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  • How To Trigger A Great Awakening

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on May 3, 2021

    Ultimately the Holy Spirit is the only one who can trigger a great awakening in your area. Yet the Spirit is willing. God works through people. He asks "Who will go?" Who is willing to say: "Here I am Lord, send me!"

    Ultimately the Holy Spirit is the only one who can trigger a great awakening in your area. Yet the Spirit is willing. God works through people. He asks "Who will go?" Who is willing to say: "Here I am Lord, send me!" That is the beginning. We become willing to be a vessel more

  • A Word To The Hypocrite Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Mar 30, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    From a 2008 series of messages on Romans.

    Romans - God’s Glorious Gospel A Word to the Hypocrite Romans 2:17-29 * Turn with me to Romans 2 and we’ll read verses 17-29. Today’s message is one which can be disturbing, if we embrace the truths contained in the text. Paul has just completed a message on God’s judgment being based on more

  • The True, Biblical Church Of God. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 27, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In today's diverse religious Doctrines and Divisions, it's essential to understand what constitutes the true, biblical Church of God.

    In today's diverse religious Doctrines and Divisions, it's essential to understand what constitutes the true, biblical Church of God. This sermon explores the Bible's teachings on the characteristics, purpose, and unity of the Church, helping us discern the authentic body of more

  • Paul Sees The Lord Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 31, 2017

    It was a little more difficult to preach in Samaria, because of the ancient traditions and prejudices of long standing which were expressed in the familiar words, “Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans” (John 4:9).

    February 26, 2014 By: Tom Lowe Series: The Early Church Lesson III.B.1: Paul Sees the Lord (9:1-9) Scripture 1 And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, 2 And desired of more

  • Breaking Down Prejudices Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Apr 8, 2024

    The Jews, like all other people, had developed their own laws and customs which created unrealistic prejudices between them and Gentiles. This very thing is what is explored with Cornelius and Peter, and shows us God's intervention to break this down!

    To the Ends of the Earth, Part 14 Breaking Down Prejudices Acts 10:1-33 Introduction - Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth” -- In 2023 we unpacked the beginning of all history (Creation/Fall/Promise) -- And we looked ahead, anticipated the coming & more

  • Righteousness Begins In The Heart Series

    Contributed by David Swanger on Mar 13, 2013

    Making clear His attitude toward the Old Law, Jesus challenged the religious leaders teaching and raised the bar when it came to righteous living.

    Righteousness Begins in the Heart Matthew 5:17-20 To some who were confident of their own righteousness (don’t miss that statement) and looked down on every¬one else, Jesus told this parable: Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Phari¬see more

  • Confrontation

    Contributed by Carla Powell on Oct 2, 2002
    based on 51 ratings

    Uses Matthew 18 to address the best way to approach interpersonal church conflicts.

    An amusing news story from Wales told of a feud in a church looking for a new pastor. It read: “Yesterday the two opposition groups both sent ministers to the pulpit. Both spoke simultaneously, each trying to shout above the other. Both called for hymns, and the congregation sang two -- each side more

  • He Still Came, Part 1

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Dec 1, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    The coming of Jesus Christ began not in Matthew, but Genesis. This is part one of a four part series leading up to Christ’s coming into the world.

    The story of the coming of Jesus Christ into this world begins not in Matthew, but in Genesis. Our Bibles have one overarching theme: God’s relationship with man. The first book of the Old Testament tells us how God made man in His own image and likeness. The first book of the New Testament more

  • This Holy Moment Reveals Why I Should Attend Church Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on May 31, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    I might need to re-think why I attend church

    Introduction Holy Moments are those just God and me moments. They can occur in the privacy of your prayer closet or even in a room with a thousand people. It is that time that God gets your attention, and it is just God and you engaged in a conversation. The Bible is full of Holy Moments. We have more

  • Sermon: Preserving The Best Of Both Worlds Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jan 17, 2023

    Jesus in this discourse helps us to realize the importance preserving the best of both worlds and the danger of putting new wine in old wineskins. New wineskins are flexible and easy to stretch, while old wineskins are difficult to stretch. How can we preserve the best of both worlds?

    Sermon: Preserving the Best of Both Worlds Scripture: Matt 9:10-17 “As Jesus went on from there, He saw a man named Matthew (Levi) sitting in the tax collector’s booth; and He said to him, “Follow Me [as My disciple, accepting Me as your Master and Teacher and walking the same path of life that I more

  • Pollution In The Soul Series

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on Apr 27, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus is confronted by the religious elite that His disciples weren’t washing correctly. Jesus tells the Pharisical hypocrites they have more problems than that to worry about.

    Pollution in the Soul Then the Pharisees and some of the scribes came together to Him, having come from Jerusalem. Now when they saw some of His disciples eat bread with defiled, that is, with unwashed hands, they found fault. For the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they wash their more

  • Jesus Is Better Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Dec 11, 2005
    based on 114 ratings

    Introduction to series on Hebrews entitled "Jesus is Better" this first sermon gives seven reasons that Jesus is better than every other religious system.

    A Study of the Book of Hebrews Sermon # 1 Jesus is Better Hebrews 1:1-3 The writer of the book of Hebrews returns again and again to the word “better” which is found some thirteen times in this book to show the superiority of more

  • Unfinished Business

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Sep 15, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    When bad things happen, people have unfisished business. Jesus turns to the religious and says that they do too.

    Unfinished business Last Sunday we were at a day of celebration of ministry and we had many things to celebrate. But our world circumstances gave us another agenda. We talked about what the real “acts of God” are in today’s world. The acts that the living body of Christ does to reach a world more

  • Two Conversion Stories Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Dec 18, 2000
    based on 64 ratings

    Two examples of religious decisions one false conversion (Simon the Sorcerer) and one true conversion (Ethiopian Treasurer).

    Two Conversion Stories Acts 8:5-40 The hero of Acts chapter 8 is Philip. Philip was one of the seven chosen to oversee the distribution of relief to the widows. Philip is the first person and the only person in the New Testament called an evangelist (Acts 21:8). It is interesting to consider that more

  • Even Shepherds Are Included Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Dec 5, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus was birth was not just a joyous announcment for the rich, the religious or those of prestige. Jesus’ birth was good news for everyone.

    Even Shepherds are Included Luke 2:8-19 Luke 2:8-19 That night some shepherds were in the fields outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep. [9] Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terribly frightened, more

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