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  • Jesus Offers Real Rest

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jul 29, 2012

    Jesus Offers Real Rest 1) To hardworking disciples; 2) To clueless crowds

    A favorite topic of conversation at this time of year is vacation plans. I think I can tell you what most of my friends from the gym are doing for their summer holidays. One is going to Hawaii. Another ran a mountain race over the Crow’s Nest Pass. Another drove twenty plus hours to the B.C. more

  • Psalm 46 - Psalm Of The Sons Of Korah

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 29, 2022

    The Psalm is about the mighty hand of God in protection and the Help for us in any form of trouble. In tumult God is with us, though Jerusalem is in view. God is the Victor so Jerusalem, and we should stop striving and rest in faith knowing the Lord is God.

    Psalm 46 - Psalm of the Sons of Korah Psalm 46 For the choir director. A Psalm of the sons of Korah, set to Alamoth. A Song. We continue the series on the Psalms written and set to music by the Sons of Korah. All their psalms are beautiful and encouraging, and can we especially notice, more

  • Regularly Remember The Rest-Giver

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Jun 19, 2003
    based on 58 ratings

    Coming to hear God’s Word brings us joy when we remember that through his Word Jesus, the Rest-giver, has rescued us from sin’s slavery and he refreshes. He gives the rest and peace of forgiveness.

    Regularly Remember the Rest-Giver Do I Have to Go to Church? Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. The Word of God through which the Holy Spirit guides our hearts and minds today is recorded in Deuteronomy 5:12-15: Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the more

  • Finding Rest Among The Crowds

    Contributed by Ian Hyde on Apr 10, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    We often pride ourselves in our work ethic, but we are addicted to work! This sermon takes a look at our need to find rest in the midst of a chaotic world and a myriad of responsibilities; using Jesus' practice of finding rest as our example.

    IMMEDIACY IN MARK When we read the Gospel of Mark, we read a story moving at breakneck speed. Mark is the shortest gospel, and in it we don’t find a genealogy, or narratives from his childhood, or even much of a prelude before Jesus is baptized. And once he is baptized, it seems like he is more

  • Rest From The Issues Of Life

    Contributed by Tesh Njokanma on Aug 24, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    What does REST mean to you? The woman with the issue of blood entered into her rest when five things happened in her life. Be blessed by this sermon that highlights those five things that can make us enter into the rest God has promised us.

    Text: Luke 8:42-48 Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28-30 to come to Him and we will find rest for our souls. Luke 8:42-48 is an account of a woman who came to Jesus and received rest for her soul. This woman had an issue she had been battling with for 12 years. For 12 years she had an issue of blood, more

  • Be Faithful (Strong & Courageous)

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on May 19, 2014

    God has called us to be faithful in our service to Him. As Joshua was called to be strong & courageous, we too are called to that same calling... but it can only happen when we are grounded in Gods Word & resting on His power!

    Sermon Brief Date Written: May 14, 2014 Date Preached: May 18, 2014 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Series Title: Recognition of Graduates Sermon Title: Be Faithful (Strong & Courageous) Sermon Text: Joshua 1:1-9 [ESV] TEXT: Essence of the Text: Joshua is challenged to be more

  • You Need Some Rest Series

    Contributed by Kyle Meador on Jan 14, 2002
    based on 76 ratings

    God models for us and charges us with living a life of balance - one that includes a practice of Sabbath Rest.

    From the Very Start You Need Some Rest! We are in a Genesis series – An ancient text that speaks with amazing present-day relevance! - Marriage - Struggles in Marriage - Spiritual Jealousy - Selfishness - Trusting God when it really doesn’t make sense - Obeying God when everything more

  • Finding Rest In A Restless World Series

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Nov 28, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    5th in series on restoring joy to life. Deals with the importance of resting & observing a holy day each week.

    RESTORING THE JOY Part 5: Finding Rest in a Restless World For the past few weeks, we have been looking at reasons why so few Christians have joy in their lives. Jesus said He came to give us “abundant Lives,” and yet we see very few people living abundantly. The Devil has a plethora, an more

  • Who Needs A Day Of Rest? Series

    Contributed by Keith Walker on May 19, 2004
    based on 64 ratings

    How to prevent burnout by observing the forth Commandment

    INTRODUCTION Do you remember the old “Blue Laws?” When I was a child not many businesses were open on Sundays. Those that were opened were looked down upon. The “Blue Laws” were eventually challenged in court and done away with. Now, you can shop, eat out, conduct business, enjoy recreation or more

  • And The Land Rested From War Series

    Contributed by Winson Butler on May 25, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Every Christian needs to examine the importance of perserverance. As Winston Churchill said to a graduating class of young cadets, "Never give up..." There’s a high cost to giving up and giving in!

    "And the Land Rested From War..." Dr. E. Winson Butler Joshua 11:23 kjv (pg 199 OT white pew Bible) Introduction I. illus. A few nights ago, President George Bush addressed our country. In his own words he said, "We must stay the course..." i.e. now is not the time to question, leave or more

  • The Seventh Day Is A Sabbath Of Rest

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Oct 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    God established 52 days of rest every year.

    The Seventh Day is a Sabbath of Rest Sept. 5, 2010 Introduction A Labor Day is a national holiday set aside for the honor of American workers. 1 Unofficial end of summer a A weekend to get in last-minute trips & take in one last BBQ or swim party before colder weather sets in. b A weekend of more

  • Skip Rush, Find Rest Series

    Contributed by Dale Harlow on Dec 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Do you ever feel like life is flying by, out of control? You want to get off, but it is like a merry-go-round that is moving too fast. Jumping off can hurt more than staying on! So you just hold on and keep flying. I think we have that problem year rou

    Do you ever feel like life is flying by, out of control? You want to get off, but it is like a merry-go-round that is moving too fast. Jumping off can hurt more than staying on! So you just hold on and keep flying. I think we have that problem year round now, but it is at its worst at Christmas more

  • O Day Of Rest And Gladness

    Contributed by Christopher Martin on Apr 17, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, Series B. Preached 6/18/2006 @ Beaver Creek Lutheran Church, Forest City, Iowa (ELCM) Some material from Concordia Pulpit Resources.

    Pentecost 2B. Deuteronomy 5:12-15 “O Day of Rest & Gladness” 6/18/2006 Beaver Creek Lutheran Church, Forest City, Iowa (ELCM) Source Material: Concordia Pulpit Resources, Vol. 13, No.3 Sermon Outline Introduction: Every day seems to have its own personality. Fats Domino sang a song called “Blue more

  • God’s Gift Of Rest Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at the 4th commandment with an encouragement for God’s people to enjoy God’s gift of rest every week, resulting in a better perspective and greater productivity.

    God’s Gift of Rest (Exodus 20:8-11) Some time ago, a Tacoma, Washington, newspaper carried the story of Tattoo the basset hound. Tattoo didn’t intend to go for an evening run, but when his owner shut the dog’s leash in the car door and took off for a drive with Tattoo still outside the vehicle, more

  • What A Place To Rest And Sleep

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Aug 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    No doubt Gods always on time when we need him

    WHAT A PLACE TO REST AND SLEEP Daniel 6:8Now, O king, establish the decree, and sign the writing, that it be not changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not. 9Wherefore king Darius signed the writing and the decree. 10Now when Daniel knew more

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