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Sermons on Revelation 20:4:

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  • The 1000 Year Reign Of Christ

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Feb 4, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    A discription of the event coming in the future. For the believers, Jews, satan, antichrist and false prophet

    The 1000 Year Reign of Christ Text: Rev 20:4 4And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast more

  • 1,000 Years Of Heaven On Earth Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Mar 17, 2009
    based on 25 ratings

    A look at the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth, also known as the millenium.

    A Biblical View of the End Times 1,000 YEARS OF HEAVEN ON EARTH Revelation 20:1-10 Intro: Revelation chapter 20 mentions a 1000 year period of time 6 times in verse 2-7. This period of time has come to be known as the Millennium. It is a compound word from the Latin which means "1000 years." The more

  • So What Happens Next? Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Nov 17, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    One of the most fascinating features of the Bible is that it is more than just a history book, it actually tells us what is ahead for our world and us. Both the Old and New Testaments speak of how the world we know will end and that God is working out Hi

    Revelation 20:1-10 The Thousand Years 1And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3He threw him into the Abyss, and more

  • Study In Revelation 34 The First Resurrection And The 1000 Year Reign Series

    Contributed by James Lee on Nov 18, 2009

    Study in Revelation using "The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible" as a guide.

    STUDY IN REVELATION 34 The first resurrection & The 1000 year reign of Christ Revelation 20: 4-6 Imagine a time when there is no more war, no more killing, no more assaults or abuse. A day when the homeless will have a home, the unemployed will find work. A day when there is no more hunger and more

  • Life's Two Choices Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Nov 22, 2009

    The Bible is clear that there are only two choices when we are confronted with the one true God. Sadly, those choices have been muddied by modern American Christianity. For example, does God hate? For the last 80 years or so the theme of much of the pr

    Purpose: To describe the glorious reign of Christ. Aim: I want the listener to understand the consequences of following or not following Christ. REVIEW: 1:1-20 I. John’s Vision of the Past "the things which you have seen" 2:1-5:14 II. Christ’s Vision of the Present "the things which more

  • Preparing To Reign With Jesus Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Mar 7, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    We need to prepare for the future earthly reign of Jesus by the way we live our lives right now.

    Over the past few weeks, it has been interesting to watch what is going on in the Middle East as the citizens of nation after nation have risen up to try and topple their governments and install new leaders who they believe will rule with truth and justice. But the fact is that no government here more

  • Jesus' Millennial Reign - Now But Not Yet

    Contributed by Curt Cizek on Oct 6, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    When is Jesus coming back? Is the millennium right around the corner? All the answers found here!

    -Has anyone ever read any of the books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins? Has anyone read any of the books in the “Left Behind” series? -The series of books has really taken the world by storm -The only problem is it is pure fiction – Yeah, yeah, I know that it is intended to be fiction but some more

  • Jesus Reign

    Contributed by Unknown Bennett T Cortez on Apr 19, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    This message traced the doctrine of the millennial kingdom through church history.

    Introduction The millennial kingdom doctrine has been debated among many Christian scholars. The question when will this 1000 years take places defined in Revelation 20:1-10. The word millennium derives from the Latin words mille (“thousand”) and annus (“years”). There are three theological more

  • Thy Kingdom Come Series

    Contributed by Martin Holland on May 16, 2013

    In the model prayer we are told by our Lord to pray for the kingdom to come and in Revelation chapter 20 we see the establishing of the kingdom.

    Thy Kingdom Come Revelation 20:1-6 In these first 6 verses the term “A Thousand Years” is used in which we call a millennial. This is when the Lord will come and reign upon the earth from the throne of David in Jerusalem. Mention: Matt. 6:9-10 Thy kingdom come…we are told to pray more

  • The Millennial Kingdom

    Contributed by Unknown Bennett T Cortez on Jan 28, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The millennial kingdom doctrine has been debated among many Christian scholars.

    Introduction The millennial kingdom doctrine has been debated among many Christian scholars. The question when will this 1000 years take places defined in Revelation 20:1-10. The word millennium derives from the Latin words mille (“thousand”) and annus (“years”). There are more

  • Beheadings And The Bible

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Oct 8, 2014
    based on 14 ratings

    link inc. to formatted text, audio, PowerPoint.

    Beheadings and the Bible Decapitations are horrific. They are the essence of nightmares. From legends like Sleepy Hollow to serial killers who lop off victim's heads, this is the stuff of Halloween scare houses. The image evokes some of the deepest more

  • Yes, You Can Judge A Book By Its Cover Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Mar 12, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    A study of the book of Revelation chapter 20

    Revelation 20: 1 – 15 Yes, You Can Judge A Book By Its Cover 1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; 3 more

  • Three Future Wars

    Contributed by Dr. William D. Poovey on Apr 24, 2015

    1. Gog Magog Battle, 2. Armageddon War 3. Post Millenium war after Christ's Kingdom is ushered in. -Rev 20:7).

    Three Future Wars 1. Gog Magog Battle, 2. Armageddon War 3. Post Millenium war after Christ's Kingdom is ushered in. -Rev 20:7) I believe Gog Magog and Armageddon are two battles. 1. In the Gog/Magog battle, several allies of Gog are mentioned, as opposing Israel. -Ezek.38 These are the more

  • The Revelation Of Jesus Christ – Chapter 20 Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Aug 23, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a verse by verse look at Revelation chapter 20.

    The Revelation Of Jesus Christ – Chapter 20 I. Things Which Thou Hast Seen – Rev 1 II. Things Which Are – The Church Age – Rev 2-3 III. Things Which Are To Come – Rev 4-22 A. The Throne Of God – Rev 4 B. The Seven Seals Book – Rev 5 C. The First Six more

  • The Judgment Seat Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 23, 2016
    based on 20 ratings

    What is the Millennial Kingdom all about? How important is it to God and what can mean to us? Also, what do we learn about the Judgment Seat of God in Revelation?

    OPEN: Several years ago there was a TV evangelist who was preaching about his view of the 2nd Coming of Christ. Toward the close of the program he apparently actually made this pitch of one of his videos: "Jesus is coming soon -- perhaps tomorrow! Send $10 for a video that will explain the more

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