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  • Jesus Is Lord

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Jul 29, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    This sermon is about the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His authority over 1.SIN 2.SICKNESS 3.SCOURGE 4.STORM 5.SCHEMES 6.SATAN 7.SOVEREIGNS

    JESUS IS LORD ************ OUTLINE 1.SIN 2.SICKNESS 3.SCOURGE 4.STORM 5.SCHEMES 6.SATAN 7.SOVEREIGNS THE MESSAGE JESUS IS LORD 1.SIN John 8 : 34-36 Matthew 9 : 2-7 Jesus is Lord over all the power of sin. He can set us free from the more

  • Jesus Is The Way

    Contributed by Chris Hodges on Jul 30, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    To prove that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ.

    Jesus is “The Way” Text: John 14.1-6 Thesis: To prove that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ. Introduction: 1. The disciples were worried about where Jesus was going (John 13.36). 2. “They were troubled by the uncertainties which faced them, by the confusion they experienced regarding more

  • The Denials Of Jesus.

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    I have noticed it down through the years that anytime one’s fellowship with the Lord and his people, his church begins to wane, they sooner or later move into the company of the world.

    The denials of Jesus. Mark 14: 66 -- 72. 07/30/03 After the sword incident, Peters drifting away is best summed up by Matthew 26:58. Matthew said, “but Peter followed him, Jesus, afar off.” When Jesus was arrested in the garden, he was taken to the court. Peter before time had been following more

  • Jesus Is In The House

    Contributed by Orvel Barker on Aug 2, 2003
    based on 67 ratings

    Jesus is looking for a place to minister. If you’ll give him place He’ll minister in your house.

    Introduction: Throughout the ministry of Jesus He went about preaching and healing the sick on the hillsides and by the sea. But now the Word says He was in a house, ministering in a more confined area. I. Jesus was in the house. A. Why was Jesus in the house? 1. The last verse of chapter more

  • Jesus Is The Way

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Aug 12, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Jesus is the way to find God and get to heaven

    Jesus is the Way John 14:6 August 8, 2003 VBS Closing Message Introduction How many of you have gone on a trip this summer? Last, April I went to a special meeting for pastors in Lancaster, PA and we had to drive a long way to get there. We went through West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania to more

  • The Jesus Moment Series

    Contributed by Clark Bates on Aug 21, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    When we place ourselves in the right place at the right time Jesus can do amazing things in our lives.

    THE JESUS MOMENT MARK 15:21-32 April 9, 2003 is an important date to many people...what happened that day? The fall of Bagdad, and the Saddam Hussein Regime. The culmination of a carefully planned ground assault by the US and GB military. Yet for all its planning the day will probably be more

  • Jesus : Then And Now

    Contributed by Steve Smith on Aug 29, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    This is about Jesus before and after death, and how we still need him.

    Introduction: Welcome to Chattanooga Valley Baptist Church This morning I will be speaking from the book of Acts. If you have your copy of God’s word would you turn with me to the book of Acts chapter 1 Verse 1- 11. Read Acts 1: 1-11 Opening Prayer In the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and more

  • Jesus Freaks

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Sep 1, 2003
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus followers might be seen as freaks today

    Jesus Freaks How did it go yesterday? Let people share about acts of kindness done in Jesus name - lead into today’s text. Overlooked Cripple Background Acts 3 - Read vs. 1-10, 15-16 - why overlooked by Jesus? Now the party’s over - Acts 4:1-3 - 3K then 5K now enough is enough Acts of kindness more

  • Jesus, Be The Centre

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Sep 7, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    What happens when Jesus is at the centre of a person’s life? Let’s find out!

    People used to believe that the sun and all the planets revolved around the earth. From where the naked eye could view the universe, standing on this fragile planet, it seemed that Earth was huge and that all the stars, tiny points of light in the distance, were very small, inferior in fact to more

  • Following Jesus Series

    Contributed by Chris Hodges on Sep 7, 2003
    based on 48 ratings

    To note that we’ve been called by Jesus and must leave every hindrance behind and follow Him.

    The Gospel of Mark #3: Following Jesus Text: Mark 1:14-20 Thesis: To note that we’ve been called by Jesus and must leave every hindrance behind and follow Him. Introduction: (1) Now, Jesus is ready to start His earthly ministry. (a) He had recently been baptized and had overcome more

  • The Touch Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Chris Hodges on Sep 7, 2003
    based on 31 ratings

    To note that we must be touched by Jesus in order to be healed.

    The Message of Mark #5: The Touch of Jesus Text: Mark 1:29-45 Thesis: To note that we must be touched by Jesus in order to be healed. Introduction: (1) Jesus is now fully involved in His earthly ministry. (2) Along the way, He comes into contact with many people who needed His more

  • O It Is Jesus

    Contributed by Barry Edmondson on Sep 15, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    A sermon on Faith and Healing.

    Title: O It Is Jesus. Text: James 5:13-16. In order to see folks, healed, we have got to get them to the doctor, Dr Jesus To be specific. Today, we are having a healing deliverance service. Not brought on by my own need today, but I know in my Spirit that there are others here who need a healing more

  • Scoring For Jesus

    Contributed by Christopher Roberts on Sep 15, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Jesus’ call to be salt and light is Jesus’ call to be offensive. Only when we are on the offense will we score for Jesus.

    Please e-mail me with any comments or if you use any part of this at your church at I would love to hear about it. God Bless! - Chris This time of the year is a little disappointing for anyone from Cincinnati. Why? Because football season just got underway. The Cincinnati more

  • Who Is This Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Don Jaques on Sep 16, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Gospel of John provides some of the clearest explanations of who he was, who he claimed to be, and what he asked of his followers. We’re going to spend the next couple months taking a look at this book, written for the sole purpose of helping people to k

    Who Is This Jesus? John 1:1-18 September 11/12, 2004 Don Jaques INTRO: TRIVIA QUESTIONS Who was the 2nd president of the United States? John Adams Who is the American League leader in batting percentage? Ichiro Suzuki Which movie won the Oscar for Best Movie in 2004? Lord of the Rings: Return more

  • Jesus Is The Light

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 21, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Jesus is the light of scrutiny; Jesus is the Light of salvation; Jesus is the Light that Shows Through

    Sermon for 9/19/2004 Jesus is the Light John 3:19-21 Introduction: Making decisions in the dark can lead to some regrettable consequences. Back in the days before electricity, a tightfisted old farmer was taking his hired man to task for carrying a lighted lantern when he went to call on his best more

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