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  • Taking Inventory

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Dec 26, 2022

    The process of counting what a company has in its inventory is known as taking inventory. Can we apply this same process to our Christian walk?

    Taking Inventory of the Church: Paul is discussing a trip with Barnabas. Why did Paul take this second missionary journey and what was the purpose? Why would they want to go? Why should they? What has happened since his last visit? How many have been converted? He wants to go back and check on the more

  • Servant Leadership Series

    Contributed by Michael Monica on Jan 1, 2023

    Understanding Servant Leadership

    Matthew 20:17-28 & Luke 18:31-34 [Intro] (1) Review: The Rich young man and the laborers in the vineyard / 11th hour workers. (2) Jesus / disciples are journeying closer to Jerusalem where Jesus will be betrayed and given over to the chief priests and he will be crucified. The disciples most more

  • Time To Get Back To Work

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Jan 2, 2023

    It appears like everybody needs something from us, family members, friends, bosses at work, the schools that we may attend, our churches, clubs, etc. We wind up racing through life, taking care of the necessary, the immediate, and the urgent.

    Repeatedly the important is abandoned. Our problem is not the volume of requests or lack of organizational skills, but values - what is really important to us. Our values and our priorities are reflected in how we use our assets/resources. Frequently our activities give a false representation of more

  • Simple Steps For An Extraordinary New Year

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jan 6, 2023

    Psalm 22 begins as a lament - a desperate plea to God from someone who knows how much he needs God. The terms are clear - without God there is no hope. With God there is always hope, and David gives us a map here, finding hope when challenges are all around us

    _____________ To receive sermon notes in your email inbox, subscribe here: To receive emails from John Dobbs on topics of faith, books, photography, and miscellany: To watch videos of sermons from Forsythe Church of Christ: more

  • What Are We To Do When God Does Nothing?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Jan 11, 2023

    This is a story about one of two men that did not die. Enoch had walked with God and was taken so that he did not see death, Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind.

    In the preceding chapter, Elijah has a contest with evil prophets. In this chapter, Elijah flees for his life. In verses 1-4: Jezebel was maddened with regards to the passing of her prophets since they had told her what she wanted to hear, forecasting her future glory and power. Their more

  • Am I Using Faulty Tools?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Jan 30, 2023

    The simple things or actions during our Christian walk of faith are just as important as with the things that seem major.

    2 Kings 6:1-7 Elisha has now succeeded Elijah as a prophet to the Northern Kingdom (2 Kings 2:1-18). He has by now already prophesied and God has performed a few miracles through him. But now we will see something peculiar, he makes an axe head float. This situation shows how God cares for His more

  • What Does It Mean To Be Commissioned?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Feb 6, 2023

    Isaiah’s perspective on God in the initial four verses gives us a feeling of God’s significance, power, and mystery. Isaiah's case of perceiving his sin before God urges us to admit our own wrongdoings.

    Isaiah 6:1-13 The image of absolution that Isaiah gives advises us that we are pardoned as well. At the point when we perceive how incredible God is, how guilty we are, and the degree of His absolution, we get the strength to accomplish His work. How does our idea of the significance of God match more

  • A Roll Up Your Sleeves Kind Of Love.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Feb 12, 2023

    According to therapist, Dan Wile, “Marriage takes sacrifice, hard, work, and the ability to put up with disappointments and cope with frustration.”

    A Roll Up Your Sleeves Kind Of Love. 1 Corinthians 13:1-8aNLT A recent e-mail asked readers to reflect on the following questions: Name the five wealthiest people in the world. Name the last five Heinemann trophy winners. Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest. Name ten more

  • Our Change Of Masters

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Apr 15, 2023

    Man was made to rule. When God created man, he gave him priority over all things. Yet it is equally true that man was made to serve.

    In the beginning, man was placed in the garden to keep it and to address it. He was to serve his maker. We find within man a war, two great forces seeking the mastery of his life. Galatians 5:17. Evil and good, sin and righteousness. If evil seeks to rule man, so also the good spirit. That spirit more

  • Take An Easter Walk With Jesus

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Apr 24, 2023

    What are some world-famous walks or hikes? The first one that probably comes to mind is the one that is in our neighborhood: a hike into the Grand Canyon.

    What are some world-famous walks or hikes? The first one that probably comes to mind is the one that is in our neighborhood: a hike into the Grand Canyon. Another famous walk is the Inca Trail in Peru to the ruins of Machu Picchu. Still another walk on many people’s bucket list is the trek to the more

  • Honorable And Dishonorable Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 14, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    2 Timothy 2:20-26 shows us how to serve God.

    Introduction Harry J. Heintz shared the following story: Recently I glimpsed the glory of finishing a task well. At Arlington National Cemetery, I saw the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. I had watched that ceremony several times before, always moved by its solemnity and more

  • The Activity Of Ruth Series

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 18, 2022

    In this chapter, we see the activity of Ruth. What did she do when she came to a new land and what was her purpose?

    She Gleaned When the barley and wheat were fit to be collected, gatherers were employed to chop down the stalks and tie them into packs. Israelite law directed that the corners of the fields were not to be reaped. Likewise, any grain that was dropped was to be left for the gleaners, those more

  • The Acknowledgment Of Boaz Series

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 18, 2022

    As widows, Ruth and Naomi could only anticipate trouble.

    As widows, Ruth and Naomi could only anticipate troublesome occasions (1:8-9). In any case, when Naomi heard the report about Boaz, her hope for what's to come was reestablished (2:20). As was normal of her character, she considered Ruth first, empowering her to check whether Boaz would assume more

  • Having Faulty Tools

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 23, 2022

    Elisha has succeeded Elijah as a prophet to the Northern Kingdom (2 Kings 2: I - I 8). He has by now already prophesied and God has performed a few miracles through him. But now we will see something peculiar, he makes an axe head float.

    Elisha has succeeded Elijah as a prophet to the Northern Kingdom (2 Kings 2: I - I 8). He has by now already prophesied and God has performed a few miracles through him. But now we will see something peculiar, he makes an axe head float. This incident shows how God cares for His children and how He more

  • My Family Is Causing Me Chaos! Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Oct 28, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Many homes operate in chaos because they don't know the answer to correct the problem.

    Introduction In today’s world, it seems that so many areas of our lives are lived in chaos. In fact, I have run across people in my ministry who lives are nothing but chaos. And for some, let’s call them the blessed ones, there may be just one or two areas of their lives that are chaotic. In this more

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