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Sermons on San Juan 13:4:

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  • Our Excelling Example Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 16, 2021

    We look to Christ as our example, and He teaches us a positive type of humility that says I have ability and blessings which I will use, not for self-glorification, but for the edification of others.

    You cannot imitate what you do not know. Any parrot who learns to swear does not reveal its own character, but rather that of its owner and example. To copy or imitate by definition implies an original to go by. It is the original that determines the nature of the copy. This concept is more

  • Peter The Son Of Lightning Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 18, 2021

    Peter made mistakes, but he was not stupid. He never stuck with a mistake when he saw it for what it was. He was a great man just because he could retreat as fast as he advanced when he saw he was going the wrong direction.

    Some years back a young girl was caught out in a thunder storm as she rode her bicycle. She made it to the top of the hill and then headed down as fast as she could go. When she got home she told a strange tale. Every time there was a flash of lightning blue flames ran across her handle bars. Had more

  • Shift, Part 2: Shift Your Attitude Series

    Contributed by James Jackson on Oct 5, 2020

    A popular song once said its changes in latitudes that result in changes in attitudes. On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus showed his disciples exactly what that means.

    Good morning! Please open your Bibles to John 13, as we continue our series called SHIFT. We are talking this month about areas in our personal lives as well as the life of our church where we might need to experience some shifts. Last week we talked about the need for our church to shift out of more

  • Servanthood 2020

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jul 7, 2020

    As a believer, the best way to belong is to be a servant of Christ. We can our most joy out of being Christ-like.

    Servanthood 2020 Finding where we belong John 13:1-17 Introduction- Good morning- if you would turn to John chapter 13 I have been praying for this day and desiring to see us back in worship. It is good to see everyone. I know that we will not have normal as we knew normal, but that can be a more

  • Disciples Of Jesus Have The Heart Of A Servant Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jan 18, 2021

    Jesus' own life and purpose was to serve and to give, and as His followers that must be our purpose as well.

    A. One day a kind old gentleman saw a little boy who was trying to reach a doorbell. 1. The boy asked the old gentleman for his help, and the old man lifted the boy up so the boy could push the doorbell. 2. As the old gentleman put the boy back on the ground he asked the boy, “What now, little more

  • Others Centered Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Aug 16, 2017

    A study of the Gospel of John 13: 1 – 17

    John 13: 1 – 17 Others Centered 1 Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end. 2 And supper being ended, the devil having already put it into more

  • The Love Language Of Acts Of Service Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on May 21, 2022

    Using the 5 Love Languages to grow in our relationships and in our relationship with God.

    5 Love Languages - Acts of Service May 22, 2022 We’re in our final week of the series on the 5 love languages, which is based on the book by Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages and is really predicated on the passage from Jesus in John 13, which tells us - - - 34 A new commandment I give to more

  • Character Changes Through Encounters With God Series

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Jun 20, 2022

    When we have an encounter with God several things change in our. We categorised them into three, Vision, Character and Relationships. In this part of the series we look at the Character Changes that happen when we have an encounter with God.

    Encounter with God Series Part 4 Encounter Changes our Character For a video version o this sermon visit Good morning. We are digging into the aspect of Encounters with God. In the first message on this series, we saw that there are four biblical perspectives on God more

  • Humble Service

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jul 6, 2022

    Since being connected to Christ gives us an opportunity for abundance, and since being like Jesus means becoming the person God wants us to be, then we should treasure humility.

    Let's start off today talking about Wi-Fi connections. With a good signal, we feel like the world is at our fingertips. We can digitally go anywhere. Unfortunately, we don't always have that good connection. It is frustrating to say the least. We might feel like a Wi-Fi connection is more

  • The Devil’s Fangs For Hire – 30 Pieces Of Silver (Judas Iscariot) Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 12, 2022

    Is Judas 100% responsible for his action in betraying Jesus, or was he merely fulfilling God's plan. This message opens up the sad life of Judas as portrayed by John and the other evangelists. It is one in the series "THE CHARACTERS OF JOHN'S GOSPEL". This is Part 1.

    THE DEVIL’S FANGS FOR HIRE – 30 PIECES OF SILVER (JUDAS ISCARIOT) PART 1 CHARACTERS OF JOHN’S GOSPEL - - JUDAS ISCARIOT – PART 1 of 2 INTRODUCTION: The conflict with God’s will to use the evil man. A betrayer was prophesied in the Old Testament, so is Judas really to blame for the action more

  • The Devil’s Fangs For Hire – 30 Pieces Of Silver (Judas Iscariot) Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 12, 2022

    Judas Iscariot was possessed by Satan and proceeded to do his bidding, leading the treacherous gang in his betrayal of Jesus. This message looks at that betrayal and what happened to Judas after that wicked decision of his to betray the Lord.

    THE DEVIL’S FANGS FOR HIRE – 30 PIECES OF SILVER (JUDAS ISCARIOT) PART 2 CHARACTERS OF JOHN’S GOSPEL - - JUDAS ISCARIOT – PART 2 of 2 [G]. THE ACCOUNT OF THE BETRAYAL. John 18:1 When Jesus had spoken these words, He went forth with His disciples over the ravine of the Kidron where there more

  • He Loved Them To The End Series

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Nov 3, 2021

    The night before Jesus was taken to be crucified, he showed his disciples love, and humility byt sharing a meal with them, and washing their feet. This message looks at those events as Jesus set the example for his disciples.

    “HE LOVED THEM TO THE END” JOHN 13:1-38 GREENMOUNT AND O’LEARY CHURCHES OF CHRIST September 12, 2021 Maplewood Manor Sept. 16, 2021 Video Link: INTRODUCTION: 1) We have been looking for several months at the Gospel of John. A) Last week we finished the twelfth more

  • Maundy Thursday - Full Love Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Apr 14, 2022

    Three lessons we could arrive at from this passage: Greater love of Christ, greater humility of Jesus, and a greater commitment to God.

    Maundy Thursday Theme: Full Extent of Love Text: John 13:1-17 Introduction: Maundy means commandment. Today is Commandment Thursday, Holy Thursday or Sheer Thursday, green Thursday in Germany, because of cleaning the penance of a new beginning (ref: Britannica). The following texts remind the more

  • Spiritual Disciplines: Servanthood & Submission

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Feb 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    In this message we look to Jesus as our example of servanthood and submission

    Sermon for February 6, 2022 - John 13:1-17 This is a deeply moving passage. And it’s all the more moving when we understand the underlying message in this account. This is a picture of Jesus visibly and tangibly demonstrating His heart for the church, His desire for our relationships and this His more

  • "I Am The Way And The Truth And The Life” - Presentation In The "I Am Series Of John’s Gospel” Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 26, 2022

    When Jesus declared that He is THE way and the truth and the life, He meant exactly that. Men try to find other systems and other "isms" but the truth of God will always stand firm. God's words are for our comfort when troubled, and for our assurance. PART 1 of a 2 PART posting.

    “I AM THE WAY AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE” - PRESENTATION IN THE “I AM SERIES OF JOHN’S GOSPEL” PART 1 This talk was given in a seminar on the series, “THE I AMs OF JOHN’S GOSPEL”. Because the message is long, I have split it into two parts. This is PART 1. John 14 v 1 “Let not your hearts be more

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