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Sermons on San Juan 21:20:

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  • God's Design Our Dreams

    Contributed by Steven Chapman on Jun 17, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    This message helps us to restore God’s design and our shattered dreams by looking at the restoration story with Peter.

    God’s Design - Our Dreams John 21:1-25 I want to begin this message with a word from Scripture and a line from a song. One of the most thoughtful and most perceptive folk groups of the 60’s and 70’s was the group Peter, Paul and Mary. This group disbanded in the early 70’s, only to regroup at the more

  • Find God When You Missed All

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Nov 18, 2003
    based on 13 ratings

    Through the failure of Peter, we can see that our failures can transform our lives, our destinies are in its hand ! He will be able to always find us where we are!

    TROUVEZ DIEU QUAND VOUS AVEZ TOUT RATE Lecture Jean 21/ Premier Point : Ici nous retrouvons, le groupe des disciples, et un peu au centre de l’histoire, celui qui l’avait renié, j’ai nommé Pierre… Jésus est allé le chercher sur le terrain là où il l’avait déjà amené à lui, la première fois ! Là more

  • Le Disciple Que Jésus Aimait

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Nov 24, 2003
    based on 7 ratings

    It is a title of honor which this one. It will be always with humility that he will say that, towards that with which he owes all. He will speak always anonymously...

    Lecture : Jean 21/15-25. v.20 A... vit venir après eux, le disciple que Jésus aimait...@ Introduction : C’est un titre d’honneur que celui-ci. Ce sera toujours avec humilité qu’il dira cela, envers celui à qui il doit tout. Il parlera toujours anonymement... I Les textes où ce terme est mentionné more

  • Three Simple Questions

    Contributed by Craig West on Dec 11, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    Peter and Christ after the Resurrection

    AM MESSAGE – 05-02-04 “Three Simple Questions” John 21 INTRO: - Matt.28:10 – Jesus tells the women at the tomb to have the Disciples meet him in Galilee READ JOHN 21:1—8 1. Have you caught any FISH? - (v. 3) Peter literally says, “I going to back to what I know.” The Greek phrase here means, “I’m more

  • The Person In The Mirror Is Staring At You Series

    Contributed by Brent Eubank on Oct 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    In a small youth group there are 3 keys to growth... and the first is your commitment.

    Today is the start of a new chapter in this churches’ history. And it all begins right now. For the past year, I have been the youth pastor. But for the most part, we have not had a youth group. We have had about 10 teenagers who are friends. But we have never had a group. Today that is going more

  • Restoration Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on May 26, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Peter blew it, that’s for certain. He denied the Lord three times. But in Chapter 21 we see the gentle way Jesus restores Peter to fellowship and purpose. He does the same for us.

    Do you ever fail Jesus? John the Apostle said “1 John 1:8-9 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” One of the most common experiences we as Christians share is the reality that we will fall. No matter how hard we try we will do things that are against he more

  • Watch Your Attitude

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 19 ratings

    Attitudes are so important. “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference,” Winston Churchill once said.

    TWO DISTINCT SPIRITUAL ATTITUDES John 21: 19-22 Attitudes are so important. “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference,” Winston Churchill once said. Nothing affects the church more than attitude. It is attitude not aptitude that determines one’s altitude in life. Someone has more

  • Earning Another Chance

    Contributed by Dan Santiago on Aug 31, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Christian God is the God of "second chance."

    EARNING ANOTHER CHANCE John 21:15-23 GOAL: To inform the listeners that God is the God of “second chance.” INTRODUCTION Granting another chance to an offender is not easy and yet this is the attitude that Jesus exemplified to His disciples. Some of us may not agree with the idea more

  • The Big Question

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 7, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus asked Peter if he loved him. All true ministry flows out of our answer to that question.

    The Big Question John 21:15-22 5-17-09 I want to take you to a small group of fishermen this morning. These five men have been fishing off the southern coast of the Sea of Galilee near the village of Tiberias. It’s been a disappointing night. They have worked all night and have caught nothing. The more

  • Do You Love Jesus?

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    If you love Jesus... 1. Take a close walk with the Lord. 2. Find the right work for the Lord. 3. Surrender your wants to the Lord.

    Do You Love Jesus? John 21:1-22 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - Feb. 10, 2008 *Do you love me? I suppose everybody has asked -- or at least thought about that question sometime in their life. Jesus asked Peter and He is asking us today, “Do you love me?” *Of course we have more

  • Hooked On Jesus

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Sep 6, 2008

    This is a sermon preached the week of Vacation Bible School that had the theme "Hooked on Jesus."

    Hooked on Jesus John 21: 1-22 A pastor woke up one Sunday morning ready to preach one of the best sermons he felt like he had ever prepared....then he noticed what a beautiful day it was outside and he started to get a bit ambivalent about .... - what a great day it would be to go fishing - more

  • El Desafio De Ser Líder

    Contributed by J Spurling on Feb 21, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Habla sobre el liderazgo. Les desafia a los creyentes hacia el liderazgo. La definición de liderazgo aquí va a ser un poco diferente de lo que la mayoría piensan sobre el liderazgo en la iglesia.

    Esta mañana vamos a hablar sobre el liderazgo. De hecho, yo voy a desafiarles esta mañana hacia el liderazgo. Pero mi definición de liderazgo de la iglesia, tal vez va a ser un poco diferente de lo que ustedes piensan sobre el liderazgo en la iglesia. Yo quiero leer una acotación de un libro que more

  • The Post-Resurrection Appearances Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 16, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus restores Peter and comforts the rest of the disciples after His resurrection.

    The post-resurrection appearances John 21:13-25 An eighty year old man was out fishing one day when he heard a voice. Knowing no one was around he just thought he was hearing things. Once again he heard, “Psst-psst hey you.” The man looked around and saw a frog in the water. more

  • Jesus And The Post-Resurrection Fish-Fry

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Apr 26, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus appeared on the beach as an intervention to keep the disciples from missing out on Pentecost and going off-the-track of ministering to the entire world.

    This is going to seem like a strange question, but how many of you have heard of “The Amazing Randi?” He was a stage magician, “mentalist,” and escape artist (in the tradition of Houdini). He once escaped from a block of ice and once escaped from a straitjacket while hanging upside-down over more

  • Following The Master Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Aug 27, 2010

    Following the Master can be best seen by 1) Loving Christ more than everything else (John 21:15–17), by 2) Being willing to sacrifice everything for Christ (John 21:18–19a), and by 3) Following Christ (John 21:19b–25).

    In R.B. Fleming’s book, Peter Gzowski: A Biography (Dundurn Press), Fleming carefully read Gzowski’s writings, studied his tapes and interviewed his friends. Running down Gzowski’s stories, he found again and again that they were exaggerated or even imaginary. Yet, Gzowski was a first-class more

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