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  • How Do We Measure Our Success?

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Feb 21, 2005
    based on 65 ratings

    God expects His churches to be successful, but how is our success measured?

    God’s Glorious Church How Do We Measure Our Success? Ephesians 3:21 Woodlawn Baptist Church February 20, 2005 Introduction As we enter into this portion of our services this morning, I want to once again welcome each of you and tell you that it is good to be here in the Lord’s house with you. If more

  • 7 Ways Jesus Is The Best Friend You Could Ever Have Series

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Apr 13, 2006
    based on 218 ratings

    7 Ways Jesus is the best friend you could ever have.

    I hope you have enjoyed our celebration thus far but there’s one more part of the celebration we want to observe – and that is – reading about the resurrection from the Word of God, the Bible. Central to the message of Easter is the story of the resurrection of Christ from the grave. But this more

  • "Because Jesus Lives"

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Apr 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    An Easter Message that declares the resurrection of Jesus as a historical fact.

    “Because Jesus Lives” -The Resurrection is a Historical Fact- Mark 16:1-7 Matthew 28:18-20 In His closing remarks before his ascension into heaven Jesus gave this promise, “I’ll be with you always to the very end of the age.” Our hope today is the fact that Jesus rose from the dead. He is alive more

  • Storms Beyond Your Control

    Contributed by Philip Harrelson on Jun 30, 2008
    based on 17 ratings

    An encouraging message about finding stability in the middle of the storms of life.

    STORMS BEYOND YOUR CONTROL TEXT: Mark 4:35-41 Mark 4:35-41 KJV And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. [36] And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little more

  • Study In Revelation 13 Who Can Open Open The Book Series

    Contributed by James Lee on Oct 23, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Study of Revelation, using "the Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible" as a guide. Includes work sheet for participants. boxes & underlined blanks may be missing

    STUDY IN REVELATION 13 Who Can Open The Book? Revelation 5: 1-14 Chapter four runs right into chapter five, with no break. John sees God holding a book in His right hand. The book is sealed and has never been opened. The book is the key to understanding the rest of Revelation, it is the official more

  • Jesus Shows His Love For Us By Dying For Us And Being Resurrected

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Aug 2, 2009

    Basic beliefs on what Christ has done for us

    Jesus shows His love for us by dying for us and being resurrected Luke 1:1-4 As we come to this time of worship, I want us to be assured that the bible is to be the book that we hear the message from. Did you know that what we have in this book is the very word of God? There is no other book more

  • "Day Of Victory"

    Contributed by Dennis Marquardt on Mar 30, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Resurrection of Jesus, Easter sermon

    "DAY OF VICTORY" TEXTS: John 20:1-31 INTRO: If the resurrection of Jesus Christ did not take place then Christianity is a joke! BUT … if it did take place then your choice of accepting or rejecting Christ as Lord of your life is NO joke! Most people have a hard time with believing in a more

  • The Resurrected Lord.

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Mar 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon looks at the resurrection and the implications for believers and non believers in his presence.

    THE RESURRECTED LORD – TO BE IN HIS PRESENCE. • SET THE SCENE THE RESURRECTION MORNING It was the first day of the week the resurrection morning, the disciples were locked away in a house in Jerusalem in fear of the fellow countrymen the JEWS. For the disciples it is the fight or flight more

  • Easter: A Slave For Christ Part 7 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Apr 7, 2012

    This message focuses on the Resurrection and the hope we through it.

    A Slave For Christ Part 7 The Resurrection Scriptures: Matthew 27:52-53; 28:1-10; Ephesians 4:9-10; 1 Peter 3:18-20 Introduction: When I closed my message last week, Joseph of Arimathea had claimed Jesus’ body and buried it in an unused tomb. He died around 3:00 p.m. on Friday and was more

  • Resurrection Life Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Mar 31, 2013

    An Easter message about how Christ brings life. "why seek the living among the dead?"

    Title: Resurrection Life Theme: To show how the resurrection brings life to the church and to people. This is the reason we celebrate Easter (Resurrection Sunday). This is also the reason people put so much life traditions into Easter. (The egg, the bunny, dinner, games, family, etc.) Text: Luke more

  • The Blind Man Who Saw Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on May 28, 2013

    If you want to be truly wise, don’t be like those who WON’T SEE, and don’t be like those who CAN’T SEE. Instead, be like those who DO SEE, because they let Jesus touch them, not just once, but as many times as it takes.

    A businessman was late for an important meeting and couldn't find a parking space. As he frantically circled the block, the man got so desperate that he decided to pray. Looking up toward heaven, he said, “Lord, take pity on me. If you find me a parking space, I'll go to church every more

  • Why Do You Seek The Living One Among The Dead? Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Apr 6, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Why Do You Seek the Living One among the Dead? (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). The Women (vs 1-3) (2). The Angelic Beings (vs 4-8) (3). The Disciples (vs 9-12) SERMON BODY: Quote: Professor John Lennox: "Stephen Hawkins was just ahead of me at Cambridge, I can remember him quite well although I did not know him. I was rather amused when the Times more

  • Don't Be Surprised!

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Oct 18, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    I believe that there are people who will be surprised at many things. People will someday stand before the judgment of God & express surprise that they are lost.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK ILL. The A P Wire Service reported this story out of Nashville, TN a few years ago. A TN Highway Patrolman stopped a car that was a total wreck. It had 3 flat tires. Every window had been broken out, & the roof was caved in, indicating more

  • Who Really Needs Help? Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Oct 29, 2012

    Christ will act towards you on his terms, not yours.

    There is a scene in C.S. Lewis' children's book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, in which the children of the story are learning about the great lion king Aslan from Mr. & Mrs. Beaver. One asks the question, "Is he safe?" Mr. Beaver replies, "Safe?… Who said anything about safe? more

  • The Road To A Double Portion

    Contributed by Dr. William D. Poovey on Nov 15, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    The Road to a Double Portion

    The Road to a Double Portion Somebody say, I Want A Double Portion We know that Elisha went from being a ploughman, working in the fields one day, to being a prophet of the Lord the next. Elisha was tested at each step of the journey, Elijah said “stay here, don’t go any more

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