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  • Breakfast At Tiberias Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 22, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    Trying harder may not be the answer. Used movie clip from "The Pink Panther Strikes Again" to illustrate this. Expository sermon examines three experiences of the disciples (1)Failure (2) Success (3)Companionship with Jesus.

    Breakfast at Tiberias Fortifying the Foundation # 46 John 21:1-14[1] 9-12-04 Intro The video clip you are about to see is from the movie, The Pink Panther Strikes Again[2]. Peter Sellers stars as the bungling Chief Inspector Clouseau who has set out to stop a mad man and save the world. The more

  • John Chapter 21 Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Oct 6, 2001
    based on 58 ratings

    John Chapter 21 is the final lesson in this series. At the Sea of Tiberias, Jesus performs His final recorded miracle and reinstates Peter.

    John Chapter 21 Read verses 1-14 The Sea of Tiberias is very much connected with the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ before and after His resurrection. This is an amazing group of men. Here is Simon Peter, warm hearted, yet often impulsive. Here is Thomas, that magnificent skeptic, who has a more

  • Jesus Makes Breakfast

    Contributed by Alan Butterfield on May 1, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    Significance of Jesus’ third post resurrection appearance to the Disciples, by the Sea of Tiberias (John 21). Comparing with Calling of Disciples in Luke 5:1-11

    Background We have Experienced Easter, the death and resurrection of Jesus. we are now within the 40-day period where the resurrected Jesus appeared, talked, ate and prepared people, in particular the Disciples, for ministry. Scripture verse an appendix to John’s gospel. see John 20:30-31 "Jesus more

  • In The Mist Of The Sea

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Mar 30, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The Bible often refers to the population of people as the sea. I find in the scriptures the parallel between the troubles in this life as the trouble sea. How do we sail the sea of life?

    In The Mist of Sea With Jesus Matt. 14:22-33 Jesus spent most of His ministering around the Sea of Galilee which is also called the Sea of Tiberias. After the feeding of the 5,000 He sends His disciples unto the other side toward Capernaum, but unto Bethsaida the northern part of the sea. And more

  • More Then Enough

    Contributed by Ronnie Smith on Jul 12, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    God is more then enough FDR John 6 1 After these things Jesus went over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias. 2 And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased. 3 And Jes

    God is more then enough FDR John 6 1 After these things Jesus went over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias. 2 And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased. 3 And Jesus went up into a mountain, and there he sat with more

  • Are You Of Little Faith?

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Oct 15, 2020

    Imagine that you are in a little boat with 12 other people on the Sea of Galilee and you are nearly sinking because a sudden storm has kicked up huge waves and the boat is at the mercy of the sea; ready to go down. Jesus is with you. How's your faith?

    Are You Of Little Faith Please stand with me as we go over our current memory Scripture: Titus 3:3-5 “At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. “But when the more

  • Fishing With Jesus

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Apr 25, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a sermon about Jesus 3rd appearance to His Disciples. An appearance that reveals that Jesus wants to help them and us become fruitful, successful and live an abundant life.

    Scripture: John 21:1-14 Title: Fishing With Jesus! Theme: The Risen Jesus leading us to enjoy a life of Victory! INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! I want to talk to you today about the Risen Lord seeking to be involved in our every day lives. I want to more

  • From Sea To Sea

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Oct 23, 2001
    based on 45 ratings

    A Canada Day sermon, looking at our heritage and our potential

    It was his custom to start his day with prayer and Scripture reading. And that morning was no exception; he felt that before he attended to the business of his country that first he must attend to the business of his soul. And as he read from God’s word his heart and eyes were drawn to Psalm 72:8 more

  • Reed Sea Or Red Sea?

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Apr 14, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This lesson focuses on what seems to be a major discrepancy between the Old and New Testament. A discrepancy that centers upon the geography of Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula.

    This lesson does not deal with any deep doctrines of the Scriptures nor does it touch on personal and family conduct. I want to turn our attention to what seems to be a major discrepancy between the Old and New Testament. A discrepancy that centers upon the geography of Egypt and the Sinai more

  • The Two Seas

    Contributed by Bob Hostetler on Jul 6, 2001
    based on 104 ratings

    A message about the grace of giving

    The Two Seas Text: Proverbs 11:24-25 There were two seas that dominated the land of Jesus, the land where he was born and grew up, the land in which he lived and ministered, the land which some today call Israel, and others call Palestine. One of these two great bodies of water, filled more

  • Walking On The Sea Series

    Contributed by Greg Hess on Jun 29, 2002
    based on 14 ratings


    DEVELOPING YOUR FAITH Matt 14:25-32 walking on the sea 1. 4 watches 3 hrs each began at 6pm 4th watch began at 3am 2. Fear gripped their heart – duh someone walking on the water 3. Jesus’ voice will calm any fear 4. Peter still not convinced said “if” it’s you bid me to come. 5. Careful more

  • No More Sea

    Contributed by Jerry Carr on May 5, 2001
    based on 71 ratings

    A sermon describing why John on the Isle Of Patmos describing the new Heavens and New Earth said there was no more sea. Why No More Sea??

    I believe to understand what John is talking about we need to lay a little ground work. You see when God created the Heavens and the Earth, He created a perfect place for man. We find when man willfully disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden tree in Gen. 3:1-21, that God placed a curse upon more

  • Lost At Sea Series

    Contributed by Greg Hanson on Apr 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A five-step action plan for dealing with the personal storms of life.

    A little over a week ago, the news broke that my cousin’s wife had left him. Not only that, but she had left him with their children. So now he has to cope with losing her, hoping for a reconciliation, and the prospect of raising their children without her. As far as I know, this was unexpected. more

  • The Parting Of The Sea Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 9, 2016

    The 10th message. This parting of the red sea shows how God often brings us into hard situation to strengthen us for life's battles and to teach us to look to Him. It also shows how the lost and the saved will by separated when Jesus comes in Judgment.

    Moses 10 THE PARTING OF THE SEA (Ex. 14:1-15:21) From Sinai to Canaan C. The Salvation 1 5. The Crisis At The Sea 1) The Preparation 14:1-4 2) The Pursuit more

  • A Storm At Sea

    Contributed by Christopher Roberts (Barrister) on Dec 13, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Lessons that we can learn when we are going through the storms of life.

    Theory Before Practice In Mark 4:35-41, we find an interesting story about Jesus and the disciples. Here we find them crossing the Sea of Galilee, in order to accomplish an important ministry in the region of the Gerasenes. This episode, in the lives of Jesus and his disciples, is sandwiched more

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