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  • Babylon's Doom

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on May 28, 2014

    God has provided an escape for all those who might face this time (through JESUS only). Our challenge is this: "How can we profess allegiance to Him and not share Who it is we serve?" People need Jesus today ... more than ever!

    Babylon’s Doom Revelation Part 29, Revelation 18:1-24 INTRODUCTION - Previously we had seen the destruction of the woman -- She convinced the world to be a part of her sin - We’ve also watched humanity be stricken with horrible diseases and plagues - The religious system of more

  • Babylon's Prophecy Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Sep 2, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Study of the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 13. It is important to understand that God will get our attention no matter what it takes; and those who follow Jesus Christ must be ready and willing to cry out when God calls us into action. (Ref: Isaiah 13:1-22)

    Babylon’s Prophecy Isaiah 13:1-22 Introduction - Isaiah 11 and 12 had us examining who will we serve; and who do we worship - We examined that even in mass chaos, God can perform perfect harmony - The root of Jesse (lineage of Jesus) has already been prepared for us; grafted - But the more

  • Thriving In Babylon Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Aug 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    How do we live fearless lives as Christians? God’s heart is that we not just survive, but thrive (adapted from a series taught by Pastor Larry Osborne, North Coast Church.

    Thriving in Babylon Daniel 1:1-1:21 Fearless Pt 1- Thriving in Babylon Introduction New Series- Fearless (adapted from a series by Pastor Larry Osborne from North Coast Church). Many things to worry about and be afraid of today. What is it that causes you to toss/turn at night -economy, more

  • Stranded In Babylon Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Jan 11, 2009

    Part 7 in series Slowing Down. Dave discusses parallels between the life of the Bible’s Daniel and life in modern America.

    Stranded In Babylon Slowing Down, part 7 Wildwind Community Church David Flowers January 10, 2009 Galatians 4:19 (KJV) 19 …until Christ be formed in you. Last week I posed the very difficult question of whether our current way of thinking about the Christian life, and living the Christian more

  • The Barber Of Babylon Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jan 13, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    A study of chapter 5 verses 1 through 17

    Ezekiel 5: 1 – 17 ‘The barber of Babylon’ 1 “And you, son of man, take a sharp sword, take it as a barber’s razor, and pass it over your head and your beard; then take scales to weigh and divide the hair. 2 You shall burn with fire one-third in the midst of the more

  • Mystery Babylon Series

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Feb 7, 2017

    Revelation Reminders

    1. The birth of Babylon is certain Genesis 10:10; 11:1-9; Isaiah 14:4, 12-14 2. The prophecy of Babylon is challenging Daniel 2, 7, 8 3. The identity of Babylon is confusing Revelation 17:9 more

  • Babylon- The Repentant Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Dec 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 9th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Babylon".

    Series: Biblical Cities- Babylon [#9] BABYLON- THE REPENTANT Psalm 137:1 Introduction: We are continuing in our study of Babylon. The city is the 2nd on the list of most mentions. Babylon is mentioned 286 times in the Bible. It means “the gate of god(s). Over the last few weeks, we have looked more

  • The Pride Of Babylon Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Mar 9, 2022

    Pride and humility sit opposed to one another as if they were sitting on a see-saw on a playground. And many of us see-saw between pride and humility for much of our lives. The Bible’s message is consistent: beware of the spiritual cancer called pride.

    While not everyone will immediately recognize the name Chan Gailey, Gailey was the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys in the late 1990s. He had also been the coach at Alabama’s Troy State University. His Troy State team was gearing up to lead his team to play for the Division II National more

  • Babylon And The Prostitute Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Oct 26, 2020

    By now, it should be apparent to all of us that we need to be rescued from three things: 1. From death. 2. An enemy that wants to destroy us. 3. Our sins.

    The Last Word – Revelation 17 Babylon and the Prostitute November 1, 2020 Revelation 17:3-6 NIV “Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was more

  • Babylon's Fall Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 12, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Don’t fall in love with money, which quickly disappears and only leaves you depressed. Instead, fall in love with the Lord, and rejoice, even when all the money is gone!

    Pastor John Ortberg tells the story about putting his kids on the envelope system when they were little. When they received their allowance, they would put it in envelopes labeled “Give,” “Save,” “Gifts,” “Spend,” and so on. Well, Pastor Ortberg more

  • Living In Babylon

    Contributed by Brandon Park on Oct 1, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    A message from the Book of Daniel about how believers can thrive in a post-Christian American culture.

    LIVING IN BABYLON How to Thrive in America’s Post-Christian Culture INTRO: - I love Freedom Celebration! It’s an opportunity for us to celebrate our spiritual heritage as a nation. I also love the camaraderie that comes about when people celebrate their patriotism together o It more

  • The Fall Of Babylon Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Oct 7, 2021

    If the beast destroys the religious system to establish his own system of worship, what will happen to all the wealth the false religious system has accumulated?

    Last week we saw the rise and fall of the great harlot, the false religious system that will exist during the tribulation. We saw the influence of this religious system and how she controlled and was supported by the Antichrist. We saw her influence on all nations and kings. We also saw her fall as more

  • River Sunday: Relying On The River Of Life Series

    Contributed by Richard Schwedes on Sep 25, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    A sermon for River Sunday that highlights how God’s River of Life gives life

    As we come to our last week in the worship series the series of creation; We have seen how God has given us the wonderful creation we live as a gift. A gift to not only to enjoy and benefit from but also to care for and serve. At times his creation is full of life and at times deserted and dieing, more

  • Psalm 137 Series

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Mar 11, 2020

    A lament for fallen Jerusalem - either prophetic or written in captivity. The psalmist grieves deeply for Zion and pledges to never forget.

    For Sermon Central researchers: I have posted a series of 15 sermons on the Psalms. In recent personal studies I have found the psalms to be richer and more thought-provoking than I had fully appreciated. I had too often swept swiftly through psalms without slowing down to inquire as thoroughly as more

  • Voices By The River

    Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Dec 8, 2000
    based on 125 ratings

    John the Baptist was the forerunner of the Messiah appearing at the River Jordan where crowds gathered to hear the Voice of the Prophet announcing Jesus as the Lamb of God and the Voice of God confirming him as his beloved Son

    VOICES BY THE RIVER JORDAN Quite frequently we read in the papers of sightings of unidentified flying objects - UFOs. Quite probably they don’t exist, but just suppose they did. What would those people from outer space make of planet Earth? Well, for sure, they would think it was very noisy. more

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