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Sermons on San Marcos 4:35:

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  • Your Going Through It

    Contributed by David Yarbrough on Apr 30, 2001
    based on 227 ratings

    If your going through troubling times right now I have good news for you, YOUR GOING THROUGH IT!

    Jesus said in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus didn’t say you might have trouble, or you will only have trouble when you’re out of God’s will – He said you WILL more

  • Silencing Satanic Storms Series

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on May 17, 2001
    based on 120 ratings

    Warfare Praying

    SILENCING SATANIC STORMS Dr. D. K. Olukoya We are starting this message by reading two scriptures that are common: Mark 4:34-41, But without a parable spake he not unto them and when they were alone he expounded all things to His disciples. And the same day when the even was come he said unto more

  • The Perfect Storm

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Oct 17, 2002
    based on 77 ratings

    When Storms beat against the boat of your life whaat do you have to hold to?

    THE PERFECT STORM Place: Allendale Baptist Date: October, 14,2001 Read Mark 4:35-41 Introduction October 1991 a fishing boat named the Andrea Gail sailed from a New England port to fish for swordfish. On their return, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean they faced a hurricane named Grace. Waves more

  • Peace In The Storm

    Contributed by Geoffery England on Mar 15, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    Finding God’s peace through any storm.

    Peace in the Storm Text: Mark 4:35-41 Introduction Hook: In 1995 a massive storm known as Hurricane Bertha hit the coast of Newfoundland. I happened to be working on a fishing vessel on the North East coast of St. Anthony. It was the worst storm that I have ever encountered. This storm sent many more

  • Awakening Christ

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Apr 9, 2002
    based on 104 ratings

    There are too many Christians that do not understand they have Christ living on the inside of them and He needs to be awakened.

    Scripture: Mark 4:35 – 41 Title: “Awakening Christ” Introduction: The disciples had enjoyed a GREAT DAY with Jesus. They had listened to Jesus teach and share stories concerning the POWER of FAITH and the PRINCIPLES of the KINGDOM of God. As the day was coming to an END Jesus said, “Let’s go more

  • We Will Go To The Other Side

    Contributed by Oscar P. Lopez, Jr. on Apr 10, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    Crises happens to test our faith.

    WE WILL GO TO THE OTHER SIDE! MARK 4:35-41 By OSCAR P. LOPEZ JR. PROPOSITION: CRISES IS CHRIST’S TEST TO THE FAITH OF CHRISTIANS INTRODUCTION: A. CRISIS – “Dangerous or difficult situation.” “emergency” “problem” 1. World Crisis 2. Philippine Crisis 3. Personal Crisis. * In times of more

  • The Matchless Savior Series

    Contributed by Mike Carmody on Jan 17, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    This sermon outline take a great look at two name of God and also a look at His Omnipresence. It is 1 part of a 3 part series. I also have a complete 10 part series on the names of God

    Mark 4:35-41 OUR MATCHLESS SAVIOR  Intro: In Washington, DC, in the Museum of Natural History, there is a diamond called the Hope Diamond. It is a vivid, dark-blue diamond that weighs 45.52 carats. According to geologists, it is a diamond without equal in all the world. It was found in the more

  • Peace In The Storms Of Life

    Contributed by Chris Gowen on Feb 3, 2001
    based on 308 ratings

    We may never be completely isolated from many of the storms of life, but we can know God’s peace in the midst of the storm.

    Mark 4:35-41 It is fascinating to hear stories of people who have survived tragic events. Someone makes it out alive of a landslide. Someone survives a crash. Someone survives after days at sea. We are never promised to come out alive, but we can know survival in our hearts if we trust Jesus. more

  • Peace In The Midst Of The Storm

    Contributed by John Miller on Jul 21, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    You can have peace in the trials of life no matter what the circumstances are.

    PEACE IN THE MIDST OF THE STORM By Rev. John D. Miller I am sure if I were to ask the question, "how many of you have experienced storms in your life," every hand would be raised because that’s how life is. Life has storms and no one is immune to them and yet in the midst of these storms, for more

  • A Faith That Overcome Fear

    Contributed by Steven Wenner on Aug 20, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    Since faith overcomes fear we must trust Jesus in the midst of lifes trails.

    Sermon. “Faith that overcomes Fear.” Hilarious For those who already have children past this age, this is hilarious. For those who have children this age, this is not funny. For those who have children nearing this age, this is a warning. For those who have not yet had children, this is more

  • The Storm Is Raging

    Contributed by Allegra Mcgrew on Aug 26, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    Sermon highlights trusting in God and trusting God’s timing.

    In Mark 4:35-41, we are brought to the time when Jesus calmed the sea. Mark 4:35-36 That day Jesus had been teaching by the Sea of Galilee and there had been a great crowd around him and he had taught them using parables the way that he always did, you see Jesus never taught without using more

  • Why Jesus Chose To Not React To Cultural Or Personality Traits But focused On Principles

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 25 ratings

    1. Jesus knew that He would have been accused of partiality by giving favorable treatment to the rich young ruler over the woman at Jacob's well.

    1. Jesus knew that He would have been accused of partiality by giving favorable treatment to the rich young ruler over the woman at Jacob's well. Surely, Jesus understood all of the elements of social-cultural norms and the intricacies of personalities, but He chose to objectively address all more

  • Tossed About

    Contributed by Robert Rust on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 454 ratings

    As some of you know, the business career I recently left to enter into the ministry full time required me to travel quite a bit.

    As some of you know, the business career I recently left to enter into the ministry full time required me to travel quite a bit. In the last ten years of my business career I traveled just about every week. I was on an airplane two to three times a week. My jobs have required me to travel more

  • What Manner Of Man Is This?

    Contributed by Travis Campbell on Apr 30, 2002
    based on 104 ratings

    We have heard many opinions as to what type of man Jesus was, but the question is, what does the Word of God say about Him?

    What Manner of Man is this? Mark 4:35-41 Intro: If you will be faithful to a study of the book of Mark, you will know that the book of Mark was written by John Mark. John was his Jewish name and Mark his Roman name. The Latin name "Marcus" means hammer, which is thought to be appropriate by more

  • The Perfect Storm Series

    Contributed by Eddie Johnson on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    I. Introduction - A.Continuing Series: 7 Stories about the Unpredictable Side of Jesus. Tonight, deal with idea of Jesus allowing his disciples to be taken into the eye of a huge storm. I think this concept really creates a problem for our concept of the “loving” Jesus. i.It reminds me more

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