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  • Practical Real Help For Families Series

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Feb 23, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    How anger hurts families.

    matt 6:33 seek ye 1st the kingdom of god and his righteousness Add spiritual weight to the relationship by prayer and living out godly principals. when our relationship is going through tough times, we shouldn't strive to be right we should strive to Godly. when pride dictates our actions we more

  • I Have No One To Help Me

    Contributed by Suzan Aturo Mugabi on Sep 29, 2020

    God demands our complete trust in Him alone, and will not tolerate double standards. Yet many believers have put their trust in man without even knowing. Introduction.

    I went through a very tough situation where nobody could help me out. Several people prayed for me but there was no change. Others connected me to anointed men and women of God for prayer but there was no change whatsoever .In fact somebody told God while praying for me that instead of blessing more

  • Receiving Divine Help In The Journey Of Life

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Apr 3, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    We all need divine help to succeed in the journey of life, and it will be made available as we can look unto God as our only present help in times of need.

    Receiving Divine Help in the Journey of Life Study Text: Psalms 121: 1-3 Introduction: - We all need help in all areas of our lives: Physically – Divine protection Spiritually – Divine direction Financially – Divine provision - We need help because we cannot make it on our own [John more

  • Helping Each Other (09) Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jan 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Part of our journey of faith is that we are to help each other grow.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Over the last couple of weeks we have seen how the Gospel should change our lives. Last week we examined how it should motivate us to carry out part of our two-fold mission, reach out to lost souls. • Our mission as a church and as individual Christians does not end when more

  • Stones: Defeat, Help, Victory

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Sep 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    As Israel found that after their defeat at Ebenezer the way to greatness was through repentance, prayer, and sacrifice, so also this church needs to build, using the same ingredients.

    They were a good people if not yet a great people. They were a good people, with much to be proud of. Over the years they had faced many obstacles and had overcome them. There had been dangerous moments, but they had weathered the storms and gone on. They were a good people if not yet a great more

  • When A Had Needs Help

    Contributed by Greg Tabor on Jan 23, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    This is a sermon that gives an understanding of how believers should respond to someone who has fallen into sin within their church.

    “When a Had needs Help” 1/23/05 a.m. service Ridgeway Assembly of God Pastor Greg Introduction Read: Galatians 6:1-5 Expound on the following phrase: “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin” NIV “Dear brothers and sisters, if another Christian is overcome by some sin” NLT “Brethren, even more

  • The Key To Survival Is Revival

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on May 4, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    This message deals with the origin of revival, who may experience it, and the outcome of revival upon God's people.

    The Key To Survival Is Revival Text: Ps. 85:1-6 Intro: The passage that we have just read is a heartfelt prayer for revival. The Psalmist is no doubt thinking back upon the roller coaster-like spiritual history of Israel. He is remembering how, after Israel had given into sin time after time, more

  • Abram, Where Are We Going? Series

    Contributed by Michael Brady on Nov 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A place called Obedience

    Abram, where are we going? Preaching 11/6/11 Lord willing In most sermons we get the main point at the end but today I am going to give it at the beginning. Abram, where are we going? Let’s look at Hebrews 11:8 (NIV) 8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as more

  • No Worries

    Contributed by Monty Newton on May 21, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    We can fully trust God who created us and cares for us.

    Title: No Worries… Text: Matthew 6:24-34 Thesis: We can fully trust God who created us and cares for us. Introduction Let’s look at a clip to start us thinking as we begin. (Play Clip: Clip: Matthew 6: Do Not Worry) That clip is a powerful reminder that God wants us to more

  • Treasuring What Is Important In Life

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 27, 2014

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Treasuring What is Important in Life

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Treasuring What is Important in Life Luke 12:22-34 1. Do Not Fear in the Midst of Uncertainty (vs. 22-30) Jesus just finished telling a story about the man who was a fool because he was greedy because he was not rich toward God. Jesus now turns to his more

  • The Beautiful People Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Feb 14, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We are Jesus body in the world. The glory of God is made manifest through us. We sit on David’s throne, to lead and command the nations. We are his beautiful people.

    Sermon by Rev Heather Cetrangolo Jesus was standing in the synagogue, in Nazareth, and he read from Isaiah 61 … After he read the passage, he rolled up the scroll, he gave it to the attendant, everyone was staring at him and he said, ‘Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your more

  • The 12 Apostles Of Jesus: Andrew

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 5, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    We're studying these courageous first-century lives and what discipleship meant in the time of Christ in the hope that we'll glean Spirit-directed twenty-first century principles for discipleship and Christian living. Andrew was the first disciple.

    THE 12 APOSTLES OF JESUS: ANDREW John 1:29-42 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Jim Dunn was serving as the pastor of the First Baptist Church, and his wife, Gladys, was very friendly and welcoming to people. One particular Sunday when the sermon seemed to go on forever, many in the congregation fell more

  • The Fountain Gate Series

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Sep 28, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    “The Fountain Gate” is where your life can be forever changed. “The Fountain Gate” is our means of cleansing and healing that all of us need from time to time.

    “The Fountain Gate Message 8” The Spiritual Application of the Gates Nehemiah 3:15 Monte T. Brown September 7, 2014 Sunday Evening Stapp Zoe Baptist Prelude The Meaning “The Fountain Gate” is located at the Southern end of the Old Wall. It is not far from more

  • What's Missing? Series

    Contributed by Daniel Lawson on Jan 14, 2018

    We are living in a time of unparalleled technology and advancement, yet we are still empty. What's missing?

    What’s missing? Isaiah 55 Intro It’s an amazing time that we live in. Technology allows us to travel the globe without ever leaving our living room. In our pocket we have a device that can answer virtually any question that we can come up with. We have Social media that connects us to family more

  • Revive Us Again

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Jun 5, 2017
    based on 7 ratings

    Sermon on our prayer for God to revive us again. This is taken from two of my teachings at a men's retreat on revival.

    Revive Us Again At this weekend men’s retreat the theme of our time together was “Revive Us Again.” This was actually a prayer for God’s mercy upon the nation of Israel by the sons of Korah in Psalm 85:6. “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” (Psalm 85:6 more

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