTION: The concept more

  • The Wake Up Call

    Contributed by Bret Bone on Oct 29, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Our country is in the worst financial shape that it has ever been in? In 1970 we were 2.5 trillion dollars in debt…today Oct. 28th 2012 we are 16.8 trillion. In perilous times like this the only answer that makes any sense is to seek out shelter from th

    A young mother was surprised by her 7 year old son one morning. He had gotten up early and made her coffee and taken it to her in bed. As she willingly drank what was the strongest tasting cup of coffee in her life. When she got to the bottom of her cup she noticed there were three of those more

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