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  • He Restoreth My Soul Series

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Nov 17, 2014

    We need relaxation, recuperation, and rehabilitation.

    Psalms 23:3 Monte T. Brown Introduction 1. He Restoreth My Soul Restoreth means to renew or bring back to a place once enjoyed. There is the doctrine of restoration taught in the Bible. The word "Meshibah" "restoreth" is translated in Psalms 19:7, converting. There is Restoration from more

  • What Memorial Will You Leave?

    Contributed by Louis Jenkins on May 28, 2016

    Memorial Day Sermon for a Senior Citizen Home or Rehabilitation Center

    What Memorial Will you Leave? A Memorial Day Sermon Matthew 26:6-13 Rev. Louis L. Jenkins Maple Springs Baptist Church Preached at Larkin Chase Care and Rehabilitation Center Sunday, May 29, 2016 Matthew 26:6-13 NIV While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, 7 a woman came to more

  • Rebuilt, Not Remodeled

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Jun 24, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    God never meant for the flesh to be rehabilitated, it needs to be sacrificed. The work of the Lord in our lives is not remodeling, but renewing.

    REBUILT NOT REMODELED You can take a hog and wash him up, put ribbons on his tail and sprinkle perfume on his body; but you still have a hog, and in short order, he will be wallowing again in the smelly mud and muck. IL.: A young boy was standing on the porch, trying to reach the doorbell. The more

  • God Is Truth And Every Human Being A Liar

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 14, 2017

    To show that GOD is all Truth and all men are liars. No one can be trusted only GOD and His WORDS.

    I. EXORDIUM: GOD is the Basis of ALL Truth. When it comes to who will be followed GOD or man, GOD is ALL Truth and all men are liars. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD is all Truth and all men are liars. No one can be trusted only GOD and His more

  • Admit You Are A Sinner Series

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on May 20, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    While sin is an act, much like to drink or to drug; sinning is a state of being, just like being an alcoholic or being a drug addict. Therefore, if one wants to be rehabilitated from the state of being a sinner, then one needs a 12 step program to support

    Sunday, July 6, 2008 “Admit you are a Sinner” Text: I John 1: 8 – 10 We embark on our Summer Sizzler series with an ambitious theme: “12 steps in nine weeks: breaking your addiction to sin.” Many of us will quickly recognize the 12 step program idea that is more

  • Acts Of The Apostles (14 Of 39)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 14, 2022

    Many in America today, seem to be confused as to why, when we incarcerate law breakers, and send them through a rehabilitation program, they go back to doing the same crimes again, after they are released.

    Well, the problem is that we are trying to fix the wrong thing. Illus: If you had trouble with the carburetor on your car, and you took it to be fixed, and the mechanic worked on the transmission, you would find, when you drove the car from the garage, that you still had the same trouble as more

  • Welcome To The Family Sermon Iv: Disseminating God's Grace Beyond The Household Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Sep 13, 2020

    When disasters or crises occur, mature Christians get involved in the plight of the victims and help with their rescue and rehabilitation because it's the right thing to do, as taught by Jesus in one of His famous parables.

    DISSEMENATING GOD’S GRACE BEYOND THE HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH Natural disasters, like hurricanes, that wreak havoc in the lives of so many people as well as wreck so much property, tend to bring out the best in all of us. Such was the case recently when untold more

  • Rahab's Rehab Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Oct 15, 2008
    based on 87 ratings

    From call girl to convert-This was much more than a rehabilitation. She wasn’t reformed or conformed-she was transformed! An added benefit: she became part of the line of Christ-a Greeeaaat G’ma of the Messiah! Link inc. to formatted text, audio, P’pt.

    Rahab’s Rehab Joshua 2:1-21; Hebrews 11.31 God rewards faith with His salvation...even in the guiltiest sinner. This woman went from being a call girl to being converted by just believing. And she went from ‘zero’ to ‘hero’ in nothing flat! Truly this more

  • Falling Prey To The Popularity Trap

    Contributed by James Wilson on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 114 ratings

    Teach the congregation to break free of the need to please others.

    Falling Prey to the Popularity Trip Ecclesiastes 2:14-16 14 The wise man's eyes are in his head, but the fool walks in darkness. And yet I know that one fate befalls them both. 15 Then I said to myself, "As is the fate of the fool, it will also befall me. Why then have I been extremely wise?" So more

  • The Satanic Origins Of Criminal Behavior In Men Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jun 27, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Criminal behavior is a pervasive issue that plagues our society, causing harm to individuals, families, and communities.

    Criminal behavior is a pervasive issue that plagues our society, causing harm to individuals, families, and communities. While various factors contribute to criminal behavior, a often overlooked aspect is the spiritual dimension. This article explores the connection between criminal behavior in men more

  • Ten Reasons Why You Should Give To The Salvation Army This Christmas Season

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 26, 2021

    The Salvation Army is a great organization to support during the Christmas! Full disclosure, I work for the Salvation Army and have for the past four years. But I'm very careful about where I donate my money.

    The views in this article do not necessarily represent the positions or opinions of the Salvation Army, it's partners or affiliates. The statements made belong solely to those making them. The Salvation Army is a great organization to support during the Christmas! Full disclosure, I work for more

  • Split

    Contributed by Jim Caswell on Jan 11, 2018

    We are to live as if it all belongs to God because it does!

    Title: Split Place: BLCC Date: 8/20/17 Text: Daniel 2 CT: We are to live as it all belongs to God. [Screen 1] FAS: Good morning. How are you all doing this morning? Everybody back in school and getting back into the routine. I pray everybody is settling in to a great new year. Had this buddy more

  • A Practical Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on May 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Forgiveness and love are hallmarks in the Christian community.

    2 Corinthians 2:1-10 “A Practical Forgiveness” INTRODUCTION In the second chapter of his second letter to the Corinthians Paul continues to address the issue of community and to answer the questions, “What is authentic community?” and “How do we as individuals more

  • Rehab For A Scoundrel

    Contributed by Joel Smith on Feb 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God has some bitter medicine that can kill or cure the scoundrel in you.

    Airport security personnel have a fairly mundane job. They scan people with metal detectors, look through their bags, check their shoes, and sometimes pat them down. It’s probably not uncommon to find a knife accidentally left in someone’s pocket. On rare occasions they might find drugs or fire more

  • An Impressionable Ministry Series

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on Feb 7, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus had an incredible ministry when he was in Capernaum. People were radically changed and brought their friends to Him.

    The next few weeks we will be examining the different types of ministries during Jesus life. Here is a list of those ministries: A Powerful Ministry, A Redeeming Ministry, A Remarkable Ministry, A Breath-taking Ministry and of course, A Rewarding Ministry. Introduction - Man Raised with more

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