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  • Storms Of Life- Sudden Darkness Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jul 16, 2019

    What to do when everything in your life comes crashing down at once

    The Storms of Life Sudden Darkness CCCAG June 23rd 2019 Scripture- Ephesians 6 Intro: We are going to begin this morning talking about a man who went from hero to 0 in the eyes of the people in less than a week. At the beginning of the week he was the most popular and most sought out person in more

  • Darkness Precedes The Second Coming

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Dec 2, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Darkness covered the earth at His crucifixion and darkness shall befall at His SECOND COMING

    Darkness Precedes The Second Coming Mark 13:24-37 Now read with me: Mark 15:33-34, 37 “Now when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’ Which is more

  • The Deep Cave Of Darkness: Boredom

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Nov 8, 2017

    ZWW ( Zeal without wisdom) and WWZ (Wisdom without zeal) Can be deadly within the church. Boredom is a great enemy many face today. We need to get excited about God's plan.

    THE DEEP CAVE OF DARKNESS…(Boredom) By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. DARKNESS MAY OFTEN BECOME A TANGLED WEB OF CHOICES. I have some really good news you can use if you chose. LIFE IS ALL ABOUT YOUR DAILY CHOICES. I also bear some bad news, hear me? LIFE IS ABOUT IS ALL ABOUT YOUR more

  • Lesson 2: The Darkness Terminated. Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 7, 2018

    This passage provides additional information about the work God did on the first day.

    May 3, 2013 Book of Genesis By: Tom Lowe PART: I GENERAL HISTORY FROM ADAM TO ABRAHAM—Gen. 1:1-11:9. Topic #A: An Account of Creation. Gen. 1:1-2:7. LESSON I.A.2: THE DARKNESS TERMINATED. Scripture: Gen. 1:3-5. GEN. 1:3-5. (KJV) 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And more

  • In Dark Waters But Safe Hands Series

    Contributed by Thomas Bartlett on Nov 11, 2019

    Paul is headed toward Rome but that doesn't mean there will not be issues. While sailing they shipwreck but because of Paul and his trust in God, along with God's promise for him to preach in Rome, they all survive.

    In Dark Waters But Safe Hands A two-part sermon series concluding the book of Acts Dr. Tom Bartlett OUTLINE Acts 27:1-44 (ESV) And when it was decided that we should sail for Italy, they delivered Paul and some other prisoners to a centurion of the Augustan Cohort named Julius. And embarking in more

  • Being The Light In A Dark World

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on May 19, 2021

    Jesus calls each of us to make a difference where He has placed us. If we claim to know Jesus, we must live like we know Jesus.

    Being the light in a dark world 1 John 15-10 Prayer- If you would turn to 1 John Chapter One. Have you ever wondered if you have had or if you will make a difference in life? When I was a kid I thought of all the cool jobs I would like to do, Jobs where you save someone’s life, protecting more

  • Deep Things Out Of Darkness

    Contributed by James Dina on Jun 30, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    God can reveal everything in darkness, even the deep things that are in the darkness; because the darkness is not dark to Him, and the night is as bright as the day, darkness and light are alike to the Almighty God (Psalm 139: 12).

    DEEP THINGS OUT OF DARKNESS JOB 12:22 “He discovers deep things out of darkness, and brings to light the shadow of death”. The attributes of God, as revealed in the Bible, are crucial to understanding the truth about God, who He is and what He does. He created everything according to His perfect more

  • How To Walk In Dark Times

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jul 10, 2020

    The message shares how we can walk in hard and even sinful times.

    How to walk in the Dark? Palm 119:105-112 1. Erik Weihenmayer is an amazing athlete and adventurer. He’s kayaked all 277 miles of the Colorado River and through the Grand Canyon, • He has climbed the face of El Capitan in Yosemite more

  • "A Light That Shatters The Darkness”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Aug 17, 2023

    I don’t think I have ever seen a stained glass window of Jesus laughing. Did He laugh when Jonah landed on the beach smelling like whale breath? When the wedding party tasted the best wine ever, did He smile? In his discussion with a Canaanite woman is He smiling through the words?

    In Jesus Holy Name August 20, 2023 Text: Matthew 15:28/Isaiah 9:1b-2 Pentecost XV - Redeemer “A Light That Shatters the Darkness” I have seen many beautiful stained glass windows displaying various aspects of the life of Jesus. But I don’t think I have ever seen a stained glass more

  • Shining As Lights In A Dark World Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 4, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    As children of God, our lives are meant to be a living testimony to the transforming power of Christ, shining brightly in a world desperately in need of His light.

    Shining as Lights in a Dark World Introduction: Begin by warmly welcoming the congregation and reading the key passage: Philippians 2:14-16 (NLT) - "Do everything without complaining and arguing so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like more

  • The Dark Rooms Of The Heart: Memory

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on May 27, 2023

    What a difference can one day make. Seems some have compassion and make memories that will last through eternity. We need to bring the light into the dark rooms.

    THE DARK ROOMS OF THE HEART? MAKING A DIFFERENCE. By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) *MEMORY: mind stares, to store information, to learn and recall. There are short term and long term memories. Some of our memories are wonderful and joy filled. Our minds more

  • Conveyed From Darkness To Light

    Contributed by Pablo Catala on Jan 6, 2022


    There’s a Spanish story of a father and son who had become estranged. The son ran away, and the father set off to find him. He searched for months to no avail. Finally, in a last desperate effort to find him, the father put an ad in the Madrid newspaper. The ad read: “Dear Paco, meet me in front of more

  • The War Between Light And Darkness.

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jan 24, 2020

    Let us consider God's first four recorded words: LET THERE BE LIGHT. From that day until the final day before eternity there has been a dualism battle between LIGHT and darkness. Good needs candles that will give themselves for the LIGHT. Be a lamp to the feet of others.

    THE WAR BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARKNESS! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Matthew 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. On my first missions trip to Haiti the church there had what they called The Great Convention where Preachers and more

  • Saturday - The Day Of Darkness And Hopelessness Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Apr 11, 2022

    The biblical record of what took place on that Saturday between crucifixion Friday and resurrection Sunday is very brief. It was the Sabbath, and the disciples kept the Sabbath. There are important lessons for us to learn from what the disciples were surely going through on that dark Saturday.

    A. There’s an old saying that goes “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” 1. The saying is meant to suggest that things always seem to get worse before they get better. 2. And the saying also suggests that the dawn will come, that we need to persevere through hard times, because things will get more

  • Spiritual Help In A Dark Hour

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Hulse on Aug 17, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Saints, because of the lukewarmness that has infiltrated the church, we are living in an age of spiritual confusion and darkness but there is hope because God loves to dwell in the darkness.

    SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES (Matthew 4:16) "The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up." (Romans 5:2-5) (2) "By whom also we have more

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