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Sermons on reasons not to worship:

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  • Reasons To Thank God

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Nov 6, 2023

    The apostle Paul went through a lot of troubles, but he always found reasons to thank God. When writing to the church in Thessalonica he says that there were many things about them for which he continued to be thankful.

    Alba 11-5-2023 REASONS TO THANK GOD I Thessalonians 2:13-16 H.A. Ironside, who was the minister at Moody Church in Chicago last century, told of an experience he had in a crowded restaurant. Just as Ironside was about to begin his meal, a man approached and asked if he could join him. Ironside more

  • The Reason For The Ten Commandments Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jan 12, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    This series is taken from the book, "The Ten Commandments - God's Essential Rules For A Happy And Healthy Home" by Craig A. Nelson, and available at Amazon

    "When the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law." (Galatians 4:4 NKJV) The Ten Commandments are holy, but they do not have the power to save – only Jesus does. The Law was given primarily to maintain Israel as a separate people through whom more

  • Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Aug 19, 2023

    At first the disciples doubted. But when faced with the evidence, they weighed it, tested it, and then acted upon it. Their verdict has stood the test of time. And the grounds on which they stood are the same grounds upon which we can stand.

    Why do you suppose is it that, faced with the same data, some people interpret it one way and some people interpret it another? You have only to look at the George Floyd riots – and the other ones later that year - to know that. Not even exhaustive investigations convince people whose minds are more

  • The Pit Was Empty For A Reason PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 3, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To explore the story of Joseph to illustrate God's sovereignty, the power of faithful prayer, and the fulfillment of God's promises, encouraging us to trust in God's divine plan regardless of our circumstances.

    Good morning, family! Today, we are going to delve deep into a powerful story from the Old Testament that illustrates God's Sovereignty in our lives, the power of faithful prayer, and how God's plans and promises come to fruition. From the life of Joseph, we can glean precious wisdom to apply in more

  • Jesus Is The Reason For The Season PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 7, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the birth of Jesus Christ, emphasizing His roles as a source of joy, a justifier of the righteous, and a guiding light in life.

    Good morning, dear family of faith. It's a beautiful day that the Lord has made and we are here to rejoice and be glad in it. We are gathered here, not as strangers or mere acquaintances, but as a family bound by the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It's a joy to see each one of you, and it's my more

  • The Importance Of Corporate Worship Series

    Contributed by Michael De Rosa on Sep 9, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    It is vital that we do all we can to impress upon our children the importance of corporate worship

    Introduction: I want to give you a formula for success today that will encourage you and keep you in trying times. God + me = success When we read our text…. 28 “Be careful to obey all these regulations I am giving you, so that it may always go well with you and your children after you, more

  • Let Us Study: Backsliding

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Nov 1, 2023

    Today let us consider BACKSLIDING in the light of the word.

    IS IT BIBLICAL THAT ONE CAN BACKSLIDE? My Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) WE ARE LEAVING A TRAIL. Richard Dugdale wrote a book and he tells a story of 2 families. MAX JUKES was an atheist, A HARD DRINKER. He no use of faith and had no fear of God. He chose more

  • God Exalting Worship

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Mar 9, 2002
    based on 85 ratings

    The elements of dynamic worship that exalts God.

    God Exalting Worship John 4:20-24 One characteristic of most of the churches that are experiencing dynamic growth is that of God exalting worship. Irwin Lutzer believes in the importance of worship and put it this way, “If we haven’t learned to be worshipers, it doesn’t really matter how well we more

  • Sermon On A Raison D'être

    Contributed by William Meakin on Apr 12, 2024

    A niche is determined as a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment.

    Karol G, a female Colombian singer once remarked: “There's no path to success. Everyone constructs their own path. The important thing is to follow your heart. Find your niche, is my best advice.” Acts 1:7 reminds us: “He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father more

  • Worship - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Warren Lamb on Jun 3, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    True worship is a total giving over of oneself in every aspect of our life to God. Our life is to be seasoned with worship, but what is it and what does it accomplish? What is my part and what is God’s?

    Worship – Part 1 Romans 12:1; Isaiah 6:1-11a We are about to begin a journey of study into the character of some of the key people revealed to us in God’s Word – people who were significant in His story; people whom He used in a variety of ways with a variety of results. One very striking factor more

  • The Wonderful World Of Worship Series

    Contributed by William Jewett on Nov 27, 2001
    based on 49 ratings

    Part 1 of 4

    Have you ever been on a sailboat, with the wind at our backs blowing through the sails, riding across the waves, sun glistening across the water? It’s pretty exhilarating, isn’t it? But what happens to that sailboat when it’s tied down and not sailing? Wind sails through its riggings, but the more

  • "for This Reason" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Jul 20, 2020

    Reason is tied to purpose---what drives us? Reason is tied to conviction---why we believe? Reason is tied to passion---why we feel something so powerfully.

    “For this Reason” Ephesians 3:14-21 Paul begins this passage with the phrase “for this reason.” He used that phrase in chapter one to tell the people ---for this reason---because of your love for all of God’s people and because of your faith---I haven’t stopped praying for you. He uses to again more

  • (Section 3) Before You Pomise Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Jul 6, 2018

    Reasons to Marry? Choosing Mates, Compatibility

    Relationships and Marriage III. BEFORE YOU PROMISE INTRODUCTION: There was a you man who fell in love with a pretty young lady. He took her home to meet his mother before asking her to marry him. But alas, his mother disliked the girl intensely and refused to give her blessings. Three times more

  • What Judas Missed-7

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Sep 4, 2018

    7 of ? Judas missed the entirety of that which took place from the time of his leaving the Lord’s supper(13:30) until he arrived in the Garden of Gethsemane, with those who would arrest Jesus(18:3)! Judas Missed...

    WHAT JUDAS MISSED-VII—John 13:31–14:11(John 13:18--17:26) OR--‘WHILE YOU WERE OUT/AWAY’ Attention: The town of Banner Elk(~1000 residents) is located in the mountains of western North Carolina & is known for its ski resorts. However every year in the fall(near the end of October) the ‘Wooly Worm more

  • Come Now Let Us Reason Together Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 30, 2021

    God is not willing that any shall perish. He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. If any man dies lost, it is not because God willed it, but because that man refused to listen to God's invitation, "Come now."

    God spoke in our text through Isaiah to a very weak and wicked people. They have rebelled against God, and treated him like dirt. They have disobeyed His commandments; they have spurned His love, and have rejected His leading. They deserve nothing but God's wrath, but instead, God says, more

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