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  • Seek First The Kingdom Of God

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Apr 19, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    This sermon speaks hard about seeking first the things of God. If we are to do that.. we need to (1) let God be in charge (2) allow God to be in the decistion process (3) give back to others.

    Seek First the Kingdom of God Matthew 6:19-34 Disclaimer: This sermon was prepared by personal study and Sermon Central contributions. Introduction- This is a very familiar verse. There are some verses that jump off the page to us. For where your more

  • Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Sep 8, 2024

    Continues series on James. It addresses the importance of wisdom and how to get it.

    James 1:5-8 Wisdom Charles Haddon Spurgeon was a Particular Baptist Preacher from the mid to late 1800’s, in London, England. The story is told of a time he attended a preaching conference when a preacher who was preaching at the conference boldly announced that he had reached a point in his life more

  • How To Seek The Lord Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on May 12, 2023

    What has driven the Psalmist to seek the Lord? It has been a brokenness that has them crying day and night. Something has happened in the life that has caused intense weeping. Our hope is in God.

    My friend in college had a spiritual roller coaster journey. We were friends before I came to Christ. He was backsliding and left our college when he was kicked out of our fraternity. He went to another college to play college baseball. During that time, he became close to the Lord and appealed more

  • Heavenly Wisdom Not Earthly Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Nov 25, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    These verses put our hearts in the dock. God wants to cast out earthly unspiritual wisdom. He wants us full of his heavenly, considerate, merciful wisdom.

    (This illustration comes from Simon Coupland’s Book Spicing up your speaking): Robert Greene wrote a self-help manual for people who want to be amongst life’s winners. He called it ‘The 48 laws of Power’. Here are some of his 48 laws: Never put too much trust in friends; learn how to use enemies. more

  • The Two Prostitutes With A Live Baby PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 31, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the divine wisdom of King Solomon, encouraging us to seek and apply God's wisdom in our lives and decisions.

    Welcome, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to this blessed gathering where we come together in unity, bound by our shared faith and love for our Lord Jesus Christ. We are here to break the bread of life, to drink from His fountain of wisdom, and to grow in our understanding of His word. We are more

  • Ancient Wisdom Of Wise Men

    Contributed by David Fox on Dec 8, 2001
    based on 100 ratings

    Wisdom from the wise men for the wise men who still seek Him.

    Ancient wisdom of Wise Men Matthew 2:1-12 “1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi[1] from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east[2] and have come to worship more

  • Seeking 101 Series

    Contributed by Mark Batterson on Oct 18, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    Don’t seek miracles. Seek God and miracles will happen.

    A Course in Miracles: Seeking 101 05.05.05 Pastor Mark Batterson This evotional begins a new series of evotionals titled A Course in Miracles. To check out old evotionals, visit the evotional archive @ During this series, Pastor Mark will be blogging his way through the book more

  • "Seek Righteousness…seek Humility”

    Contributed by Michael Otterstatter on Feb 27, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Sackcloth and ashes. Fasting and weeping. Tearing clothes and pulling out hair. Lying face down in the dirt. What does repentance look like for New Testament believers? The Prophet Zephaniah reminds of us what believers do when they are repentant.

    Sackcloth and ashes. Fasting and weeping. Tearing clothes and pulling out hair. Lying face down in the dirt. Those are some powerful pictures of repentance, wouldn’t you agree? And what were Old Testament believers saying with these traditions? Wearing clothes made from rough more

  • Those Who Seek God But Aren't Really Seeking God Series

    Contributed by David Wilson on May 12, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    Some of the exiled elders come and sit before Ezekiel as if they are ready to hear from God and God shows Ezekiel that these people aren't really ready to hear His voice and pronounces more judgement, while calling for repentance.

    VERSES 1-5: “Are you talking to ME?” -- God Some of the elders come and place themselves before Ezekiel. This is symbolic of a desire to be instructed by a rabbi. It indicates a desire to hear from God, even if it is half-hearted as we will see in this study. For a moment, more

  • Hide & Seek: Seek And Save

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Aug 18, 2008
    based on 17 ratings

    Some valuable lessons we learn from the story of Zaccheus.

    Hide and Seek: Seek and Save Scripture: Luke 19:1-10 There’s a story told about a fitness center. This fitness center owner was offering $1,000 to anyone who could prove that they were stronger than he was. Her’s how it worked: the owner of the fitness center was a real muscle man, and he more

  • Christian Wisdom

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 31, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Worldly wisdom versus the 'wisdom from on high.'

    CHRISTIAN WISDOM. James 3:13-4:3; James 4:7-8. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God” (James 1:5) James has used an illustration of two sources in his discussion of the divisiveness of the tongue (James 3:10-12). Now he wants to get to the heart of the matter. It is not, after all, more

  • The Fog - Hide And Seek Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Sep 19, 2023

    The fog has rolled into western culture and choked out intimacy with God. The fog hinders and blocks us from being in an intimate relationship with God. The fog drives us to choose to hide from God rather than seek out His presence! But Jesus is seeking us out even in the fog!

    The Fog Chapter 4 - “Hide and Seek?” Illustration: Have you ever played Hide and Seek – I have with my grandkids – Deklan is the funniest because where he hides is usually in the same place and if you listen you can hear him singing – he loves to sing – at our summer blast I put him on the ponies, more

  • Wisdom In Worship

    Contributed by Ulysses Mckneely on May 28, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    God centered worship is all God will accept.

    Not Long ago there was a study performed by The Program on Public Values at Trinity College in Hartford, Conn., regarding religion in America. That survey found that those who identify themselves as Christians have decreased from 86% of Americans in 1990 to only 76% in 2008. During that same more

  • Wisdom? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Dec 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Which type of wisdom are we really listening to?

    One of my favorite scenes in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is when the protector of the Holy Grail told the seekers, “But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.” One of the Seekers was this “Nazi” Guy who went first and more

  • Wisdom

    Contributed by Abimbola Salu on Feb 26, 2024

    We all need wisdom for ur daily existence.

    “Young men, listen to me as you would to your father. Listen, and grow wise, for I speak the truth—don’t turn away. For I, too, was once a son, tenderly loved by my mother as an only child, and the companion of my father. He told me never to forget his words. “If you follow them,” he said, “you more

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