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  • Constant Safeguards Series

    Contributed by John Harvey on Sep 15, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    In the acronym of GRACE the C is constant safequards. Safeguards are meant to be devices to protect us from ourselves and others.

    THE LIFE OF G.R.A.C.E. ¡§Constant Safeguards¡¨ September 18, 2005 Intro: We have been looking at the Shepherd¡¦s Covenant over the last few weeks. This is a covenant that has been established by Focus on the Family and their Pastoral Ministry department. It is meant to give a guideline for more

  • The Safeguards Of Life

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Dec 29, 2003
    based on 200 ratings

    We have certain spiritual safeguards in life.

    INTRO.- ILL.- The story is told about a monastery in Portugal, perched high on a 3,000-foot cliff and accessible only by a terrifying ride in a swaying basket. The basket is pulled with a single rope by several strong men, perspiring under the strain of the fully loaded basket. One American more

  • Spiritual Safeguard

    Contributed by Paul Hammons on Mar 13, 2007
    based on 21 ratings

    Paul was concerned about their spiritual safety. He wanted to protect their Christian life from certain dangers. That’s the reason for his repetition. What is it that he wanted to safeguard them from?

    Spiritual Safeguard; Philippians 3:1-3 A preacher that came to the breakfast table with a cut on his cheek. His wife asked him what had happened. He told her that he was concentrating on his sermon while shaving and had cut himself. His wife said, “Maybe you should concentrate on your shaving and more

  • Important Safeguards For Life Series

    Contributed by Timmy Gibson on Nov 7, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    2 Things that will help us all avoid the pitfalls in life.

    TITLE: 2 Important Safeguards in Life WELCOME: Good morning! Welcome to Olathe Life Fellowship. Thank you for choosing to spend a part of your weekend with us here this morning. The ushers are coming down the aisle to pass out our Sunday morning attendance sheets. If you are a first time guest more

  • Safeguarding Our Rest Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Feb 12, 2012

    Through the Third Commandment God shows his love for his people.

    If you haven’t experienced it, you know someone who has: a flight delay. I’m not talking about a flight delayed for an hour or two because of bad weather; I’m talking about a flight that is delayed for eight hours or more because there is no crew available to work the shift. more

  • Safeguards For Your Soul Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jun 6, 2015

    Remember how you get here and guard what you have received.

    We’ve come to the end of the book of Joshua. Last two chapters and last words of Joshua. He spoke what is most important for the people – the safeguards for their relationship with God. We are very concern with self-preservation. We uses all kinds of gadgets today to protect more

  • Safeguarding Your Family

    Contributed by Dr. Michael Pope on May 16, 2017

    Message to families, children, and father's responsibilities

    SAFEGUARDING YOUR FAMILY EPH 6:1-4 7 MAY 17 DR. M POPE INTRO: In their 1977 work The Criminal Personality, they concluded that the answer to crime is a "conversion of the wrong-doer to a more responsible lifestyle." In 1987, two Harvard professors came to similar conclusions in their book more

  • Safeguarding The Good Life-3 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Oct 21, 2015

    3 of 3. Joshua prepared the children of Israel for entrance into the promised land. God's people must be prepared to enter the good/abundant life. But How can they safeguard it? The Good Life is Safeguarded at/by/thru...

    SAFEGUARDING The GOOD LIFE-III—Joshua 3:1-6 Good Life/Well/Abundant Attention: Some things are worth protecting. The Good Life we have in Christ is particularly worth safeguarding/ protecting. Need: We all want ‘the good life.’ Joshua prepared the children of Israel for more

  • Safeguarding The Good Life-1 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Sep 15, 2015

    1 of 3. Joshua prepared the children of Israel for entrance into the promised land. God's people must be prepared to enter the good/abundant life. But How can they safeguard it? The Good Life is Safeguarded at/by/thru...

    SAFEGUARDING The GOOD LIFE—Joshua 3:1-6 Good Life/Well/Abundant Pepe Rodriguez was famous outlaw from Mexico. He would sneak into Texas border towns, rob them & return to Mexico. The Texas Rangers were humiliated so they illegally enter Mexico to get their state’s money. They find more

  • Safeguarding The Good Life-2 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Oct 6, 2015

    2 of 3. Joshua prepared the children of Israel for entrance into the promised land. God's people must be prepared to enter the good/abundant life. But How can they safeguard it? The Good Life is Safeguarded at/by/thru...

    SAFEGUARDING The GOOD LIFE-II—Joshua 3:1-6 Good Life/Well/Abundant Attention: Hurricane Joaquin brought upwards of 20 inches of rain to Columbia, SC in Saturday & Sunday Oct. 4-5, 2015. It was the worst flooding in Columbia’s history. The Congaree River, which runs thru Columbia, more

  • Safeguarding Sunday - Visionary View: "guardians Of The Shelter: A Corporate Responsibility" Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Nov 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    On this Safeguarding Sunday, we embark on an expository journey into Psalm 91, not merely as a personal refuge but as a corporate prayer inviting us into collective responsibility.

    Safeguarding Sunday - Visionary View: "Guardians of the Shelter: A Corporate Responsibility" Introduction: Today, we embark on a profound exploration of Psalm 91, not merely as a personal refuge but as a corporate prayer that beckons us into collective responsibility. In the poetic more

  • Safeguarding Your Christian Life Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Jul 5, 2021

    Like guardrails and protective barriers around potential dangers, so the writer to the Hebrews attempts to safeguard our Christian walk by noting potential dangers to our Christian life--among them apostate religious institutions

    I’m a big fan of Yellowstone National Park, not only because of the great fishing it offers, but also because of the great natural wonders that can be seen. Of course, some of its most famous natural wonders are found in its geyser basins, where Old Faithful can be found among many others, along more

  • Guarding Against Faith Fakers

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Nov 27, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The church has the task to root out those who profess faith in Christ, but in reality they are faking their faith in order to destroy the church

    As we consider the sea of apostasy around us and the effectiveness of faith fakers activity in today's church, it seems as though the church has little hope in stemming the tide. But according to the book of Jude, not only can we stem the tide, we can take positive action to deal directly with more

  • How To Keep From Falling

    Contributed by Fernando Cabrera on Oct 27, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    The three safeguards that will keep you from falling.

    How to Keep from Falling By Pastor Fernando Cabrera Philippians 3:1-3:21 • Paul provides us with three safeguard for keeping what we have in Jesus • “it is a safeguard to you”…a safeguard from keeping us from falling 1. Guard your thought life (3:1-8) a. Watch them dogs i. Dogs intimidate others more

  • Truth Or Consequences Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon deals with the reality of false teachers and how to safeguard ourselves from them.

    A. How many of you remember the game show called “Truth or Consequences? 1. Truth or Consequences was an American quiz show, originally hosted on radio by Ralph Edwards from 1940 to 1957, and later on television by Edwards himself, and later by Bob Barker. (This picture shows Edwards and more