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  • Gideon, Scientist Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 21, 2020

    Is this pandemic God’s judgement against us? I am reluctant to say it, but what else can it be? It certainly ought to wake up all Americans to our responsibilities to restore goodness to our land.

    Gideon, Scientist Here in the Book of Judges, we see a very sad history. It’s not unlike some of the ages in our nation’s history, including the one we are laboring in today. Time after time we read that “The people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord gave them into more

  • (Section 2) Views Of Creation Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Jun 19, 2018

    Battles of the Church with scientist like Galileo and God Created

    VIEWS OF CREATION EXISTENCE WARNING: Please don't get off ended (offended) -- Some of the points are just possible explanations. I will discuss/clarify misunderstandings after church if necessary. New explanations sometimes cause misunderstandings, fears, etc. Ex: Galileo -- Roman Catholic more

  • Evolution - Truth Or Con?

    Contributed by Ray Geide on Apr 9, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Is evolution a fact supported by science or is it a con popularized by atheistic scientists?

    A popular biologist, Ernst Mayr, wrote, "No educated person any longer questions the validity of evolution, which we now know to be a simple fact." (Scientific American, July 2000). It is an interesting statement which mainstream society accepts, but is it true? The first part of more

  • No Conflict Between Truths Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    We must evangelize scientists, schools and other academics. There is no conflict between faith and scientific truth.

    Thursday of 14th week in course 2015 Joy of the Gospel “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” This is Jesus’s distillation of the Gospel message. It is a typical Hebrew phrase. Remember that the Jews–and we–are enjoined not to abuse the name of the Lord. So observant more

  • The Clock Is Ticking . . . But Is Anyone Really Listening? Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Sep 9, 2017

    On January 26, 2017 the Atomic Scientists moved the “Doomsday Clock” 30 seconds closer to midnight – EXTINCTION!

    The clock has already been set for us. On January 26, 2017, the board members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved the “Doomsday Clock” ahead 30 seconds to two and a half minutes to midnight. For these scientists, who’ve kept watch on the probability of humanity’s extinction since the more

  • Mystery Of Light Part 3

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Mar 27, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    Scientists are baffled by the mystery of light they can study it but still don’t understand what light is. God is light according to the Bible and he’s as mysterious as light in the natural sense but like scientist we can study God and understand what l

    Mystery of Light part 3 Opening Illustration: Video clip – To reference Bob’s comment last week at the end of the service. Show video clip on the need for son glasses (humorous). Thesis: Scientists are baffled by the mystery of light they can study it but still don’t understand what light is. God more

  • Mystery Of Light Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Feb 19, 2002
    based on 33 ratings

    Scientists are baffled by the mystery of light they can study it but still don’t understand what light is. God is light according to the Bible and he’s as mysterious as light in the natural sense but like scientist we can study God and understand what lig

    The Mystery of Light - part 1 Illustration- God is light show by Scott Kinney (www.interviewwithGod). Thesis: Scientists are baffled by the mystery of light they can study it but still don’t understand what light is. God is light according to the Bible and he’s as mysterious as light in the more

  • Mystery Of Light Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Feb 19, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    Scientists are baffled by the mystery of light they can study it but still don’t understand what light is. God is light according to the Bible and he’s as mysterious as light in the natural sense but like scientist we can study God and understand what lig

    Mystery of Light part 2 Thesis: Scientists are baffled by the mystery of light they can study it but still don’t understand what light is. God is light according to the Bible and he’s as mysterious as light in the natural sense but like scientist we can study God and understand what light does in more

  • No Doubt Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 3, 2021
    based on 6 ratings

    The famous opponent of Christianity - Voltaire - actually believed the dead could be raised. He believed in a famous scientist of the day who maintained he had done just that. Voltaire rejected Jesus and His real resurrection and embraced a scientist and his false claim.

    Back in 1694, a man named Voltaire was born in Paris France. Voltaire was a famous writer, philosopher and intellectual of the day, but he was best known for was his hatred of the church of his day. He devoted himself to attacking and ridiculing Christianity at every opportunity, and he was a more

  • Saving Science From Itself Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 10, 2018

    We should look to Albert the Great for inspiration for scientists to work within the divine plan for the real good of humans.

    Thursday of the 32nd Week in Course 2018 St. Albert the Great When is the kingdom of God coming? I’ve always been impressed by the number of Protestant preachers who speculate that we are literally in the last days, that Jesus is coming within the next year, or two years, or five years. It’s like more

  • The Universe Will Collapse Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Oct 9, 2017

    Scientists will tell us that the sun will eventually die out; why do people think they can live forever?

    Last week in preparation for the message, we took a look back to Daniel of the Old Testament. This morning, let us go all the way to Genesis 1……… Read along with me v1-19……… Just one question… How did God create the stars, moons, sky and the entire universe?? God spoke and the universe was more

  • Do We Have Free Will?

    Contributed by Ken Henson on May 24, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Many physicists and scientists now argue that humans do not have free will. The Bible teaches we are free to choose.

    Do we have free will? I think most people are actually not really interested in this question. But there are some really interesting and important aspects to this question. John Searle argues philosophers have not really made any progress on this question in the past hundred years or so. I think more

  • Miracle? What Miracle? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 26, 2021

    If we get hung up on materialism and materialistic explanations, we might miss the most wonderful truths of all.

    Seventeenth Sunday in Course 2021 What Miracle? I’ve been teaching and studying chemistry for most of the time since the year 1962, which for most folks alive today was the Dark Ages. The one law of science that governs my discipline is called the Law of Conservation. Before and after a chemical more

  • It's All Your Fault

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Feb 10, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Scientist and Doctors say that Jesus died from dehydration, heart attack, suffication, but really It’s all your fault.

    “It’s all Your fault” The Garden: Gethsemane – derived from two Hebrew words 1) Gat = a place fro pressing oil or wine. 2) Shemanim = oil or seed. The Agony: In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus, the seed of woman was pressed. Luke, a physician, tells us of the agony that Jesus suffered in more

  • Environmental Devastation In End Times

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Oct 29, 2022

    The scientists tell us that the world is headed for environmental catastrophe. That's what Revelation says too. What should we think about it?

    INTRODUCTION Today we’re returning to Revelation after a month’s break. This is my third talk. I’ve called the series ‘Revelation: The Hard Parts.’ I’m consciously diving into some of the hard parts of Revelation – the parts that preachers generally avoid. But these hard parts are in the Bible more

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