In The Mist Of The Sea
Contributed by Martin Holland on Oct 22, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: The Bible often refers to the population of people as the sea. I find in the scriptures the parallel between the troubles in this life as the trouble sea. How do we sail the sea of life?
In The Mist of Sea With Jesus
Matt. 14:22-33
Jesus spent most of His ministering around the Sea of Galilee which is also called the Sea of Tiberias. After the feeding of the 5,000 He sends His disciples unto the other side toward Capernaum, but unto Bethsaida the northern part of the sea. And it’s here where we find our story of Jesus walking on water.
This portion of scriptures in so many ways is typical of our relationship with Jesus. It presents many things we as Christians are confronted with in this life.
Mention: Vs.22 Go before Him to the other side
When the nation of Israel left Egypt God had to lead them through the mist of the Red Sea
Also: To enter into the land of promises there stood before them was the overflowing of the Jordan
Also: This story comes after a prior experience on the sea with Jesus asleep on the boat
Much of what we face in this life is it not like being in the mist of the trouble sea?
Several things I want to mention that this story illustrates:
1. The Suggestion That Is Made
Vs.28-29 Peter said if it be thou bid me to come unto thee…
Mention: Genesis 7:1 Come thou and all thy house into the ark
Matt. 11:28 Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Mention: Matt. 16:24 If any man will come after Me let Him deny Himself and take up His cross and follow Me.
See: Matt. 25:34 Come ye blessed of My Father inherit the kingdom…
Mention: Luke 14:23 Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in
2. The Struggles We Will Face
Vs.30 The wind boisterous, he was afraid
Mention: Matt. 7:24-27 We are not excluded from the storm of life
Mention: Vs.24 In the midst of the sea (when we are in the midst is when the troubles seem to come)
Mention: John 6:19 25 or 30 furlongs which is 1 furlong = 600 feet (15,000 ft) 2 ½ miles Galilee 13 mile long and 8 miles wide
Vs.25 The fourth watch (3-6 am)
May I say we all have been brought to trouble sea experience in our lives and no doubt have responded even as Peter?
Three Things:
• It is in these times the influence of Satan is the greatest
Mention: 2 Cor. 12:7 Paul said it was a messenger of Satan to buffet him
• We all need to learn to accept God’s providence for our lives (We are always at His best interest whether we feel or think not so)
• Never cease from relying on the power of Christ
3. The Security Every Christian Has
Mention: Vs.23 Jesus went up into a mountain apart to pray
Vs.30 Lord, save me (how many times have we said that to Him)
Mention: Jude 24 Unto Him who is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy
Vs.31 And Jesus immediately stretched forth His hand and caught him
See: Psalms 65:4-7
Psalms 89:9
See: Matt. 14:32-33 When they were come into the ship the wind ceased…and worshipped Him