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  • Crooks And Robbers And Thieves, Oh My! Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Feb 26, 2021

    Christ receives even thieves and robbers when they receive Him as Master over life.

    “After this [Jesus] went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax booth. And he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And leaving everything, he rose and followed him. And Levi made him a great feast in his house, and there was a large company of tax collectors and others reclining at more

  • Wrong About Authority

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Dec 14, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    When Jesus was challenged to name His authority to teach, he exposed His interlocutors as incapable of assessing His answer even were He to deign give it.

    “When [Jesus] entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came up to him as he was teaching, and said, ‘By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?’ Jesus answered them, ‘I also will ask you one question, and if you tell me the answer, then more

  • Who Calls?

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jul 30, 2023

    Hearing and answering God's call has four parts in two pairs. We need to recognize who God is, and who we are, and after being cleansed, we must respond.

    Do you ever screen your calls? By that I mean do you look to see who’s calling before you answer? I answer most of my calls right when they happen unless it’s tagged “scam likely” or I’m driving (I haven’t hooked up my Bluetooth yet) or if the phone is in the other room or if I accidentally left it more

  • A Willing Spirit Yields A Clean Heart

    Contributed by Richelle Smith on May 26, 2018

    This sermon speaks of the tragic trash that we accumulate in our hearts when we are no longer willing walk in God's will. This trash leads to a broken relationship with God. The Good News is that God is compassionate and cleanses us.

    In 2 Sam. 11, David did not go out to battle as the other kings did during the spring. He should have gone to battle. His heart is not in line with the anointing God placed on him. He shrugs his responsibility as King and does whatever he wanted to do. David allowed the trash of complacency, more

  • The Ebionites Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 19, 2022

    The Ebionites existed during the early centuries of the Common Era and believed Jesus became the Messiah because he obeyed the Jewish Law.

    The Ebionites The Ebionites were early followers of Jesus who believed He was the Messiah the Jewish people had expected to come. Ebionites (Greek: Ebionaioi, derived from a Hebrew word meaning 'the poor' or 'poor ones') as a term refers to a Jewish Christian sect who were more

  • Lesson #17 [id3] The Priesthood Of Christ Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Oct 19, 2020

    The book of Hebrews was written for the Jewish people. According to Old Testament teaching, these people were raised with firm convictions that a priest was necessary to their relationship with God. The priest served as a go-between or an intercessor between man and God.

    20 Tom Lowe Lesson #17 [ID3] The Priesthood of Christ (HEBREWS 5:6-10) Text (NIV) 6 And he says in another place, “You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.” 7 During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who more

  • Who May Come To Worship Series

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on Mar 15, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Today God will give Moses the requirements of the Nation to come before HIM in proper worship. Just as the nation of Israel was required to be Redeemed, Cleansed and Anointed so are we as New Testament believers required to be prior to entering the prese

    Who May Come to Worship God The redeemed The cleansed The anointed DBF Sunday Sermon, Exodus 30, 3/16/03 Many of us belong to groups of people who are united for differing purposes. Even here in Bristol Bay there are lots of groups to belong too. Some may be in unions, schools, fraternities, more

  • Jesus Clears The Temple Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 90 ratings

    Picture # 2 in the series: The 14 Candid Snapshots of the Maturing Christian as found in the Gospel of John. Jesus clenses the temple, which is a candid snapshot of Christ entering into the human heart and cleansing the heart so God can reside.

    Picture # 2: Jesus Clears The Temple: John 2:12-25 The clearing, or the cleansing of the temple in Jerusalem, is a picture of Christ entering into the human body and cleansing the soul so the body can become a temple of Christ. The first great cleansing in our lives is to attack the root of all more

  • Confession & A Transparent Life Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jan 31, 2016

    True believers are 1) Cleansed from sin (1 John 1:7); yet, 2) Confessing sin (1 John 1:9); and even 3) Conquering sin (1 John 2;1a).

    On April 29, 2009 Pope Benedict XVI met with a delegation of aboriginal Canadians he had invited to the Vatican at the request of the bishops of Canada. On the topic of residential schools, Benedict expressed “his sorrow at the anguish caused by the deplorable conduct of some members of the more

  • Healing Scriptures

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Jan 2, 2025

    We are vulnerable to sickness and disease. But it is the POWER of GOD that Raises you up. Let the WORD of GOD wash over, in and around you, to cleanse you. Rise Up and Walk and BE HEALED in JESUS Name! (Acts 3:6)

    2025.01.02 HEALING SCRIPTURES - All scripture from the NKJV BIG IDEA: We are vulnerable to sickness and disease in this earthly vessel... Aren't you glad it doesn't end there? BUT GOD... IT IS the POWER of GOD that will Raise you up. Let the WORD of GOD wash over, in and around you to more

  • Man Of God From Judah – Part 1

    Contributed by Samuel M on Mar 7, 2025

    In this season, God is raising and sending many men of God, armed with a word from Him and raw power and authority(to back it up), to expose the deception of all Jeroboam’s and cleanse God's altars.

    In this generation, there is so much of strange fire and incense burning on God’s altars. Because of this strange fire, people are living strange lives. There is no fruit of God’s Holiness that leads to Holy living. A person in sin continue live in sin in spite of coming to the church regularly. more

  • How To Worship With Integrity

    Contributed by Greg Addison on Nov 5, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Worship of God has been described as the chief end of man’s existence. In order to be effective, however, man must worship God with integrity. That means we worship Him with our entire life and person and not simply out of ritual or habit. True worship c

    HOOK: Let me ask you a question: Why are you here tonight? Several layers to the question: Why are you here tonight? Why are you here tonight? Why are you here tonight? Man is a religious being. We live in a religious society. For all that religion, society isn’t much different or changed. To more

  • Jesus, The Good Samaritain

    Contributed by Brandon Queen on Oct 8, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    We will be in a familiar passage. A passage that explains to us how we should treat our neighbors.

    ENGAGE: Open with greeting the members. Would you fight to live? Would you fight to save another person’s life? Would you be a good Samaritan no matter the outcome? Opening Question and Statement: On or around July 25, 2021, A group of people spoke out about saving an unconscious man slumped over more

  • Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

    Contributed by James May on May 21, 2006
    based on 44 ratings

    There’s a Jekyll and Hyde in every one of us. Which nature will win? It all depends upon whether we allow Jesus’ blood to cleanse us from sin, or try to defeat Mr. Hyde on our own.

    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Pastor Jim May In 1886, Robert Louis Stevenson authored a book titled, “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”. The whole gist of the book concerns the way in which an individual is made up of emotions and desires that are opposite to one another: some good and more

  • The Real Cost Of Discipleship – Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Warren Lamb on Oct 29, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Being in contact with the cleansing fire from Jesus Christ is supposed to set us ablaze with love for Him, for the things of heaven, and for the salvation that He has bought for us. It is supposed to consume our thoughts and our emotions. It is supposed t

    I want to start today with a little object lesson if I may. In this dish I have a crumpled piece of newspaper. I am going to set fire to it. See how quickly the flame consumes the paper? I have to drop it back into the dish if I’m going to keep from getting burned, don’t I? Okay, now what has more

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