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  • Dig A Well

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Jul 31, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    Sometimes life has a way of clogging up our spiritual arteries and the flow of Gods power is all but shut off, thats when we must dig a well.

    Gen 26:1, 26:3, 26:12-16 Famine in the land. Amos 8:11 11Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: Famine here is not an absence or shortage of the bible or commentaries., more

  • Dare To Hope

    Contributed by Sajeev Painunkal, Sj on Oct 22, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    There are no hopeless situations. Jesus asks us to trust and to keep praying. If we don't give up, miracles can happen in our lives.

    Last week I went to visit an elderly nun in her retirement residence. She was very happy to meet me and we spent some time chatting. While looking around in her room, I noticed a small table in a corner of the room and three small statues facing the corner. One looked like the statue of our more

  • The Four Aspects Of Balanced Maturity

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Nov 10, 2010
    based on 11 ratings

    This beautiful balanced growth of Jesus is the pattern for our own growth and maturity so that we will fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our life.

    Intro: From His birth until age twelve, Luke 2:40 tells us that the child Jesus grew both physically and spiritually. He was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him. Our main text Luke 2:52 also says that Jesus kept advancing in the four areas of growth – wisdom, stature (physical), more

  • Lesson 3: Worship While Suffering

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Oct 26, 2006

    “Worship is giving to God the worth that is due Him” –Old Definition

    “Worship is giving to God the worth that is due Him” –Old Definition A. WHEN TO WORSHIP 1. Worship when the worst calamity hits. “Then Job arose and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground and worshipped” (1:20). a. Completely humbled. b. Completely prostrate on more

  • Discover Peace Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Nov 23, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Peace is an illusive element in human life, but one we all crave. The Psalmist reminds us that peace is a gift from God and comes from placing our faith in God.

    Psalm 46:1-11 “Peace” INTRODUCTION Peace is a condition that is universally craved by humankind, yet it is also a condition that is very illusive. Few people and few nations experience true peace. During the history of humankind, it has been estimated that there have been only fourteen years more

  • His Plans Not Our Plans

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 19, 2013
    based on 7 ratings

    The Temple of the LORD and the dynasty of David.

    HIS PLANS, NOT OUR PLANS. 2 Samuel 7:1-16. (The title of this Sermon is based upon Isaiah 55:8-9.) There are three main thrusts in our reading in 2 Samuel today: 1. There is a subtle difference between a good idea and God’s will (2 Samuel 7:1-4); 2. God’s presence cannot be contained in a more

  • Expectations Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Dec 30, 2013

    New life brings with it new expectations

    Luke 2:1-14 “Expectations” INTRODUCTION The birth of a child brings with it dreams, hopes and expectations. There’s something about gazing upon that squirming bundle of life. A person sees a future with a full, unencumbered life. The sky is the limit. Anything is more

  • One Chosen Out Of The People

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 30, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Of David, and of Christ.

    ONE CHOSEN OUT OF THE PEOPLE. Psalm 89:1-4; Psalm 89:19-26. The Psalmist Ethan twice applauds the LORD’s mercy and faithfulness (Psalm 89:1-2). This reassurance is rooted in the LORD’s covenant promise to David (Psalm 89:3). The “seed” whose throne is “for ever” (Psalm 89:4) ultimately more

  • That All Humans Be Saved Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 19, 2019

    It is the will of God that all humans be saved, which was a crucial teaching of the Church all the way back to St. Paul.

    Thursday of 2nd Week in Course 2019 St Francis de Sales Jesus, our Lord, constantly had His mission from the Father in mind during His time on earth. That mission is to teach and heal, and to suffer and die for our salvation. It was the Father’s will that the Son should live as a real human being, more

  • Who Do You Say That I Am? Revised.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 8, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Peter’s confession was not merely the recitation of a creed: it was an expression of an inner belief and conviction which had taken hold of his whole life.

    WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM? Revised. Matthew 16:13-20. 1. Jesus asked, “WHO DO MEN SAY THAT I THE SON OF MAN AM?” (Matthew 16:13). Throughout the Gospels our Lord’s favourite name for Himself is: “the Son of man.” It is an expression which is found in Psalm 8:4. It is a title which more

  • Internal Dialogue Of The Prodigal Son

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Mar 6, 2019

    Lent 4C

    There are a couple dialogical excerpts from the Prodigal Son story that deals with our conscious awareness, which is to “think about one’s thinking” or to consciously know what one knows, and to explicitly use this cognitive process in our spiritual life. 1. The first is when the passage states, more

  • A Spiritual Autobiography

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Jul 30, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    What does your life say about God?

    A true story is told of a Ford Motor Company machinist in Detroit who became a Christian. In light of that experience he became a devout follower of God and desired to right his many wrongs. He had been stealing parts and tools from Ford for many years. The morning after his conversion, he acted more

  • What Is Prayer?

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Jan 20, 2002
    based on 21 ratings

    Prayer is a means to establish, deepen, and sustain our relationship with God.

    In the book, Steps Toward Spiritual Growth, the story is told of a man who was opening an adult bookstore in a small town despite the objections of many people in the community. A group of Christians from a neighboring church decided to gather for an all-night prayer meeting to ask to somehow block more

  • Rise And Shine

    Contributed by Tim Zukas on Jan 2, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Epiphany Sunday: Dates for Christmas and Epiphany. Star of Bethlehem. Calendar Development. Creation imagery.

    What do the Magi have for lunch? Pastronomy If the Magi are also philosophers, what do they have? Pastronomy on Why If the Magi Were Women... You know what would have happened if there had been three wise WOMEN instead of three wise MEN, don’t you? The three wise WOMEN would have asked for more

  • The Problem Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Scott Malone on Mar 1, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    The real problem with prayer is that it is so little used and yet has such great power

    THE PROBLEM OF PRAYER James 4:1-10 Things looked bleak for the children of George Muller’s orphanage at Ashley Downs in England. It was time for breakfast, and there was no food In the dining room, long tables were set with empty plates and empty mugs. Muller prayed, "Dear Father, we thank Thee more

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