  • Richard Dayringer, Thd

    Contributing sermons since Jul 17, 2006
Richard's church

First United Methodist
Grove, Oklahoma 74344
1 918 786 51487

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Newest Sermons

  • A Good Man Lost And A Bad Man Saved

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    The attitude of a person’s heart or soul, not his or her outward actions determines one’s destiny.

    A GOOD MAN LOST & A BAD MAN SAVED SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SELF-DECEPTION (TWO PRAYERS) 33 LU. 18:9-14 (Prayer) PROP: The attitude of a person’s heart or soul, not his or her actions determines one’s destiny. INTRO: 1. Notice the make-up of the crowd to whom Jesus spoke. V. 9 makes more

  • Is Jesus God?

    Contributed on Jul 17, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    In reference to Dan Brown’s DA VINCI CODE, evidence for the divinity of Jesus Christ is presented.

    IS JESUS GOD? 475 Col.1: 15-20 INTRO: 1. My kids gave me a copy of The DaVinci Code for Christmas 2003. I finished reading it on New Year’s day. As an author, I was wishing I had more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Joke: A Sunday School Teacher Was Teaching About ...

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Joke: A Sunday school teacher was teaching about the bad Pharisee who thanked God that he was not like the publican. She concluded by saying, “Now let’s more

  • 7 Kinds Of Pharisees

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2006

    The Talmud lists 7 kinds of Pharisees. 1) SHECHEMITE, who kept the law for what he could profit thereby. 2) TUMBLING, who, to appear humble, always hung their heads down & thus often fell. 3)BLEEDING, who, to avoid seeing women, walked with closed eyes & were often wounded, 4) MORTAR, who more