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  • Self-Esteem Or God-Esteem? - Lesson 2 - What Constitutes A Good Self-Image? Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Dec 10, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Are People Basically Good or Basically Bad?

    WEEK 1 LESSON I. WHAT CONSTITUTES A GOOD SELF-IMAGE? QUESTION: Are People Basically Good or Basically Bad? (Gen 1:26-27) ________________________________________________________________________ QUESTION: Can People Improve more

  • Bushwacked! Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Feb 27, 2024

    If you want to be all that God called you to be, stop trusting in yourself and start trusting in God’s presence, person, and promises.

    On a Saturday in November several years ago (November 5, 2011), University of Tennessee freshman Derrick Brodus was lying on the couch at his fraternity house, waiting for the Tennessee Volunteers football game to start at 7 P.M. Less than an hour before kickoff, Derrick fumbled for his cell phone more

  • Overview Of Colossians Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jul 23, 2018

    Last (29) Message in our study of Colossians review the entire letter.

    Chico Alliance Church “A Letter to Live By” Introduction We have been studying Paul’s letter to the Colossians for nearly a year now. Paul wrote to this local church family to communicate God’s truth and his heart. He wanted them to know that Jesus Christ is supreme over all and sufficient for all more

  • Being A Biblical Church (Part Two)

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Nov 6, 2019

    This is the second in a short, end of the year series on being a Biblical Church. In this sermon we are looking at how a Biblical Church must be engaged in learning Scripture.

    Biblical Church 2019 (Biblical Learning) Text: Acts 2:22-47 So, we’re continuing on with our series that we started last Sunday… We’re looking at how to be a Biblical Church. And if you remember, I said we’re going to look at five marks… or five elements of a Biblical Church. Last Sunday we more

  • Jesus Verses Self-Centered Religion

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Sep 16, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    Jesus attacked self centered religion and warns us not to be apart of the traditions of men because their motives are self-centered not God-centered. Scripture

    Jesus verses Self-centered Religion Thesis: Jesus attacked self centered religion and warns us not to be apart of the traditions of men because their motives are self-centered not God-centered. Scripture Texts: Matthew 9:2-17: 1Jesus stepped into a boat, crossed over and came to his own town. more

  • The Virtue Of Self-Control (10 Of 10) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Mar 29, 2003
    based on 246 ratings

    Self-control is not when I control my "self". It when my "self" is controlled by the Holy Spirit.

    The Virtue of Self-Control Part 10 The Core Virtues of the Christian Life Galatians 5:22-23 Jeff Armbrester (I appreciate the sermon "Strawberry of Self-Control" by James Westervelt, which is on this site. His outline inspired me as I prepared this message. I encourage you read his sermon as more

  • Trade In "Self-Life" For "Servant's Heart" Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Feb 8, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    Self-pleasing is the most natural human instinct there is -- we want to climb the ladder. But it will stifle your growth! If you want this year to be different, trade in that attitude for a servant’s heart. *HANDOUT INCLUDED*

    Trade in “Self-Life” for “Servant’s Heart” “Son of man came not to be served, but to serve...” Life is essentially a series of trade-offs. . . everything plateaus when you’re unwilling to make the next trade-off. Brief REVEW OF - Trade in “Guilty Conscience” for “Guilt-free living”. . . - more

  • #9fruit Of The Spirit Self Control Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on May 29, 2002
    based on 105 ratings

    We are studing the fruit of the Spirit, this study is self control.

    #9 STUDY OF THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: TEMPERANCE / SELF-CONTROL By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23. Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. WE HAVE BEEN STUDYING more

  • Living Knowledge Manifest In Self-Control Series

    Contributed by Raymond Smith on Jan 23, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    #3 In the scriptures there is the assumption that anyone who is born again of the Spirit of God, that that person has the very power of God to live a life of godliness. This is not a life that is some unproductive barren wasteland, but a life that is full

    The Enlargement of Life "Living Knowledge manifest in Self-control” Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:24 ff 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 25 And everyone who competes for the prize is more

  • Living Self-Control Emancipated In Perseverance Series

    Contributed by Raymond Smith on Jan 23, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    #4 In the scriptures there is the assumption that anyone who is born again of the Spirit of God, that that person has the very power of God to live a life of godliness. This is not a life that is some unproductive barren wasteland, but a life that is full

    The Enlargement of Life Living Self-control Emancipated in Perseverance Reading: Luke 8:11-15 (2 Peter 1:5-11) Even a quick reading of the N.T. reveals that God has a plan and a purpose for anyone who will be fully open to Him. This plan is that we might have a life, and a way of life that is more

  • Christ's Prediction And Peter's Self- Determination

    Contributed by Cesar Delgado on Apr 4, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Men are weak and they fail. There is one basic reason for failure conveyed by Scripture: Men are not perfect. By nature, that is, by thought, acts and being, men come short.

    CHRIST’S PREDICTION AND PETER’S SELF- DETERMINATION Mark 14:27-31, 53-54, 66-72 Worldwide Church of God Bulawan Prieto Diaz Sorsogon April 8, 2006 Introduction Men are weak and they fail. There is one basic reason for failure conveyed by Scripture: Men are not perfect. By nature, that is, by more

  • Moses Faith; A Self-Denying Faith Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Following Christ is not easy, not if a person is going to truly follow Him. Moses is a prime example of a man who gave up all that the world had to offer in order to follow God and His promises.

    Letting your Faith do the Walking Part 12 Moses Faith; A Self-Denying Faith Hebrews 11:24-28 Introduction Following Christ is not easy, not if a person is going to truly follow Him. Why? Because His call is contrary to what most people think. His call is a call to love, joy and peace, but it is more

  • The Essence Of Your Strength ~ Self Control Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Nov 19, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    I guess of all the nine fruits of the Spirit, “self-control” is the one with which we might feel the greatest sense of unease. Self-control is allowing God to be in control of your will and heart and seeking the Spirit to enable us. Then we will know what

    Opening illustration: Some years ago the press had reported that the president of a Midwestern theological seminary was fired after the Board of Directors determined that his temper had imperiled his leadership. The president confessed to “misappropriation of anger,” and after hours of agonizing more

  • The Fruit Of The Spirit- Self-Control (08) Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 25, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    Self-Control is one of the most difficult fruits to master.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Have you ever watched some of the survivor shows on television? Survivor? Survivor Man (Nutty guy)? Castaway? Robinson Caruso? • It seems like if the people are on certain islands, there always seems to be coconuts available to them. • Look at this coconut; it does more

  • How To Handle The Sin Of Self-Centeredness

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on May 18, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    James tells us about the symptoms, the source, and the salve for self centeredness.

    HOW TO HANDLE THE SIN OF SELF-CENTEREDNESS Text: James 4:1 – 10 Introduction: · Between 250 and 262 AD a pestilence raged all over the Roman Empire. In some Italian cities, 80% of the population died out. Historians and scientists estimate that ½ of the human race died in those 12 years. · The more

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