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  • Curious Scriptures

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on May 8, 2019

    There are certain Scriptures that seem to be unique. One of them is found in the crucifixion narrative in Matthew. What do we do with these especially when they seem to be out of the ordinary?

    Curious Scriptures Please stand as we read our newest memory Scripture together … 2 Timothy 4:3-4 “The time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to more

  • The Inspiration Of Scripture Series

    Contributed by Rich Anderson on Feb 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Only 26% of the adult population believes that the Bible, the Word of God, is inspired, is infallible and is inerrant. These three aspects are vitally important in understanding the Bible.

    The Holy Bible was written over a fifteen-hundred year span, by forty different authors from every walk of life. It was written by kings, servants, fishermen, poets, doctors, herdsmen and even a tax collector. It was written on three different continents, Europe, Asia and Africa in sixteen more

  • Trinity In The Scriptures Series

    Contributed by Mark Armstrong on Jun 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Scriptural support for the Trinity. The contribution of Tertullian.

    Augustine said, ‘if you deny the Trinity you lose your soul, if you try to explain it you lose your mind’. The hope today is to avoid both of these pitfalls. But in order to do this, you will need to put your thinking caps on. And you’ll need to think because we are moving around the Bible and more

  • The Purpose Of The Scriptures Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Apr 20, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Why did God give us the Bible? Why did He feel that He needed to inspire man to write the words that lay before us. These are just a few of the questions that I believe are answered in the text for today.

    God’s Perfect Word The Purpose of the Scriptures 2 Timothy 3:14-17 Intro: In our text tonight, Timothy is challenged to maintain a close relationship with the Word of God. Paul tells him of the benefits that come from such a relationship. He is reminded that it is the Scriptures which have taught more

  • Understand The Scriptures

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on May 4, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The Lord directed His disciples back to the Scriptures, and when they understand it, they were filled with joy and hope. They saw the living Christ in their midst.

    Two disciples were walking with Jesus but they did not recognise him. • They could tell Jesus what had happened, but they did not understanding it. • Jesus said, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!” (v.25) • He took time to explain the more

  • The Flood (Part I) - Evidence For The Flood Series

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Dec 8, 2000
    based on 137 ratings

    Part 1 of this two part series examines the scientific facts that support the flood. The goal of this message is to give confidence to our faith and show the accuracy of scripture.

    The Flood (Part I) – Evidence for the flood *** Note the original message uses graphics. To see the graphical version or to download it as a Word document, go to *** We have looked at the events leading up to the flood – the departure from God more

  • The Authority Of Scripture Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Nov 24, 2022

    If we are to understand the divine authority of Scripture, it is important that we understand the way scripture was inspired by God. It is the bedrock of our faith in Christ. Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

    The admiral sailing his flagship on the open seas left his quarters and had gone into the bridge after darkness had fallen. He looked out into the night with his binoculars. A light was coming directly toward them, and they were on a collision course! He gave an order to his crew: send a signal more

  • Scripture And Truth

    Contributed by Mark Armstrong on Sep 2, 2019

    A talk intended to increase confidence in Scripture, regarding it as a source of truth and considering its historical features.

    There’s a saying that goes like this, “A Bible in the hand is worth two in the bookcase”. C.H. Spurgeon wrote: "I would recommend you either believe God up to the hilt, or else not to believe at all. Believe this book of God, every letter of it, or else reject it. There is no logical standing more

  • The Perfection Of The Scriptures Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Mar 31, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This is the first of four sermons covering the Word of God. This sermon deals with the perfection of the Scriptures and how it is infallible.

    Sermon Series: God’s Perfect Word THE PERFECTION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES 2 Timothy 3:14-17 Series Intro: We have met here tonight because we believe the Bible. We believe in the God of the Bible; the Christ of the Bible; the plan of salvation revealed in the Bible; and everything else written in more

  • The Mystery Of The Trinity: One God In Three Persons Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Dec 4, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The word “Trinity” isn’t found in Scripture, yet the concept of the Trinity is woven throughout the Bible. God reveals Himself as one being in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    The Mystery of the Trinity: One God in Three Persons Theme: The Trinity is one of the most profound truths about God—one God revealed in three distinct Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Key Verse: Matthew 28:19 – “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the more

  • The "Enoughness" Of Scripture Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Sep 11, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The Word of God is the complete and final revelation of who God is, our standing before a holy God and His plan of reconciliation for His Creation.

    Sermon Brief Date Written: September 11, 2009 Date Preached: September 13, 2009 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: Back To School – Believers Edition! Sermon Title: The ‘Enoughness’ of Scripture! Sermon Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Introduction: Last week we started more

  • Scripture Alone Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Oct 30, 2024

    On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed a protest against the Wittenburg Church door against the church’s selling of indulgences. This was the “starting gun,” if you will, where a monk and a mallet make real and lasting changes to our entire world.

    This year, we celebrate the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing the 95 Theses to the Wittenburg Door. On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed a protest against the Wittenburg Church door against the church’s selling of indulgences. This was a catalyst to make real and lasting changes in more

  • A Celebration Of Scripture

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Sep 3, 2002
    based on 79 ratings

    Four reasons why Christians celebrate the Bible as Scripture

    Well with this being Labor Day weekend, this week I became interested in some of the more obscure holidays people celebrate in our culture. For instance, I found out that one community celebrates February 12 as "Darwin Day." March 22 is "National Goof Off Day." November 24 is "Buy Nothing more

  • "Scriptural Unity"

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Sep 13, 2002
    based on 21 ratings

    Presented at the Uncompahgre Baptist Association Annual Exec. Board Meeting, in Paonia, CO, Sept. 14, 2002

    “And He came and preached peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near; for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household, having been more

  • Observing The Scripture Series

    Contributed by Neal Gray on Jan 12, 2002
    based on 48 ratings

    We can hear God through His Word. But, like learning the basics of how to read; we must learn the basics of how to hear what God is saying. The first major step is to osbserve what God says through the Scripture.

    "Hearing God Through Bible Study" This Lesson: Reading the Bible, and Observing What the Scripture Says Author: Dr. Neal Gray Purpose: We can hear God through His Word. But, like learning the basics of how to read; we must learn the basics of how to hear what God is saying. The first major step is more

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