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  • Looking For Spiritual Loopholes?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jan 20, 2022

    Who is my neighbor? Trying to justify self? There are no love loophopes.

    LOOKING FOR A LOOPHOLE…? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Text: Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? What would it take to make me happy? What if every dream more

  • Christ Jesus Came To Save Sinners Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jan 28, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    1 Timothy 1:12-17 teaches us two aspects of God’s call.

    Scripture On one of his missionary journeys, Paul left Timothy in Ephesus to deal with problems in that church. He wrote his First Letter to Timothy and urged him to charge certain persons not to teach a false gospel (1:3-4). After Paul gave this charge, Paul expressed thanks to God for his call more

  • Practical Pointers For Grief 1 Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jan 30, 2022

    Grief is hard and we practical need help to work through it.

    Last week we began what I hope will be a regular podcast on the topic of grief. Grief is a reality and will generally affect all of us at some time or another. Grief is not limited to the death of a loved one. We grieve the loss of many things such as our dreams when they are shattered; the loss of more

  • The Chrisitan And The Iron

    Contributed by David Parks on Jan 31, 2022

    1. Place a brown paper sack on the pulpit and let people wonder what’s in it. 2. One of Jesus' most effective methods of instruction was the "object lesson."

    TEXT: Phil. 4:13-19 INTRODUCTION: 1. Place a brown paper sack on the pulpit and let people wonder what’s in it. 2. One of Jesus' most effective methods of instruction was the "object lesson." 3. With the object lesson, the instructor takes an object – either inanimate or animate – and more

  • Why Are You Serving In The Vineyard Of The Most High

    Contributed by Dove Inspirations on Feb 1, 2022

    What are your motives and intentions as you serve The LORD

    Why are you in the vineyard of The LORD? Beloved, why are you in ministry? Why do you preach? Why do you sing? Why are you involved in the work that concerns The Kingdom of YAHWEH? Is it because: i. I was told by my Pastor told I have a ministry ii. It pays the bills iii. The company is more

  • One Day At A Time

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Feb 8, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    We often feel that we can’t be happy until we are in the “perfect place,” or God’s “perfect will.” If we wait around for the perfect moment, then we could miss those truly perfect opportunities. The perfect moment to serve is right now.

    I have entitled our message for this morning “One Day at a Time.” What I am going to share has to do with understanding God’s will for our life, and this is a subject matter that concerns each of us as believers. Henry Blackaby, in his book Experiencing God, says that all you have to do find more

  • Motive For Involvement

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Feb 8, 2022

    Why do we serve the Lord? Motive is more important than any thing else.

    1. It is the 11th hour 2. There are Christians standing idle. Many asleep in the harvest. 1 Corinthians 15:34 3. This is a personal invitation. a. Go work. Matthew 21:28-31 b. Many parables of God’s work being the vineyard, the field, the harvest. 4. It is a fact each of us has a job to do in more

  • Followers Of Jesus

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Feb 18, 2022

    It's nice to stand on the fringes of what Jesus is doing and watch good things. But remember that he just might call you to jump in to some form of service.

    For the last several weeks we’ve followed the course of just 24 hours in Jesus’ life. It was an amazing time. It started on the Sabbath day. He preached in the synagogue at Capernaum, cast a demon out of a heckler there, went home to Peter’s house and healed Peter’s mother-in-law in the more

  • The Family Business

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Feb 21, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    We don’t know very much about Jesus’ process of maturation. The Gospels are rather silent about his growing up years, with Matthew being the only other canonical gospel that even offers a birth narrative, and he is silent on the years between birth and baptism.

    TITLE: THE FAMILY BUSINESS SCRIPTURE: ST. LUKE 2:49 It was just two months ago we gathered here in the sanctuary as we celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior. We had special programs like Candlelight Service, attended Christmas Sing Along over at Macedonia Baptist Church, and of course more

  • Funeral Service #2 (This Is A Sermon For A Christian Man Or Woman)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 1, 2022

    There are many advantages of living in a small community. One of the things you will notice immediately is how friendly people are, and how much they care for each other.

    For example, if you drive through the mountains of North Carolina on some of the old dirt roads where neighbors live five and ten miles apart, you will notice that the people in the yard will stop what they are doing when you drive by, smile, and wave at you. That is so different from people who more

  • "o Lord, Revive Thy Work"

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 3, 2022

    All over this great country of ours, CHURCHES have revival services each year. Many of these churches schedule them in the FALL and in the SPRING of the year.

    While it is good that churches schedule these services frequently, it is equally good that they recognize that before a church can experience a HOLY GHOST REVIVAL MEETING, they must know WHAT A REAL HOLY GHOST REVIVAL IS. A Holy Ghost Revival consist of at least three things, such as: 1. It is a more

  • What Is The Greatest Act Of Love?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 22, 2020

    Let us consider what demonstrates love to others the best? Kiss? Hold hands? How about considering LISTENING SKILLS?

    THE GREATEST ACT OF LOVE… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I ask the question what is the greatest act of love? May say “THE KISS” or MAYBE HOLDING HANDS? THE KISS CAN BE DECEIVING. The kiss can be deceiving. The kiss could hid motives and could lead to lust and hurt. Luke more

  • Home Of The Free Because Of The Brave PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 20, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon reflects on the selfless bravery of fallen heroes, encouraging appreciation for the freedoms their sacrifices have granted us.

    Good morning, cherished family of faith. Here we are, gathered once again in the warm embrace of our sanctuary, a place where our hearts find solace and our spirits find strength. As we come together today, I want us to cast our minds to the brave souls who have gone before us, those who have paid more

  • "Being At The Right Place At The Right Time"

    Contributed by Michael Bowen on Jun 10, 2013

    Theme: "Finding Your Place Of Service"

    I. God’s Calling Is Personal (v. 6-9a) A. He Calls People Involved (v. 6-8) B. He Calls People Individually (v. 9a) II. God’s Calling Is Persistent (v. 9b) A. To Show The Concern Is more

  • Christmas Message

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Dec 22, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Christmas Eve 6pm service

    Luke 2: 1 – 20 / Christmas Message Intro: It is Christmas Eve and following tradition, you gather with family to exchange and unwrap gifts. You are handed a small, beautifully wrapped present. You unwrap it carefully. The good news is that it is a voucher for $500. The bad news is that more

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